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John Haynes Holmes papers, 1899-1983

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Letters Sent, 1920-1967 (continued)
Roper, Ralph C.
"S" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 261 REEL 49 Schneider, Flora
Schwartz, Doris
Sharpe, Dr. and Mrs. William
Sherman, Editta
Skinner, Mrs. Clarence R.
Sobell, Morton
Steinhardt, Mary
"T" miscellaneous
Thomas, Norman
"U-V" miscellaneous
Voss, Carl Hermann
"W" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Weston, Ross Allen
Will, Blanca
Winslow, Gertrude
Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J.
"X-Z" miscellaneous
BOX 262 REEL 49-50 1960-1964
"A" miscellaneous
Ahlborn, Emil
American Civil Liberties Union
American, miscellaneous
"B" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Beckett, Henry
Brown, David and Janie
Brown, Frances
"C" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Calder, Arthur E.
Chalmers, Allan Knight
BOX 263 REEL 50 Cole, Alfred
Collier, Francis
Community Church, miscellaneous
"D-F" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Foote, Henry W.
Fowler, Marjorie (Mrs. Carl)
Fritchman, Stephen
"G" miscellaneous
Gillingham, Anna G. See also Containers 1 , 84 , 124 , 139 , 154 , 226 , 248 , and 256, same heading
Greeting acknowledgments
Grimm, Peter
"H" miscellaneous
BOX 264 REEL 51 Harrington, Donald Szantho
Harris, Coleman
Harvard College
Harvard College Library
Herrick, Elinore Morehouse
Heyman, Cora and Madeleine
Heynemann, Marie See also Containers 2 , 100 , 113 , 125 , 141 , 155 , 235 , 241 , 248 , and 256, same heading
Holmes family
Holmes, John Haynes, correspondence following his death
Holmes, Madeleine, sympathy letters at her death
Holmes, Marion
BOX 265 REEL 51-52 Holmes, Robert Henry
Holmes, Roger W.
Howard, Harry Paxton
"I" miscellaneous
"J-K" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Katz, Adria and Stanley
Kreuser, Leonore and Otto
Kuhn, Hedwig
"L" miscellaneous
Lamont, Corliss
League for Industrial Democracy
Loewenthal, Minnie
BOX 266 REEL 52 "M" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Maloff, Pete
Mayer, Louis
Melish, John Howard
Moesel, George E.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce See also Containers 3 , 115 , 129 , 144 , 160 , 243 , 250 , and 259, same heading
Morris, Mary
"N" miscellaneous
National, miscellaneous
Nelson, Carl
"O" miscellaneous
BOX 267 REEL 52-53 "P" miscellaneous
Papandrew, John
Phalen, Charlotte (Mrs. C. R.)
Pierce, Edith Lovejoy
Post War World Council
Potter, Charles Francis
Pratt, Alice D.
Pratt, William Haynes
Pruyn, Mrs. Francis
Purintun, Theodore
"Q-R" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Religion and Labor Council
Roggeveen, Irene
"S" miscellaneous
(1 folder)
BOX 268
(1 folder)
Schneider, Flora
Schwartz, Doris
Skinner, Mrs. Clarence R.
Sobell, Morton
Steinhardt, Mary
"T" miscellaneous
Thomas, Norman
"U-V" miscellaneous
Unitarian Universalist Association
Van de Workeen, Melvin
Voss, Carl Hermann
Vuilleumier, Jules
"W" miscellaneous
Westfall, Edith
Will, Blanca
"X-Z" miscellaneous
1964-1967, letters of Holmes's former secretary
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