The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clay Thomas Whitehead papers, 1927-2012
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The White House Years, 1957-1976 (continued)
Special Assistant to the President, 1957-1971 (continued)
Telecommunications Materials (RAND, between RAND and White House, other reports), 1966-1969
Telecommunications Materials
April 1970-June 1970
(2 folders)
BOX 20 January 1969-April 1969
(2 folders)
May 1969-June 1969
(3 folders)
BOX 21 Telecommunications Meetings
AT & T, 1969
General Electric Company, 1969 May 8
Columbia Broadcasting System, 1969 Nov. 4
Communications Workers of America, 1969
(2 folders)
University Computing Company, 1969-1970
(2 folders)
Comsat, 1969
AT, 1968-1970
Hughes Aircraft, 1969-1970
ITT, 1969
Ford Foundation, 1969
General Electric Company, 1969-1970
BOX 22 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1969
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), 1969
Maximum Service Telecasters, 1969
National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians, 1969
National Association of Broadcasters, 1969
National Cable Television Association, 1969-1970
National Educational Television, 1967-1969
Tele-Sciences Corporation, 1968-1969
Western Union International, Inc., 1969-1970
November-December 1969
(2 folders)
BOX 23 (1 folder)
September-October 1969
U.S. Government Policy and Supporting Positions, 1968
Western Union Briefing for the President's Task Force on Communication Policy, 1967
White House Memoranda and Logistical Information, 1969-1970
White House, 1969
White House Working Group on Comsat Service to Less-Developed Nations and Foreign Educational Use of Communications Satellite, 1965
(2 folders)
Working Papers about Intelsat Conference for J.D. O'Connell, 1967-1969
BOX 24-48 Office of Telecommunications Policy, 1964-1976
Correspondence, schedules, memoranda, and speeches, testimony, and subject files containing newspaper, newsmagazine, and other articles on telecommunication.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX 24 Aeronautical Satellite Policy-Issue Book, 1971-1972
Aerosat September 1970-December 1971, 1970-1973
(4 folders)
Amateur Radios, 1971-1972
Assorted OTP Papers, [circa 1973]
Assorted Papers, 1971
BOX 25 Automated Legislative Tracking System, 1970-1971
Autovon, 1971
Briefing Books
Broadcast License Renewal, 1971-1974
(2 folders)
EMS, 911 Emergency Number, TV Captioning for the Deaf, 1971-1975
(2 folders)
FCC Licenses, 1972-1973
Federal Information and Monitoring Practices and GSA's Fednet Proposal, 1967; 1973-1974
Home Warning Policy, Emergency Broadcast System, Fuel Allocation for Telecom, VHF-TV Drop-In, 1973-1975
Land Mobile Radio and Class E Citizens Band, 1971-1974
BOX 26 Broadband Cable, 1973
Broadcasting Satellite, 1970 Dec. 23
Cables v. Satellites, 1970-1971
CIA, 1971 May 5
Civil Service Commission, 1971
Collision Avoidance System Letters and Memoranda, 1971
Commerce, 1972-1973
Commission on Cable Communications, 1970 May 27
Common Carrier Television Services, 1971 Mar. 1
Congressional 1971, 1971-1974
(3 folders)
Content Duplication by the Networks in Competing Evening Newscasts Report, 1974
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1972-1973
Court Cases, 1969-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 27 Court Cases-Disputes Over Station Changes, 1970-1973
Background Material for Pastore Oversight Hearing and Background Briefing Book, 1973
Letter to Speaker Albert regarding CPB Funding and Revising 1934 Act, 1972-1973
Nomination and Resignation to/from OTP, Rostow Task Force Recommendations, Assorted Notes, 1970-1974
OTP ID Card, 1971 June 25
OTP Senate Confirmation and Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1970-1973
Social, 1969-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 28 Staff Assistant Work and Formation of the OTP, 1969
Swearing-in Ceremonies, 1970
CTW to Congress, 1972-1973
Department of Defense, 1966-1974
(3 folders)
Director of Telecommunications Management Briefing Papers, 1970 July 2
Efficiency, Distribution, and the Role of Government in a Market Economy, 1970 Dec. 10
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), 1971 Feb. 26
Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council, 1970-1972
Emergency Care Service, 1971
European Post-Apollo Cooperation (LeFevre 1970 visit), 1970-1973
(2 folders)
BOX 29 (1 folder)
Event-Kansan Night honoring Bob Dole, Washington, DC, February 5, 1973
Experimental Television, 1971 Aug. 23
FAA, 1970 Sept. 22
Fairness Doctrine
1972 Oct. 11
Fairness Doctrine (Court cases, articles, and CTW speeches), 1964-1975
(2 folders)
Federal Trade Commission, 1972
Federal Telecommunications System (FTS), 1971
General Accounting Office, 1970-1972
GSA (General Services Administration), 1970-1971
GWU Law Review-A Proposal to Deregulate Broadcast Programming, 1973 Nov.
BOX 30 Inflation, 1970-1971
Information Technologies and Control Over Learning Working Paper, 1974 Sept. 16
Intelsat, 1971-1973
Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), 1970-1971
International Communications, 1970-1972
International Conferences, 1972-1973
International Liaison, undated
International Record Carriers, 1971 May 18
Invitation to 1973 Presidential Inaugural Ball, 1972 Dec. 27
Invitation to 1973 Presidential Inauguration and Card from Nixon, 1972
ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 1973, 1971-1973
Japanese Edition of the Cable Report, undated
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