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Theodore Granik papers, 1930-1970

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BOX 66-191 Client File, 1930-1967
Correspondence, license applications, legal briefs and documents, financial papers, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of client.
Accurate Translation Service
ACME Concrete Corp.
(2 folders)
Aeon MFG and Supply Co.
Ageloff, Monte
(3 folders)
Alcone, S. M.
Alien Property Custodian
Allen Metal Products Co.
Allied Industrial Diamond Co.
(2 folders)
Altman, Alfred
A. M. Collins Manufacturing Co.
American Calcium Co.
American Emblem Co.
American Metal Bearing Co.
(4 folders)
BOX 67 (4 folders)
American Metal Crafts Co.
(5 folders)
American National Theatre & Academy
American Steel Corp. of Cuba
BOX 68 American Wine Co.
Amidon v. Amidon
Anesi, Carlos P.
Anglo-American Trading Corp.
(4 folders)
Applications for Licenses to Engage in a Foreign Exchange Transaction
Arkin, Ira L.
Arlington Federal Savings and Loan Association
Arnaud, Edouard H.
Association of Insignia Manufacturers
(1 folder)
BOX 69 (2 folders)
Auray, Delbert Lee
Automatic Plating Co.
Avery Manufacturing Co.
Babbin, Joseph Harvey
Bacall, Michael
Bahia-Mar Enterprises
Bailey, Lloyd T.
Bakers & Confectionery Workers International Union of America
Balbo Oil Corp.
BOX 70 Bank of America
Agriculture, 1943
Allied Military Financial Agency, 1943-1944
Aluminum Plant, 1942
Amendment to Federal Reserve Act, 1943
Armed Forces Personnel, 1944
Assignment of Claims, 1942
Belgian Loan and Credits, 1945-1946
Bodega Co-operative Creamery, 1942-1943
Bonds, 1945
Borkers, Harry H., 1944-1945
Branch Bank Applications, 1945
Branch Banking, 1941-1945
Bunge & Born, 1943-1945
California Steel Products Corp., 1942
Camp Maryville, 1941-1942
Camp Roberts
Capital Co., 1943
Cavagnaro, Jason F., 1941-1943
Chemurgic Corp., 1942
Civil Aeronautics Authority, 1941-1942
(2 folders)
Civilian Aeronautics Board., 1946
Clarendon-Pacific Branches, 1942-1943
Collins, Gerald J., 1943
Conservation Order L-41, 1942
Continental Grain Co., 1941
Contract Terminations, 1944
Eaton, O. O., 1942
Eaton & Smith, 1942
Everett, J. C., 1944
BOX 71 Federal Housing Authority, 1942-1944
(2 folders)
Federal Public Housing, 1945-1946
Federal Reserve System, 1943-1944
Five Points Branch (San Diego, Calif.), 1942-1943
Foreign Trade Zone, 1943-1944
Gaffers & Sattler, 1942
Giannini, L. M., 1943, undated
(3 folders)
G. I. Bill Loans, 1944-1945
Grossmont Union High School, 1942
Guerin Brothers, 1942-1943
Harville Corp., 1943
Helmke, Thomas, & Janssen
Ismithian Timber Co., 1942
Jeidels, Otto, 1943-1946
Kaiser-Todd Shipbuilding, 1941
Kehaya, Ery, 1941-1943
Kelly, Earl Lee, Jr., 1944
BOX 72 Letters of Introduction, 1942-1948
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 1942-1944
Lumber Carriers, 1944
Maritime Commission, 1941-1942, undated
(4 folders)
Mattison, E. A., 1941-1945
McDonald Estate, 1943
Merchants Ice & Cold Storage Co., 1941
Midstate Harris Construction Co., 1942-1943
Military Commissions, 1941-1943
Miscellaneous correspondence
(7 folders)
BOX 73 1944-1947, undated
(8 folders)
Murray-Patman Act, 1942
Nash, Bradley D., 1945
National Housing Agency, 1942
(2 folders)
National Labor Relations Board, 1937, 1941-1942
National Metals Co., 1941
National Planning Association, 1944
National Resources Planning Board, 1943
Navy Department, 1942-1945
Navy Purchasing Office, 1941-1942
North Sacramento Branch, 1942-1943
Oakland Shipbuilding Corp., 1942
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