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Theodore Granik papers, 1930-1970

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General Office File, 1937-1970 (continued)
Pintel, Morton and Charles J., 1942-1945
Pistel, C. K., 1945
Pistel, John and William, 1943-1945
Pitman, Issac J., 1955
Pittsburg Forgings Co., 1955
Poletti, Charles, 1937-1942
Political Campaigns, 1960
Powers, T. W., 1955
Prentice- Hall, 1947-1955
Prospective Investments, 1944-1955
Puerto Rico, 1953-1955
Publicker, H., 1953
Pullman Co., 1942-1955
“P” miscellaneous, 1941-1948
BOX 30 Quayle, Oliver, 1946-1954
“Q” miscellaneous, 1943-1956
Rabb, Maxwell, 1956
Rabell, William H., 1950
Rabinowitz, Aaron, 1941-1951
Racoosin, William, 1944-1945
Radin, Irving M., 1948-1952
Radio Corp. of America, 1951-1962
Rainbow Room, 1946-1949
Ransdell, Inc, 1946-1957
Rapport, Herman, 1950
Ravin, David, 1950
Rayburn, Sam, 1952
Reader's Digest, 1951-1956
(3 folders)
Redmond, John, 1944
Reens, Charles, 1955
Reese, Ben, 1950
Reiss, Frank, 1943-1950
Reiss, Saul, 1951-1952
Reliance Homes, 1951
Remington Rand, 1942-1945
Research Institute of America, 1946
Restaurants, 1946-1956
BOX 31 Revson, Charles, 1949-1961
Reyher, Rachel, 1944
Reynolds Metals Co., 1943-1951
Richards, Fred, 1945-1946
Rifkind, Simon H., 1941-1957
Ringold, Herb, 1942
Robert R. Nathan Associates, 1945-1955
Robinson, Henry A., 1941-1956
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1942, 1955
Rodins, Bernard, 1954-1957
Roemer, Richard H., 1949-1954
Rosen, Michael, 1941-1964
(3 folders)
BOX 32 Rosenberg, Anna, 1949-1959
Rosenberg, George P., 1945
Rosenberg, James, 1945-1946
Rosenblatt, Richard D., 1954-1956
Rosenblatt, William, 1943-1967
(2 folders)
Rosenfield, Harry N., 1949
Rosenweig, William H., 1942
Ross, Anthony, 1957
Ross, Edward J.
Royen, Jay, 1956-1957
Rubin, Milton, 1951-1956
Rubin, Robert, 1941-1945
Rukeyser, Merryle S., 1955-1959
Ruttenberg, Alfred, 1955
Ruskin, Simon, 1946-1952
Ruwitch, Lee, 1952-1956
“R” miscellaneous, 1941-1959
(2 folders)
BOX 33 Sabinson, Lee, 1948-1950
Sacks, Emanuel, 1956-1957
St. John's University, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1942-1960, undated
(5 folders)
Salary Stabilization, 1944
Salk, Al, 1957-1962
Salkin, Alexander, 1946-1951
Sampson Radio, 1953
Saphier, Collette, 1947
Sarkisian, Phyllis, 1953-1954
Sarnoff, David, 1950-1960
Sarnoff, Robert
BOX 34 Sawyer, Charles, 1950-1956
Saxony Hotel, 1950-1958
Schackman, Adeline and Lillie, 1946-1948
Schher, Max, 1950-1951
Scheuer, Sidney, 1944-1946
Schindler, Sidney A., 1949
Schneider, Charles A., 1942-1943
Schweinhaut, George D., 1952-1953
Schwulst, Earl B., 1944
Scott, Hugh, 1954-1964
Sculpt-On, 1955
Seedman, George J., 1944-1951
Seltzer, Frank N., 1942-1944
Senate Small Business Committee, 1942, undated
Shahady, Edward J., 1947
Shanks, Harry C., 1955
Shapiro, Morris, 1948
Shaughnessy, Harry C., 1947
Shaw, Frank, 1945-1954
Sheppard, Harry R., 1944-1959
Sheridan, Leora J., 1956
Shorwitz, Arthur M., 1929-1932
Shottland, Stanford M., 1944
BOX 35 Shoulberg, Stuart S., 1946
Siegel, Lawrence, 1954
Silag, William, 1960
Silverberg, Nathan L., 1943-1946
Silett, Harry, 1954-1956
Silver Miller Stock, 1947-1954
Singer Theaters, 1944
Slomka, Irving S., 1946-1948
Small Business Administration, 1953
Small Business Investment Co., 1960-1962
Smaller War Plants Corp., 1942-1951
Smathers, George, 1951-1961
Smith, Albert, 1943
Smith, Harry A., 1945
Smith, Margaret C., 1956
Smith, Russell G., 1945
Soroko, Mark D., 1945-1952
Sparkman, John, 1950-1958
Sparks, Jeff, 1942
Spector, Raymond, 1942-1963
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