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John Haynes Holmes papers, 1899-1983

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General Correspondence, 1906-1967 (continued)
"Q-R" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Redding, Helen
"Ri-Ro" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 106 Rollins College
Roper, Ralph C.
"Ru-Se" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
Shepard, Roy, and family
Skinner, Mrs. Clarence R.
"Sm-St" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 107 "Sto-T" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Thomas, Norman
"Ti-V" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Voss, Carl Hermann
"W" miscellaneous
Walker, Jesse
War Resisters League
Watson, Blanche
"We" miscellaneous
Weston, Ross Allen
BOX 108 "Wh-Z"
(4 folders)
"A-Al" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
American Christian Palestine Committee
American Civil Liberties Union
Roger N. Baldwin Civil Liberties Foundation
BOX 109 1952-1953
American Friends Service Committee
American Unitarian Association
"An-Bar" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Barnes, Harry Elmer
"Be-Bo" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Boston Community Church
BOX 110 "Br-Brown" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Brown, Morris, and family
Calder, Arthur E.
"Ce" miscellaneous
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Christian Century and Christian Register
Church Peace Mission
Citizens' Committee for Improvement of Marriage and Divorce Laws
City Affairs Committee
"Cl-Co" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Communist organizations
Community Church
BOX 111 Council Against Intolerance in America
"Cr" miscellaneous
Curtice, C. Leslie
"D" miscellaneous
Das, Taraknath
Dawkins, Maurice
Denny, George V., Jr.
"Di" miscellaneous
Dodge, John L.
Doolittle, Ethelwyn
"E-F" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Fackert, Harold E.
Fellowship of Reconciliation
BOX 112 Floyd, Mrs. William (estate)
Foreign miscellaneous
Foster Parents' Plan for War Children
Foster, William Trufant and Trufant
"Fr" miscellaneous
France, Royal
"G" miscellaneous
Gallantier, Robert
Gandhi, Mahatma
"Gi-Gr" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Gregory, Percival (estate)
BOX 113 "H-Har" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Harper & Brothers
Harrington, Donald Szantho
Harvard College
"He" miscellaneous
Heyman, Cora, and family
Heynemann, Marie See also Containers 2, 100 , 125 , 141 , 155 , 235 , 241 , 248 , 256 , 264, same heading
"Ho" miscellaneous
Holmes family
Holmes, Roger W.
Howard, Harry Paxton
"Hu" miscellaneous
"I" miscellaneous
BOX 114 India
India League of America
"J" miscellaneous
Jewish organizations
"Jo-Kn" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward I.
"L" miscellaneous
Lamont, Corliss
Laub, Lillian
BOX 115 "Le" miscellaneous
League for Industrial Democracy
Little, Brown & Co.
"Lo" miscellaneous
Loewenthal, Minnie
"M" miscellaneous
Macmillan Co.
"Mar-Me" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Middleton, Mrs. John
"Mo" miscellaneous
Moesel, George E.
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