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Edward N. Lorenz papers, circa 1895-2009

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BOX 14-15 Science File, 1961-1996
Computer printouts, computer graphics, computer programs, chart records, drawings, conference material, printed matter, notes, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or topic.
BOX 14 Computer graphics, chart records, and drawings
BOX 14 Miscellaneous, 1979-1991, undated See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX 14 Moist model runs, 1981
BOX 14 “Chaos 25 Years Ago,” chart record, circa 1961 See Artifact
BOX 14 “Some Strange Birds . . .,” display, undated See Oversize
BOX 14 Computer printouts, 1961-1987 See Oversize
BOX 14 Computer programs, 1974, 1980
BOX 14 Conferences, 1963-2003
BOX 14 Notes, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 15 Photographs, undated
BOX 15 Printed matter, 1963, 1996
BOX 15 Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canada, weather data, 1970-1972 Available only on microfilm. Shelf no. 23,490
BOX 15 Royal McBee Corp., computer, 1958-1961
BOX 15-18 Organizations, 1942-2003
Military personnel records, subject files, contracts, proposals, teaching files, printed matter, material relating to World War II reunions, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization.
BOX 15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 15 Charney, Jule G.
BOX 15 Interviews, 1982-1986
(3 folders)
BOX 15 Miscellany, 1967, 1981-1986
BOX 15 Scientific papers presented in his honor, 1983
(1 folder)
BOX 16 (1 folder)
BOX 16 Contracts and proposals
BOX 16 Department of Commerce, 1966-1969
BOX 16 Miscellaneous, 1963, 1976-1977, 1988
BOX 16 National Science Foundation, 1968-2000
BOX 16 United States Air Forces, 1955-1968, 1985-1987, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 17 United States Navy, 1951-1956
(2 folders)
BOX 17 Curry, James H., 1978-1988
BOX 17 Miscellany, 1977-2003
BOX 17 Phone lists, 1887, 1997
BOX 17 Printed matter, 1977-1988, 1987, 1991
BOX 17 Retirement, 1987
BOX 17 Teaching file
BOX 17 Class 19.962, 1983-1984
BOX 17 Miscellany
BOX 17 1959-1981
(2 folders)
BOX 18 1984-1991
BOX 18 Miscellaneous, 1955, 1977-1979
BOX 18 National Academy of Sciences, 1972-1973, 2006
BOX 18 Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1979
BOX 18 United States Army Air Forces, World War II service
BOX 18 Miscellany, 1942-1954
(3 folders)
BOX 18 Reunions, 1942, 1978-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 19-39 Speeches and Writings, 1941-2008
Articles, scientific papers, book files, speech files, overhead and slide presentations, reviews, bibliographies, and digital files including chaos theory data visualization software. The digital files were copied from storage media found within the paper files in the course of processing.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. Digital files are listed according to the box and folder in which the storage media was filed. Files structures were maintained as received.
