The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Brien McMahon papers, 1943-1952
BOX 1-2 General Correspondence and Other Papers, 1943-1952
Mainly letters sent and received. Included are numerous enclosures such as memoranda, copies of speeches, pamphlets, brochures, clippings, miscellaneous items.
Chronological arrangement.
BOX 1 1943-1950
BOX 2 1951-1952
BOX 3 Congressional File, 1945-1952
Printed and typescript copies of bills and resolutions introduced by McMahon in the 79th-82nd Congresses, and a scrapbook of clippings, “Remarks in Congressional Record by Senator McMahon,” 81st Congress, 1st Session.
Chronological arrangement.
BOX 3 1945-1952
BOX 4-9 Addresses and Press Releases, 1943-1952
Handwritten, typescript, near prints, and printed copies of addresses, speeches, and press releases.
Chronological arrangement.
BOX 4 1943-1946
BOX 5 1947
BOX 6 1948
BOX 7 1949
BOX 7 1950, Aug. 1950
BOX 8 1950, Sept.-1951, July
BOX 9 1951, Aug.-1952, July
BOX 9 Articles, 1948-1951
Typescript and printed copies of articles by McMahon.
Chronological arrangement.
BOX 9 1948-1951
BOX 10 Speech Material, 1946-1952
Government publications, pamphlets, and near print copies of memoranda and speeches, brochures, and clippings used by McMahon in preparing addresses and articles.
Chronological arrangement.

Contents List