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Rudolf Dreikurs papers, 1911-1975

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BOX 1 Family Correspondence, 1911-1973
Letters between family members.
Arranged by correspondent. Also includes a small number of his wife's letters outside the family.
BOX 1 Dreikurs, Rudolf
BOX 1 Children
BOX 1 Wife, Sadie Dreikurs
BOX 1 Parents, Sigmund and Fanny Dreikurs
BOX 1 Other family members
BOX 1 Dreikurs, Sadie, with others
BOX 1-3 General Correspondence, 1938-1972
Letters received and copies of letters sent.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Includes copies of circular letters sent by Dreikurs to his friends and family while on trips.
BOX 1 "A-C” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 1 Chernoff
BOX 1 “D-I” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 2 “J-S” miscellaneous
(11 folders)
BOX 3 “T-Z” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 3 Author unknown
BOX 3 Circular letters, 1954-1971
(3 folders)
BOX 4-7 Subject File, 1938-1972
Correspondence, essays of students, memoranda, clippings, notes, and near-printed and printed material.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 4 Alfred Adler Institute
BOX 4 Censure of Dreikurs
BOX 4 6 Mar.-19 Oct. 1959
BOX 4 27 Oct. 1959-24 Feb. 1960
BOX 4 19 Mar.-10 May 1960
BOX 4 Undated
BOX 4 Child Guidance Clinic
BOX 4 Critical Incidents in School Counseling
BOX 4 Current Psychotherapies
BOX 4 Emigration of Sigmund and Fanny Dreikurs
BOX 4 Family council
BOX 4 Granite City Parent Counseling Sessions
BOX 4 High school discussion, 1961
BOX 4 Illinois Sex Offenders Commission
BOX 4 Israel
BOX 4 Israeli Air Force Technical School
BOX 4 Preschool education
BOX 4 Proposals to foundations
BOX 5 Questionnaire on lifestyle
BOX 5 Seventieth birthday celebration
BOX 5 Student papers
BOX 5 "Case Study"
BOX 5 "A-Y" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 5 Author unknown
BOX 5 "Course Evaluation"
BOX 5 "Encouragement," A-Y
(3 folders)
BOX 5 "Incidents"
BOX 5 "Logical Consequences"
BOX 5 "A-Y" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 5 Author unknown
BOX 6 "Tone of Voice"
BOX 6 Untitled
BOX 6 Teenage truce talks
BOX 6 "Ten Premises for a Humanist Philosophy of Life"
BOX 6 Therapy sessions
BOX 6 Adult family council group
BOX 6 Anonymous
BOX 6 22 Nov. 1950
BOX 6 Undated
BOX 6 4 Aug. 1967
BOX 6 Children's therapy group
BOX 6 Evanston Community Child Guidance Center, Evanston, Ill.
BOX 6 Not dated
BOX 6 1956
BOX 6 14 Jan.
BOX 6 21 Jan.
BOX 6 28 Jan.
BOX 6 4 Feb.
BOX 6 25 Feb.
BOX 7 University of Oregon, 1961
BOX 7 Wright, Polly
BOX 7 Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 7 White House Conference on Children and Youth
BOX 7 Workshop in Counseling, DePaul University, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 7 Workshop on Training Adlerian counselors
BOX 8-26 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1925-1972
Handwritten and typewritten drafts, galleys, near-printed and printed copies, and some correspondence relating to speeches, articles, books, and television lectures.
Arranged by type of writing or presentation and therein by title or type of material.
BOX 8 Articles, addresses, and miscellaneous writings
BOX 8 "A-E" miscellaneous
(9 folders)
BOX 9 "F-Ind” miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 10 "J-Pro" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 11 Psychiatric-psychological approach
BOX 11 Psychological interpretation-psychological uncertainty
BOX 11 Psychologie-psychotherapie
BOX 11 "Q-R" miscellaneous
BOX 11 Roleplaying in Psychotherapy
BOX 11 "Sc-Techni" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 12 Technology
BOX 12 “Tel-Z” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 12 Title unknown
BOX 13 Television lectures
BOX 13 "Motivating Children to Learn"
BOX 13 Typescript
BOX 13 Printed study guide
BOX 13 Programs, nos. 1-15
(16 folders)
BOX 14 "Understanding Your Children"
BOX 14 Printed study guide
BOX 14 Programs
BOX 14 Nos. 1-12
(12 folders)
BOX 15 Nos. 13-26
(14 folders)
BOX 15 Unidentified television lecture series
BOX 16 Published books
BOX 16 Children: The Challenge
BOX 16 Typescript, chapters 1-18 and index
(2 folders)
BOX 16 Galley proofs
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