BOX 19 By Lorenz
BOX 19 Articles
BOX 19 Alphabetical file
BOX 19 “An Alternative Layered Model,” undated
BOX 19 “Application of the Angular Momentum Principle to Cyclones,” 1952
BOX 19 “An Attractor Embedded in the Atmosphere,” undated
BOX 19 “Atmospheric Predictability Experiments with a Large Numerical Model,” 1982
BOX 19 “Atmospheric Predictability: Do We Have a Mathematical Theory?,” undated
BOX 19 “Atmospheric Predictability: The Formulation of a Theory,” undated
BOX 19 “Attractor Sets and Quasi-Geostrophic Equilibrium,” 1980
BOX 19 “Available Energy in a Moist Atmosphere,” undated
BOX 19 “Available Potential Energy and the Maintenance of the General Circulation,” 1954
BOX 19 “Barotropic Instability of Rossby-Wave Motion,” undated
BOX 19 “Can Chaos and Intransitivity Lead to International Variability,” undated
BOX 19 “Chaos and Climate,” 1993-1994
BOX 19 “Chaos and the Limitations to Prediction,” undated
BOX 19 “Chaos and Weather Prediction,” 1991
BOX 19 “The Circulation of the Atmosphere,” undated
BOX 19 “Climate Is What You Expect,” undated
BOX 19 “Climate Sensitivity and long-Period Temperature Fluctuations,” 1987
BOX 19 "Computational Chaos–a Prelude to Computational Instability,” 1988
BOX 19 “Computational Periodicity as Observed in a Simple System,” undated
BOX 19 “Compound Windows on the Hénon-Map,” undated
BOX 19 “Construction of a 3-Component G. C. M.,” undated
BOX 19 “Designing chaotic Models,” 2004
BOX 19 “Deterministic and Stochastic Aspects of Atmosphere Dynamics,” 1987
BOX 19 “Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow,” 1963
BOX 19 “Dimensionality of Weather and Climate Attractors,” undated
BOX 19 “Dynamical Systems with Strange Attractors and Strange Repellors,” undated
BOX 19 “Effects of Analysis and Model Errors on Routine Weather Forecasts,” undated
BOX 20 “Energetics of Atmosphere Circulation,” undated
BOX 20 “Energy and Numerical Weather Prediction,” 1960
BOX 20 “Entropy as a Measure of Atmospheric Uncertainty,” undated
BOX 20 “Estimates of Atmospheric Predictability at Medium Range,” undated
BOX 20 “Evolution of Dynamic Meteorology,” undated
BOX 20 “Expected Inverses of Covariance Matrices,” undated
BOX 20 “An Experiment in Nonlinear Statistical Weather Forecasting,” 1976
BOX 20 “The Feasibility of a Low-Order Model of Moist General Circulation,” 1980
BOX 20 “Formulation of a Low-Order Model of a Moist General Circulation,” 1984
BOX 20 “Fluid Models in Geophysics,” 1953
BOX 20 “Forecast for Another Century of Weather Progress,” undated
BOX 20 “The Future Quality of Weather Forecasting,” 1969
BOX 20 “The General Circulation of the Atmosphere: An Evolving Problem,” 1991
BOX 20 “Generation of Available Potential Energy and the Intensity of the General Circulation,” 1955
BOX 20 “A Generalization of the Dirac Equations,” 1941
BOX 20 “The Growth of Errors in Prediction,” 1985
BOX 20 “A History of Prevailing Ideas about the Circulation of the Atmosphere,” undated
BOX 20 “How Complicated Is the Circulation of the Earth's Atmosphere,” undated
BOX 20 “How Good Can Weather Forecasting Become? The Start of a Theory,” undated
BOX 20 “The Index Cycle Is Alive and Well,” undated
BOX 20 “The Interaction between a Mean Flow and Random Disturbances,” 1952
BOX 20 “Investigations of Atmospheric Predictability,” undated
BOX 20 “Large-Scale Motions of the Atmosphere: Circulation,” undated
BOX 20 “The Local Structure of a Chaotic Attractor,” 1983
BOX 20 “A Look at Some Details of the Growth of Initial Uncertainties,” undated
BOX 20 “Low Order Models Representing Realizations of Turbulence,” 1971
BOX 20 “Lyapunov Numbers and the Local Structure of Attractors,” 1984
BOX 21 “The Mathematical Basis of Climate,” undated
BOX 21 “The Mechanics of Vacillation,” 1963
BOX 21 “Model Bending,” undated
BOX 21 “The Nature of the Global Circulation of the Atmosphere: A Personal View,” 1970
BOX 21 “An N-Cycle Time Differencing Scheme for Stepwise Numerical Integration,” 1971
BOX 21 “A Nine-Variable Primitive-Equation Model with a Quadratic Energy Invariant,” undated
BOX 21 “Noisy Periodicity and Reverse Bifurcation,” 1980
BOX 21 “Nonlinearity, Weather Prediction, and Climate Deduction,” 1966
BOX 21 “A Note on Extended Range Predictability,” 1973
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