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John Haynes Holmes papers, 1899-1983

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General Correspondence, 1906-1967 (continued)
Lowe, Theo
"M-P" miscellaneous
Macmillan Co.
Moesel, George E.
Neilson, Francis
New York Times
Open Forum Speakers Bureau
Research Council on Problems of Alcohol
BOX 11 "S" miscellaneous
Schneider, Flora
Seward, Paul
Spanish Civil War
Unity Publishing Co.
Ann Cook
Curtis W. Reese
War Resisters League
Wertheim, Edward L. (Hanna Fried)
"A" miscellaneous
American Civil Liberties Union
(2 folders)
BOX 12 American Civil Liberties Union minutes
American Unitarian Association
Anti-Defamation League
"B-C" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Christian Century
Christian Register
City Affairs Committee
"Co" miscellaneous
Colodne, Carl
BOX 13 Committee, miscellaneous
Community Church, new members, resignations
Conklin, Jean
Council Against Intolerance in America
"Cr-D" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Das Gupta, Kedar Nath
Davis, Jerome
"De" miscellaneous
Doolittle, Ethelwyn
(2 folders)
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Floyd, William
"Fr" miscellaneous
French (Samuel), Inc.
BOX 14 "G" miscellaneous
Gandhi, Mahatma
"Go" miscellaneous
Goldman, Emma
"Gri-Ho" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
Holmes family
"Hu-I" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 15 "J" miscellaneous
Jewish organizations
"Jo-K" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Keep America Out of War Congress
"Ki-Kn" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Kuhn, Hedwig S.
"L" miscellaneous
La Guardia, Fiorello H.
Land, Leon
"Le" miscellaneous
League, miscellaneous
Leigh (W. Colston) Inc.
Levinson, S. O.
BOX 16 "Li-Ll" miscellaneous
Little, Brown & Co.
"Lo" miscellaneous
Loewnthal, Minnie
Lowe, Theo
Macmillan Co.
"M-Mo" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
Moesel, George E.
"Mu" miscellaneous
BOX 17 "N" miscellaneous
National Religion and Labor Foundation
National, miscellaneous
New York City Coordination Committee for Democratic Action
New York Herald Tribune
New York, miscellaneous
"Ni-O" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Open Forum Speakers Bureau
"P" miscellaneous
"Pe" miscellaneous
Pierce, Edith Lovejoy
"Pl" miscellaneous
BOX 18 "R" miscellaneous
Research Council on Problems of Alcohol
"Ri-Ro" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Rochester, N.Y.
Roper, Ralph C.
"Ru" miscellaneous
"S-Si" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 19 Skinner, Clarence
"Sm-Sn" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Socialist Party
"St-Sto" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Survey Associates
Syracuse Lenten Services
"T" miscellaneous
"Ti" miscellaneous
Town Hall
Unity Publishing Co., Ann Cook and Curtis W. Reese
"U-V" miscellaneous
Volk, Henry and Mathilde
BOX 20 "W" miscellaneous
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