The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Rudolf Dreikurs papers, 1911-1975
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1925-1972 (continued)
BOX 17 Carbon typescript
BOX 17 First?, chapters 4-7
BOX 17 Second?
BOX 17 Galley proofs
BOX 18 Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom
BOX 18 Typescript
BOX 18 Page proofs
BOX 19 Manual for Life Style Assessment
BOX 19 Incomplete typescript
BOX 19 Printed copy
BOX 19 Prevention and Correction of Juvenile Delinquency
BOX 19 Notes
BOX 19 Typescript
BOX 19 Psychology in the Classroom
BOX 19 Incomplete typescript
BOX 19 Revised typescript, parts 1-2
(2 folders)
BOX 19 Galley proofs
BOX 20 Galley proofs
BOX 20 Page proofs
BOX 21 Social Equality
BOX 21 Typescript, parts 1-2
(2 folders)
BOX 21 Typescript revisions
BOX 22 Printer's typescript
BOX 22 Typescript for German translation
BOX 23 Unpublished books
BOX 23 "The Family Council," typescript
BOX 23 "Holistic Medicine," typescript
BOX 23 "Impotency and Personality Structure"
BOX 23 Typescript
BOX 23 Carbon typescript
BOX 24 "Journey into Life," typescript
BOX 24 "Juvenile Justice"
BOX 24 Correspondence with Jewel Goddard
BOX 24 Typescript, chapters 1-24
(4 folders)
BOX 24 "Marriage for One"
BOX 24 Typescript of notes
BOX 24 Typescript
(1 folder)
BOX 25 (1 folder)
BOX 25 "Practical Psychology"
BOX 25 Notes
BOX 25 Typescript
BOX 25 "Psychotherapy: A Specific Technique," typescript
BOX 26 Unidentified chapters
BOX 27-32 Miscellany, 1915-1972
Articles and papers authored by others, biographical material, notes taken by Dreikurs on his reading, and other material.
Grouped by type of material.
BOX 27 Appointment and address books
BOX 27 Articles and papers by others
BOX 27 "A-Lom" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 28 "Low-Y" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 28 Bibliographical notes
BOX 28 Biographical materials
BOX 28 Birthday greetings
BOX 28 Case histories
BOX 29 Clippings
BOX 29 Documents
BOX 29 Fragments of notes and writings
BOX 29 Letters of condolence
(1 folder)
BOX 30 (1 folder)
BOX 30 Minutes of meetings
BOX 30 Miscellaneous
(1 folder)
BOX 31 (1 folder)
BOX 31 Musical compositions
BOX 31 Notes on readings
BOX 31 "A-X" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 31 Miscellaneous
BOX 31 Periodicals
BOX 32 Miscellaneous note cards
BOX 32 Photographs
BOX 32 Register of guests at sixtieth birthday
BOX 32 Student notebooks
BOX 32 Teaching materials
BOX 32 "Transaction Feedback"
BOX 33-35 Printed Matter, 1925-1972
Printed copies and reprints of articles by Dreikurs and material about Dreikurs and his work.
Material by Dreikurs is organized separately but otherwise unarranged.
BOX 33 Articles by Dreikurs
BOX 34 Articles by Dreikurs
BOX 34 Articles and material about Dreikurs
BOX 35 Articles and material about Dreikurs
BOX 36-37 Collected Papers, 1947-1972
Correspondence, memoranda, and printed and near-printed matter.
Arranged by donor of collected papers and therein by type of material. Correspondence is arranged either by correspondent or chronologically.
BOX 36 Corsini, Raymond J., correspondence with Dreikurs
BOX 36 Sonstegard, Manford
BOX 36 Correspondence
BOX 36 With Dreikurs, 1952-1972
(7 folders)
BOX 36 With others
BOX 36 Writings
BOX 36 Dreikurs
BOX 36 Sonstegard, Manford
BOX 36 "Transaction Feedback"
BOX 37 Shulman, Bernard, Community Child Guidance Centers of Chicago
BOX 37 Mosak, Harold, memorandum of Albert McKee
BOX 37 Painter, Genevieve
BOX 37 Correspondence with Dreikurs
BOX 37 1964-1968
BOX 37 "Teach Your Baby"
BOX 37 Correspondence of Dreikurs with Dale Isaacs
BOX 37 Correspondence with William MacKaness
BOX 37 Correspondence of Barbara O’Connor with Library of Congress
BOX 37 "Human Patterns in a Changing Society"
BOX 37 Clippings
BOX 37 Dreikurs, Eric, chain letters from Dreikurs, Rudolf
BOX 37 Pew, William
BOX 37 Correspondence with Dreikurs, 1960-1971
(4 folders)
BOX 37 Miscellany
BOX 37 Alfred Adler Institute
BOX 37 Correspondence of Dreikurs with Evelyn Wachman
BOX 37 General correspondence of Dreikurs, 1967-1968
BOX 37 "The Adlerian Approach to Psychodynamics"
BOX 37 Miscellany
BOX 38-39 Addition, 1937-1975
Correspondence, collected papers, draft of a published book, and other papers.
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