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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe papers, 1921-1969

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BOX 7-61 General Office File, 1923-1969
Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, and miscellaneous attachments, newspaper clippings, notes, blueprints, lists, photographs, leases, printed matter, and miscellaneous items.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or subject.
BOX 7 “Aa-Al” miscellaneous
BOX 8 “Am-Ax” miscellaneous
Aachen, 1956-1962
Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1963
Academia D' Architecture, 1961-1969
BOX 9 Academie der Kunste, 1946-1965
Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, 1951-1969
Acier-Stahl-Steel, 1964
Aicher, Otal, 1956-1959
Albers, Josef and Anni, 1949-1965
Alcoa, 1963
Aldis and Co., 1946-1952
Aloi, Roberto, 1959-1962
Alpha Rho Chi, 1967-1969
Aluminum-Zentrale E. V., 1961-1963
American Academy of Achievement, 1961-1965
BOX 10 American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1957-1969
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1957-1969
American Association of University Professors, 1951-1964
American Express Co., 1958-1967
American Federation of Arts, 1958-1967
American Institute of Architects
BOX 11 1951-1956
BOX 12 1957-1961
BOX 13 1962-1966
BOX 14 1967-1969
College of Fellows, 1959-1969
Fellowships, 1950-1954
Gold Medal, 1959-1960
Gold Medal congratulations, 1960
Journal, 1955-1961
American Institute of Steel Construction, Kimbrough Medal Award, 1954-1966
American Iron and Steel Institute, Design in Steel Award Program, 1962-1965
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1951
American Standard Association, 1949 (?)-56
BOX 15 Applications for employment, 1946-1958
Architect, 1950-1953
Architects, San Francisco, Calif.
Architectural Association, London, England, 1950-1959
Architectural Design and Construction, 1946-1967
Architectural Forum
BOX 16 1963-1967
Architectural League of New York, 1960-1962
Architectural Press, 1947-1962
Architectural Record, 1945-1967
L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1949-1966
BOX 17 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 1946-1969
Artists and Performers National Committee, 1963
Arts and Architecture, 1956-1966
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
BOX 18 1966-1967
Association of Finnish Architects, 1967
Atlantic Union, 1965-1969
Auditorium, 1960-1967
Autographs and pictures, requests for
Avanti chair, 1964
“Ba-Bo” miscellaneous
BOX 19 “Br-By”miscellaneous
Baltimore Association of Commerce and AIA, Baltimore, Md., 1963
Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, Spain, 1960
Barrow, Luis Carlos, 1963-1964
Bartning, Otto, 1951-1956
Basel-Stadt, 1962-1963
Bauen-Wohnen, 1950-1956
Bauhaus, 1951-1969
Baukunst und Werkform, 1949-1960
Becker, Walter, 1962-1965
Beitz, Berthold, 1960-1964
Bembe, Carl A., 1948-1951
Berlin, Germany, 1961-1964
Berliner Kunstpreis Jubiläumsstiftung, 1848/1948, 1961
Bernstein, Sioma, 1962-1963
BOX 20 Blake, Peter, 1956-1965
Blaser, Werner, 1956-1965
Bohigas, Oriol, 1957-1960
Boissevain, Edith G., 1946-1947
Bonnet, Felix C., 1940, 1948
Bouverie, David P., 1945-1952
Bowes Realty Co.
General, 1952-1958
BOX OV 1 Pelouze Office Building, blueprints, circa 1958
BOX 20 Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., 1967-1969
Brandt, Willy, 1962-1964
Breuer, Marie, 1953
British Council, 1968
Bronfman, Edgar, 1960
BOX 21 Bronfman, Samuel, 1955-1969
Browning, Rev.
Brownson, Jacques C., 1954-1966
Budek Co., 1949
Bund Deutscher Architekten, 1959-1964
Bunshaft, Gordon, 1958-1961
Burg, Don J., 1950-1951
“Ca-Ch” miscellaneous
BOX 22 “Ci-Cu” miscellaneous
Caldwell, Alfred, 1952-1969
Callery, Mary, 1957-1963
Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.
BOX 23 1965-1967
Carnegie Clan, Chicago, Ill., 1961-1969
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1968-1969
Carroll, Grisdale & Van Alen, 1949
Carter, Peter, 1961-1967
Cartier-Bresson, Henril, 1960
Casabella, 1955-1965
Casasus, José J., 1965-1966
Caterpillar Tractor Co.
Chetlain, Kent G., 1953
Chicago, Ill., city of, 1946-1969
Chicago Building Congress, Chicago, Ill., 1952-1962
Chicago Civic Committee for World Refugees, Chicago, Ill., 1960
Chicago Department of Urban Renewal, Chicago, Ill., 1963-1964
Chicago Jaycees, Chicago, Ill., 1969
Chicago, Ill., Mayor Richard J. Daley, 1957-1967
Chicago School of Architecture Foundation, Chicago, Ill., 1967-1968
Chicago World's Fair in 1976, Chicago, Ill., 1963
Christian Science Monitor, 1951-1964
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