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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Ambassador File, 1992-1998 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Senate Foreign Relations Committee | |||||||||||||
1992-1993 | |||||||||||||
BOX 128 | 1994 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Swearing-in ceremony, 1994 | |||||||||||||
United Kingdom desk, 1994 | |||||||||||||
Weekly status reports of protocol events, 1994-1997 | |||||||||||||
BOX 128-141 | Speeches and Writings File, 1958-2001 | ||||||||||||
Speeches by Crowe and others, speaking engagements, clippings, printed matter, articles, a book review, dissertation, letters to the editor, and op-ed pieces related to military and political subjects. | |||||||||||||
Arranged under speeches and engagements or writings and therein chronologically. | |||||||||||||
BOX 128 | Speeches and engagements | ||||||||||||
By Crowe | |||||||||||||
Indices | |||||||||||||
Numbered speeches, 1983-1985 | |||||||||||||
Speeches on disk, 1978-1987, undated | |||||||||||||
Chronological | |||||||||||||
1958-1959, 1970-1974 | |||||||||||||
BOX 129 | 1976-1979 See also Classified | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 130 | 1980 -1982 See also Classified | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 131 | 1983 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
1984 | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 132 | (2 folders) | ||||||||||||
1985 | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 133 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
1988 | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 134 | (3 folders) | ||||||||||||
1989 | |||||||||||||
(11 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 135 | (12 folders) | ||||||||||||
1990-1992 | |||||||||||||
(35 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 136 | 1993-1994 | ||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
circa 1994-circa 1997 | |||||||||||||
1995-1996 | |||||||||||||
(8 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 137 | 1997-2003 | ||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
Undated See also Classified | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous notes and partial speeches, circa 1994-circa 1997 | |||||||||||||
BOX 138 | Topical | ||||||||||||
Asian strategy, 1974-1975, undated | |||||||||||||
Navy, general, 1974, undated | |||||||||||||
Politics and the military, 1969, 1976, undated | |||||||||||||
Weapons systems, 1971, undated | |||||||||||||
By others | |||||||||||||
1961-1978 | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 139 | 1979-1989 | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 140 | 1990-1997 | ||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
Writings | |||||||||||||
1965, “Policy Roots of the Royal Navy, 1946-1963,” dissertation | |||||||||||||
1977, “East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean: A Strategic Analysis” | |||||||||||||
1978, “The Persian Gulf: Central or Peripheral to United States Strategy?” | |||||||||||||
BOX 141 | 1980, “NATO's Southern Flank: ’Sideshow' Due for Center Ring?” | ||||||||||||
1981, “America at the Watershed?” See also Classified | |||||||||||||
1982 | |||||||||||||
“Have Nuclear Submarines Changed Naval Warfare?” | |||||||||||||
“The Mediterranean, an Ancient Sea with a New Challenge” | |||||||||||||
“Turkey in NATO: Taking Stock at the 30-year Mark” | |||||||||||||
1983, “A Message from CINCPAC” | |||||||||||||
1984 | |||||||||||||
“Free World Resolve” | |||||||||||||
Op-ed piece for Honolulu Advertiser | |||||||||||||
“The United States Pacific Command: Promoting Peace in Asia” | |||||||||||||
“U.S. Pacific Command: Protecting Our Interests Across 100 Million Square Miles” | |||||||||||||
“U.S. Sea Power in the Pacific: Key to Regional Stability” | |||||||||||||
1985 | |||||||||||||
“The Armed Forces of the Asia-Pacific Region: No. 17, The US Cannot, and Should Not, Go It Alone” | |||||||||||||
“United States Security Interests in the Pacific Theater” | |||||||||||||
1987, “Western Strategy and Naval Missions Approaching the Twenty-First Century” | |||||||||||||
1988, “Plain Talk About Defense” | |||||||||||||
1989 | |||||||||||||
“Don't Cut a Winner” | |||||||||||||
“Elements and Pillars of Soviet Military Power” | |||||||||||||
“Elliott Abrams Remains Reckless on Panama,” letter to the editor | |||||||||||||
“It's Too Early to Spend the Defense Savings” | |||||||||||||
“National Defense in the 1990s” | |||||||||||||
1991 | |||||||||||||
“A Communist, a Patriot, a Soldier” | |||||||||||||
“Rethinking Security in the Pacific” | |||||||||||||
“Strategic Supplies Depend on U.S. Industries,” letter to the editor | |||||||||||||
“The Way It Was,” letter to the editor | |||||||||||||
1992 | |||||||||||||
“Clinton's Vietnam Era Compatriots at Oxford,” letter to the editor | |||||||||||||
“Crowe Defends Decision,” letter to the editor | |||||||||||||
1993, “Reducing Nuclear Danger” | |||||||||||||
1996, “The President's Visit: One Year Later” | |||||||||||||
1997, “The Fortunes of Peace,” book review of The Yellow Admiral by Patrick O'Brian | |||||||||||||
1999, “Two Embassies Down . . .,” op-ed piece | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
BOX CL 1-CL 2 | Classified, 1972-1989 | ||||||||||||
Government security documents. | |||||||||||||
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed. | |||||||||||||
BOX CL 1 | Correspondence | ||||||||||||
1974 | |||||||||||||
Numbered, 7400000-7400008 (Container 2) | |||||||||||||
Unnumbered (Container 2) | |||||||||||||
1976, numbered, 7600001-7600234 (Container 2) | |||||||||||||
1977, 7700000-7700538 (Container 3) | |||||||||||||
1978, 7800051-7800236 (Container 4) | |||||||||||||
1979, O-Z (Container 5) | |||||||||||||
1980 | |||||||||||||
A-F (Container 5) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |||||||||||||
G-S (Container 6) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |||||||||||||
T-Z (Container 7) | |||||||||||||
1981 | |||||||||||||
E-P (Container 8) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |||||||||||||
R-Z (Container 9) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |||||||||||||
1983 | |||||||||||||
Commander in chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe | |||||||||||||
A-D (Container 10) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |||||||||||||
E-Z (Container 11) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |||||||||||||
Commander in chief, Pacific Command | |||||||||||||
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