| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 457-474 |
Calling cards, Christmas cards, law school notes, proposed books, transcripts from
Crimes without Punishment, photocopied material, stenographic notebooks, and promotional material.
Arranged by topic, type of material or name of person or organization. |
BOX 457 |
Agreements |
Air Freight Forwarder Case |
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation |
Alperin, Norm |
Aluminum |
Amidon, Helen |
Ampex Corp. |
Announcements |
Application to the Bar |
Architectural Drawings |
Atlantic Peninsula Corp. |
(2 folders) |
“Big Government” |
Blakeslee, Irina Skariatina |
Brooks, Mary K. |
BOX 458 |
Calling Cards |
Calendar, 1943-1951
(2 folders) |
Central Savings Bank v. Weiss |
Centrifugal Castings |
Checks |
Christmas List |
(10 folders) |
BOX 459 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 460 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 461 |
Citations |
Court Summons |
“Crime Without Punishment” |
(7 folders) |
BOX 462 |
Dreier, Abe |
Divers, William |
Expo, 1967
“Filmgraph” |
Florida |
Granik, Theodore |
(2 folders) |
Granik-Bernstein Corp. |
Great White Fleet |
Henkin, Howard |
Hiramar |
Indianapolis Castings Co. |
Inter-American Cultural & Trade
Center |
International Fair Consultants, Inc. |
International Tag & Salesbook v. American
Sales Book |
BOX 463 |
Investments |
(11 folders) |
Invitations |
BOX 464 |
Judicial Pamphlets |
Lamb, George |
Law Notes |
(2 folders) |
Leases |
Limpus, Lowell |
(3 folders) |
BOX 465 |
Lip Reading Instruction |
“Listen to the Wind” |
(2 folders) |
Lustberg Nast & Co. |
Lynch, Robert E. |
Maritime Commission |
Mayor's Committee on Scholastic
Achievement |
McNamara, Jim Jr. |
Memoranda |
Miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Monrovia Port Management Co. |
N. J. Gaston Co. |
Office Buildings |
Oil Drilling Sites |
BOX 466 |
Popular Priced Dress Speech |
RCA Service Co. Contracts |
Rosenblatt, Dick |
Rubber Laboratory |
Saltzman, Abraham & Matthew |
Saxon Motel |
Silver Spring Center, Inc. |
BOX 467 |
Shorthand Notebooks |
(13 folders) |
BOX 468 |
“Silent Men” |
(9 folders) |
BOX 469 |
Telephone Numbers |
(2 folders) |
Towers, A. G. |
Treasury Department |
Turbo Machine Co. |
United States v. Donovan |
Van Vex Mills, Inc. |
Verifax Machine Contract |
“The Vice-President Speaks About the Great
Society” |
Washington Bank Trends |
BOX 470 |
Blueprints |
(23 folders) |
BOX 471 |
Federal Communication Commission
Rules |
Newspaper Clippings |
Photostats |
(2 folders) |
Promotional Material |
BOX 472 |
Saunders Case |
(3 folders) |
BOX 473 |
Transcripts, “American Forum of the Air” |
(2 vols.) |
WOR Forum Book. New York: Falcon Press, 1933
Printed matter, 1945, 1956-1959,
BOX 474 |
Fragments |
Agreements |
Letters |
Scripts |
(4 folders) |
Series and story outlines |
Speech |
Unidentified |
BOX 475-493 |
Scrapbooks, 1934-1954
Mostly newspaper clippings relating to "American Forum of the Air." |
Arranged chronologically. Most are oversize. |
BOX OV 475 |
“Threshold” (oversize) |
BOX OV 476 |
“International Spotlight”
(oversize) |
BOX OV 477-493 |
“American Forum of the Air,”
1940-1954 (oversize) |