The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Waldo Peirce papers, 1889-1985
General Correspondence, 1909-1970 (continued)
"S" miscellaneous (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX 14 "S" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 14 Taubes, Frederic
BOX 14 "T" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 14 "U" miscellaneous
BOX 14 Van Doren, Mark
BOX 14 Van Loon, Gerard Willem
BOX 14 Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
BOX 14 "V" miscellaneous
BOX 14 Weston, Christine
BOX 14 White, E. B.
BOX 14 White, Katharine S.
BOX 14 White, Paul Dudley
BOX 14 White, Wallace H.
BOX 14 Whitehill, Walter Muir
BOX 14 Williams, Oscar
BOX 14 Willingham, Calder
BOX 14 "W" miscellaneous
BOX 15 "W" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 15 Young, Art
BOX 15 "Y" miscellaneous
BOX 15 Zorach, Dahlov
BOX 15 Zorach, William
BOX 15 Unidentified
(2 folders)
BOX 16 Bound file
BOX 16 Vol. 1, 1919-1933, 1940, undated
BOX 16 Vol. 2, 1931-1935, undated
BOX 17 Vol. 3, 1910, 1931-1943
BOX 17 Vol. 4, 1935-1936
Available on microfilm, shelf no. 15,751
BOX 18 Vol. 5, 1936-1937
Available on microfilm, shelf no. 15,751
BOX 18 Vol. 6., 1939
BOX 19 Vol. 7, 1940-1941
Available on microfilm, shelf no. 15,751
BOX 20-22 Miscellany, 1889-1969
Bills and receipts, poems, school papers, and other items.
Arranged by material type.
BOX 20 Autobiography, incomplete draft
BOX 20 Bills and receipts
(3 folders)
BOX 20 Biographical information
BOX 20 Children's drawings
(2 folders)
BOX 21 Last will and testament
BOX 21 Poems
BOX 21 Photographs
BOX 21 School papers
(3 folders)
BOX 22 School papers
(2 folders)
BOX 22 Printed matter
BOX 22 General miscellany, 1901-1955, undated
BOX 23-25 Formerly Restricted Family Correspondence, 1910-1969
Family letters received.
Arranged by name of family member.
BOX 23 Family correspondence
BOX 23 McCormick, Ada Peirce, 1910-1970
(2 folders)
BOX 23 McCormick, Fred C. 1923-1950
BOX 23 Neisser, Anna Peirce, 1939-1968
(3 folders)
BOX 24 Neisser, Anna Peirce, 1939-1968
BOX 24 Neisser, Ulric, 1954-1963
BOX 24 Peirce, Alzita, 1930-1950
BOX 24 Peirce, Catherine, circa 1968
BOX 24 Peirce, Ellen, 1945-1961
BOX 24 Peirce, Gareth, 1964-1966
BOX 24 Peirce, Ivy Troutman, 1922-1964
(2 folders)
BOX 25 Peirce, Jonathan Waldo, 1952-1969
BOX 25 Peirce, Karen Julia, 1957-1969
BOX 25 Peirce, Mellen, III, 1933-1963
BOX 25 Peirce, Michael, 1933-1963
(3 folders)
BOX 26-29 1987 Addition, 1889-1977
Family correspondence, general correspondence, special correspondence, writings, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged by type of material and therein alphabetically by name of person, organization, subject, or title. Writings in Container 28 titled “Alphabets Intimes” and “Le Mariage de Suzanne,” written and illustrated by Peirce before World War I, are available only on microfilm, shelf no. 19,450.
BOX 26 Family correspondence
BOX 26 Bahr, Rebecca Boehm, 1967
BOX 26 Hayford, Laura, 1908
BOX 26 McCormick, Ada Peirce, 1931-1944
BOX 26 Peirce, Anna Hayford
BOX 26 1893-1927
(9 folders)
BOX 27 1910-1927, typescripts
(2 folders)
BOX 27 Peirce, Ellen Larsen, 1958-1969
BOX 27 Peirce, Jonathan Waldo (“John”), 1962-1968, undated
BOX 27 Peirce, Karen Julia, 1952-1962, undated
BOX 27 Peirce, Mellen C., 1912-1928
BOX 27 Reis, Rachael Boehm, 1967
BOX 27 General correspondence, 1910-1955
BOX 27 Special correspondence
BOX 27 Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, 1966-1970
BOX 27 Cambridge School of Weston, Mass., 1966
BOX 27 Colby College, Waterville, Maine, 1968-1970
BOX 27 Harvard University, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1932-1933
BOX 27 Library of Congress, 1965
BOX 27 Midtown Galleries, New York, N.Y., 1937-1970
BOX 27 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., 1932-1967
BOX 27 Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J., 1966
BOX 27 Searsport, Maine, School Department, 1966
BOX 27 University of Maine, Orono, Maine, 1965-1969
BOX 27 Wise, Russell, and Winnie Wise, 1954-1977, undated
BOX 28 Writings file
BOX 28 Autobiography, chapter drafts
BOX 28 Booklets, “Alphabets Intimes” and “Le Mariage de Suzanne,” written and illustrated by Peirce before World War I
Available only on microfilm, shelf no. 19,450
BOX 28 Reviews
BOX 28 Notebooks
BOX 28 Notes and sketches
BOX 28 Photograph albums, 1901-1939, undated
(4 vols.)
BOX 28 Miscellany
BOX 29 Miscellaneous records
BOX 29 Scrapbook
BOX 30-32, OV 1 2024 Addition, 1907-1971
Poetry, correspondence, contract, and photographs.
Arranged alphabetically by material type.
BOX 30 Exhibit contract, Waldo Peirce and Midtown Galleries, 1954
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