The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William J. Crowe papers, 1932-2003
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Speeches and Writings File, 1958-2001 (continued)
1990-1997 (continued)
(6 folders)
1965, “Policy Roots of the Royal Navy, 1946-1963,” dissertation
1977, “East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean: A Strategic Analysis”
1978, “The Persian Gulf: Central or Peripheral to United States Strategy?”
BOX 141 1980, “NATO's Southern Flank: ’Sideshow' Due for Center Ring?”
1981, “America at the Watershed?” See also Classified
“Have Nuclear Submarines Changed Naval Warfare?”
“The Mediterranean, an Ancient Sea with a New Challenge”
“Turkey in NATO: Taking Stock at the 30-year Mark”
1983, “A Message from CINCPAC”
“Free World Resolve”
Op-ed piece for Honolulu Advertiser
“The United States Pacific Command: Promoting Peace in Asia”
“U.S. Pacific Command: Protecting Our Interests Across 100 Million Square Miles”
“U.S. Sea Power in the Pacific: Key to Regional Stability”
“The Armed Forces of the Asia-Pacific Region: No. 17, The US Cannot, and Should Not, Go It Alone”
“United States Security Interests in the Pacific Theater”
1987, “Western Strategy and Naval Missions Approaching the Twenty-First Century”
1988, “Plain Talk About Defense”
“Don't Cut a Winner”
“Elements and Pillars of Soviet Military Power”
“Elliott Abrams Remains Reckless on Panama,” letter to the editor
“It's Too Early to Spend the Defense Savings”
“National Defense in the 1990s”
“A Communist, a Patriot, a Soldier”
“Rethinking Security in the Pacific”
“Strategic Supplies Depend on U.S. Industries,” letter to the editor
“The Way It Was,” letter to the editor
“Clinton's Vietnam Era Compatriots at Oxford,” letter to the editor
“Crowe Defends Decision,” letter to the editor
1993, “Reducing Nuclear Danger”
1996, “The President's Visit: One Year Later”
1997, “The Fortunes of Peace,” book review of The Yellow Admiral by Patrick O'Brian
1999, “Two Embassies Down . . .,” op-ed piece
BOX CL 1-CL 2 Classified, 1972-1989
Government security documents.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX CL 1 Correspondence
Numbered, 7400000-7400008 (Container 2)
Unnumbered (Container 2)
1976, numbered, 7600001-7600234 (Container 2)
1977, 7700000-7700538 (Container 3)
1978, 7800051-7800236 (Container 4)
1979, O-Z (Container 5)
A-F (Container 5) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization
G-S (Container 6) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization
T-Z (Container 7)
E-P (Container 8) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization
R-Z (Container 9) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Commander in chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe
A-D (Container 10) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization
E-Z (Container 11) See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Commander in chief, Pacific Command
B-E (Container 12)
F-L (Container 13)
Ma-Sh (Container 14)
Si-Z (Container 15)
1984, commander in chief, Pacific Command
“Ab-By” miscellaneous (Container 16)
“Ca-Cos” miscellaneous (Container 17)
Coupe-Cox (Container 17)
“Cr-Dom” miscellaneous (Container 17)
Donnelly, Charles L. (Container 17)
Foley, Sylvester R. (Container 18)
“For-Har” miscellaneous (Container 18)
“Has-Ing” miscellaneous (Container 19)
“It-J” miscellaneous (Container 19)
“Ka-King” miscellaneous (Container 20)
Kingston, Robert C. (Container 20)
“Lee” miscellaneous (Container 20)
“Lie-N” miscellaneous (Container 21)
“Oc-Ol” miscellaneous (Container 22)
O'Malley, Jerome F. (Container 22)
“Or-Sc” miscellaneous (Container 22)
“Se-Su” miscellaneous (Container 23)
Vessey, John William (Container 24)
“Vi-Weid” miscellaneous (Container 24)
Weinberger, Caspar W. (Container 24)
“Weis-Y” miscellaneous (Container 24)
Commander in chief, Pacific Command
“Arm-Ben” miscellaneous (Container 25)
“Cop-De” miscellaneous (Container 27)
Foley, Sylvester R. (Container 29)
“Fon-He” miscellaneous (Container 29)
“Ir-Kl” miscellaneous (Container 30)
“Ko-Mal” miscellaneous (Container 31)
“Man-N” miscellaneous (Container 32)
“O-Ry” miscellaneous (Container 33)
BOX CL 2 “Sa-Ti” miscellaneous (Container 34)
“To-Wi” miscellaneous (Container 35)
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
A-O (Container 36)
1986, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
E-H (Container 39)
W-Z (Container 43)
1987, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
C-E (Container 44)
F-L (Container 45)
M-Q (Container 46)
1988, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
I-L (Container 51)
M-O (Container 52)
P-R (Container 53)
S-V (Container 54)
W-Z (Container 55)
Military File
Notebooks of orders, duty assignments, and correspondence
No. 2, 1973-1975 (Container 98)
No. 3, 1980 (Container 98)
Subject file
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
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