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Thomas James Walsh and John Edward Erickson papers, 1910-1934

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Part II: Walsh Files, 1913-1933 (continued)
BOX II:11-14 Bills, Amendments, and Resolutions, 1929-1933
Letters sent and received and bills pertaining to them.
Arranged by Congresses and by sessions therein.
BOX II:11 71st Congress, 1929-1931
Sessions 1-3
BOX II:12 Sessions 1-3
BOX II:13 72nd Congress, 1931-1933
Sessions 1-2
BOX II:14 Sessions 1-2
BOX II:15-19 World Court Legislation, 1923-1933
Letters sent and received.
Arranged chronologically by year.
BOX II:15 1923-1925
BOX II:16 1926-1928
BOX II:17 1929-1930
BOX II:18 1931-1932
BOX II:19 1932-1933
BOX II:20-21 Flathead Power Site, 1927-1930
Mainly letters sent and received and some printed matter.
Roughly chronological.
BOX II:20 1927-1930
BOX II:21 1927-1930
BOX II:22-23 Legislative Correspondence, 1925-1933
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by subject with reverse chronological arrangement therein.
BOX II:22 A-Ma, 1925-1933
BOX II:23 Me-W, 1925-1933
BOX II:24-25 Land Cases, 1927-1931
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by name of correspondent. Q-Z files are absent.
BOX II:24 A-G, 1927-1931
BOX II:25 H-M, 1927-1931
BOX II:26-27 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway, 1921-1933
Mainly letters sent and received and some printed matter. .
Correspondence is chronologically arranged
BOX II:26 1921-1933
BOX II:27 Printed matter, 1921-1933
BOX II:28-33 War Risk Insurance, 1930-1933
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by name of correspondent.
BOX II:34-47 Printed Matter, 1913-1933
Bound volumes of bills introduced by Walsh from the 63rd to the 71st Congresses.
Arranged by year. Also bound volumes of extracts from the Congressional Record from the 63rd to the 71st Congresses. Each volume is indexed and arranged according to session. Additional material includes newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and one scrapbook, 1921-1929.
BOX II:34 Walsh bills
63rd -66th Congress, 1913-1920
(4 vols.)
BOX II:35 67th -71st Congress, 1921-1930
(5 vols.)
BOX II:36 Congressional extracts
63rd Congress, 1913-1915
BOX II:37 64th Congress, 1915-1917
BOX II:38 65th Congress, 1917-1919
BOX II:39 66th Congress, 1919-1921
BOX II:40 67th Congress, 1921-1922
Sessions 1-2
(2 vols.)
BOX II:41 Sessions 3-4
(2 vols.)
68th Congress, session 1, 1922-1924
BOX II:42 69th Congress, 1925-1926
Session 1
BOX II:43 Session 2
(2 vols.)
70th Congress, 1926-1929
BOX II:44 71st Congress, sessions 1-2, 1929-1931
(2 vols.)
BOX II:45 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
BOX II:46 1921-1929
BOX II:47 Scrapbook and pamphlets
BOX II:48 Photographs, undated
BOX II:49-82 Part II: Walsh and Erickson Files, 1922-1934
BOX II:49-61 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1933-1934
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by subject with reverse chronological arrangement therein.
BOX II:49 “A-Big”
BOX II:50 “Bir”
BOX II:51 “Congre”
BOX II:52 “Dog-Fed”
BOX II:53 “Fed-Fort”
BOX II:54 “Fort-G”
BOX II:55 “H-I”
BOX II:56 “J-Mea”
BOX II:57 “Med-Ph”
BOX II:58 “Po-Pu”
BOX II:59 “Ra-Rel”
BOX II:60 “Ret-S”
BOX II:61 “T-W”
BOX II:62-68 Appointments Correspondence, 1933-1934
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by subject with reverse chronological arrangement therein.
BOX II:62 “A-Coa”
BOX II:63 “Com-Gea”
BOX II:64 “Gen-Indi”
BOX II:65 “Indu-Mil”
BOX II:66 “Mis-Nav”
BOX II:67 “Nec-Rec”
BOX II:68 “Red-Y”
BOX II:69-76 Legislative Correspondence, 1933-1934
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by subject with reverse chronological arrangement therein.
BOX II:69 “A-B” miscellaneous
BOX II:70 "C-Gr” miscellaneous
BOX II:71 “Gt-I” miscellaneous
BOX II:72 “J-O” miscellaneous
BOX II:73 “P-Ra” miscellaneous
BOX II:74 “Re-Sc” miscellaneous
BOX II:75 “Si-St” miscellaneous
BOX II:76 “St-W” miscellaneous
BOX II:77-82 Pension Correspondence, 1922-1934
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by name of correspondent.
BOX II:77 “A-C”
BOX II:78 “D-H”
BOX II:79 “I-Mc”
BOX II:80 “Me-R”
BOX II:81 “S-Z”

Contents List