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Theodore Granik papers, 1930-1970

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General Office File, 1937-1970 (continued)
Connelly, Vaughn, 1954
Cook, Lewis, 1942-1951
Cook, Thomas M., 1953-1966
Cook, William H., 1951-1957
Corcoran, Thomas, 1941-1953
Costello, William C., 1953
Council for Democracy, 1940-1941
Cowles Broadcasting System, 1949-1951
Craig, William F., 1959
Cremomin, J. V., 1945-1950
Culligan, Ernest, 1940-1951
Cutler, J. B., 1959-1966
“C” miscellaneous, 1939-1964, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 8 Daingerfield Island, 1950-1955
Dalton School, New York, N.Y., 1960
Dannenberg, Dale, 1960
Davidow, Leonard S., 1960
Davidson & Mann, 1942-1947
Defense Construction Corp., 1951
Delfur, Paul, 1954
Deitch, Regina, 1953-1955, 1963
Dell Publishing Co., 1955-1957
Delph, W. W., 1961
Democratic National Committee, 1942-1944, 1954-1955, 1959-1961
Democratic State Committee, 1945-1964
Department of Commerce and Public Events Policy Committee, 1954-1955
Diamond, Milton, 1941-1945, undated
DiSalle, Mike, 1956-1958
Dodge, William C., Jr., 1943-1960
Dodge, Granik & Saltman, 1938-1941
Doidge, Lester P., 1942, 1953-1954
Dowlan, Robert E., 1955
Dowling, Robert W., 1945-1948, 1954-1955, 1964
BOX 9 Dreskin, Samuel
Drexler, Elias J., 1945-1961
Drogaris, Peter A.
Dysart, Sally
“D” miscellaneous, 1941-1964
East River Housing Improvement
Eastern Airlines, 1943-1948, 1953
(4 folders)
E. C. Electroplating
Edwards, W. T.
Ehrlich, Irving
Ehrlich, Joseph
(2 folders)
Ehrlich, Philip S.
Ehrlich, Rose
Ehrlich, Ruth
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisner, John J.
Ellison, Philip L.
Ellsworth, Eileen
BOX 10 Emergency Conference to Save the Jews of Europe
Emory, Claire
Engel, Irving
Engling, Carl G.
Epstein, Louis
Ernst, Morris
Espy, Willard
Evers Concrete Plank and Beam Co.
Extract, Maurice
“E” miscellaneous
Fadiman, Clifton
Farley, James A.
Faust, Clarence H.
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Bar Association
Federal Trade Commission
Fineshriber, William
Fink, George J.
Fink, Nathan
Fischer, Barney A.
Fitzpatrick, Frank W.
Fiur, Merton
BOX 11 Flegenheimer, Monroe
Florida Correspondence
Folsom, Frank M.
“Food for Peace” Program
Ford Theater Project
Foreign Funds Control
Forgash, Morris
Fortas, Abe
Fortune Magazine
Foy, Fred C.
Frank, Jerome M..
Frank, Jerome N.
Franklin National Bank
Fred F. French Managing Co.
Frederick Wiedersum Associates, 1960-1963
Freed, Francis
Freiman, Robert J.
French, Mary
Fried, Maurice
Freidlander, Edward
Frohlich, Harold K.
Fromkes, Saul
Fry, G. T. C.
Fuller, T. Bruce
(2 folders)
BOX 12 Fur Warehouse
Furst and Furst
“F” miscellaneous
Ganger, R. M.
Garey & Garey
Gasoline and Tire Rationing
Gellar, Max
General Dynamics
General Service Administration Insurance Matters
Gerard, Sumner
Gheradi v G & H Trucking Co.
Ginsburg, Robert A.
Gladstone, Milton
Glass, Dan
Goldwyn, Samuel
Golub, Jay
Gomberg Warehouse
Good, Fred
Gottesman, Samuel
Gottlieb, Henry M..
Gottlieb, Lester L.
Goubeau, Vincent deP.
Goudman, Harry M..
Gould, Stuart S.
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