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Abraham Ribicoff papers, 1927-1981

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Miscellany, 1927-1981 (continued)
BOX 656 By George Goodwin, 1969-1975
(3 folders)
Miscellaneous publishing
(6 folders)
BOX 657 1971-1978
(13 folders)
BOX 658 1978-1979
(7 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX 659 1966-1967
(4 folders)
Retirement letters, 1979-1980
(7 folders)
BOX 660 Correspondence management system
Pre-CMS sample letters
BOX 661 CMS index
BOX 662 Index
(6 folders)
BOX 663 M-Z
(6 folders)
BOX OV 664 Oversize material
BOX OV 665 1960-1961
BOX OV 666 1961
BOX OV 667 1961
BOX OV 668 1961-1962
BOX OV 669 1961-1962
BOX OV 670 1962
BOX OV 671 1962
BOX OV 672 1974
BOX OV 673 Draft campaign literature, 1968
BOX OV 674-OV 675 Card files of contributions, 1973-1974
BOX 676 Information about the files
Sources of information about Ribicoff
Other materials about Ribicoff (collections)
Oral history transcripts See Appendix
D'Amato, C. Richard, background information, 1981
Questionnaires about value of various series of Office Records See Appendix
Discarded series, description
Miscellany (unsorted)
BOX 677-682 1987 Addition, 1975-1976
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, congressional testimony statements and transcripts, newspaper clippings and other printed matter pertaining to the committee's investigation of computer crime in federal programs and private industry.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 677 Government Operations Committee Files, 1975-1976
Abbott, Robert P., testimony
Agriculture Department
(2 folders)
Allen, Brandt R.
Bequai, August
Bureau of Prisons
(1 folder)
BOX 678 (2 folders)
NIC/CCH Summaries, Leavenworth participants
Central Intelligence Agency
Civil Service Commission
Commerce Department
National Bureau of Standards
Committee bill, L. H. Fountain: HEW Fraud and Regulation Abuse
BOX 679 Committee print, Report of Teamsters Local 295
Computer Security Institute
Computer, miscellany
Congressional Record, reprints
Defense Department
Energy Resources and Development Administration
General Accounting Office, clippings
General Services Administration testimony file
Health, Education, and Welfare Department
ADP Systems Security
BOX 680 Testimony draft
Justice Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Kranzberg, Melvin
Library of Congress Congressional Research Service, computer security material
Management and Budget Office
Navy Department, Subverts “Secure” System
Nycum, Susan, testimony
BOX 681 Parker, Donn B., testimony
(3 folders)
Press releases
Scantlebury, Don, testimony
Staff study
Thank-you letters
Treasury Department
Internal Revenue Service computer
Case, Bureau of Prisons
BOX 682 General
Ribicoff's opening statement
Working papers of Philip Manuel
Computer case
(4 folders)
BOX 683-694 2023 Addition, 1963-1980
Bound volumes containing select speeches, hearing statements, and articles on a variety of domestic and international issues from Ribicoff's tenure as a United States senator.
Arranged numerically by volume.
BOX 683 "Speeches," 1963-1980
BOX 683 Vols. 1-3
BOX 684 Vols. 4-5
BOX 685 Vols. 6-7
BOX 686 Vols. 8-10
BOX 687 Vols. 11-12
BOX 688 Vols. 13-15
BOX 689 Vols. 16-17
BOX 690 Vols. 18-19
BOX 691 Vols. 20-22
BOX 692 Vols. 23-25
BOX 693 Vols. 26-27
BOX 694 Vol. 28
REEL 1-159 Microfilm Set I: Outgoing Correspondence, 1963-1980
Microfilm of outgoing correspondence.
Arranged by year and therein alphabetically by name of correspondent. Shelf no. 18,138
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