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John Haynes Holmes papers, 1899-1983

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General Correspondence, 1906-1967 (continued)
BOX 133 "Sn" miscellaneous
Sobell, Morton
"St" miscellaneous
Steinhardt, Mary (Mrs. Otto)
"Sto-T" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Thomas, Norman
"Ti-V" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Voss, Carl Hermann
BOX 134 "W" miscellaneous
War Resisters League
Watson, Blanche
"We" miscellaneous
Weston, Ross Allen
"Wh-Wi" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Winslow, Gertrude
"Wo" miscellaneous
Wolff, Alvin J.
"XYZ" miscellaneous
"A" miscellaneous
Agnew, John C.
"Al" miscellaneous
BOX 135 American Civil Liberties Union
American Unitarian Association
American, miscellaneous
"An-Be" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
Beacon Press
BOX 136 Beckett, Henry
"Bi-Bo" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Boston Community Church
Brentano, Inc.
"Bro" miscellaneous
Brown, David and Janie
Brown, Frances
Brudno, Mollie
Buxton, Marguerite
"C" miscellaneous
Calder, Arthur E.
BOX 137 Carter, Franklin I.
"Ce" miscellaneous
Chambers, Winnie (Mrs. Stanley)
Christian Century and Christian Register
"Cl" miscellaneous
Cleveland, Kathleen
"Co" miscellaneous
Cole, Alfred
Committees, miscellaneous
Community Church, miscellaneous
"Cr" miscellaneous
BOX 138 "D1956-1960
Davis, Jerome
Doolittle, Ethelwyn
"Di-E" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Eichel, Julius and Seymour
"Em-F" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Fackert, Harold E.
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Foote, Henry Wilder
"Fl" miscellaneous
BOX 139 Foster, William Trufant and Trufant
"Fr" miscellaneous
Fraser, A. A. and Cynthia
Fritchman, Stephen
"G" miscellaneous
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gillingham, Anna G. See also Containers 1 , 84 , 124 , 154 , 226 , 248 , 256 , and 263, same heading
"Go-Gr" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Grimm, Peter
Grinder, Sally
BOX 140 "H" miscellaneous
Harper and Brothers
Harrington, Donald Szantho
Harvard College
Harvard College Library
"He" miscellaneous
Herrick, Elinore Morehouse
Heyman, Cora, Madeleine, and Joseph
BOX 141 Heynemann, Marie See also Containers 2 , 100 , 113 , 125 , 155 , 235 , 241 , 248 , 256 , 264, same heading
"Hi-Ho" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Holmes's eightieth birthday
Holmes family
Holmes, Marion
Holmes, Robert Henry
Holmes, Roger
Howard, Harry Paxton
"Hu" miscellaneous
BOX 142 "I" miscellaneous
I Speak for Myself
India, publications
"J" miscellaneous
Jewish organizations
"Jo-K" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Kennebunk, Maine
"Ki" miscellaneous
BOX 143 Kreuser, Leonore and Otto
Kuhn, Hedwig
"L" miscellaneous
Laub, Lillian
"Le" miscellaneous
League for Industrial Democracy
Lissner, Will
"Lo" miscellaneous
Loewenthal, Minnie
BOX 144 "M" miscellaneous
Mangus, James
"Mar" miscellaneous
Mayer, Louis
"McA-Me" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Melish, John Howard
Moesel, George E.
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