The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William Crawford Gorgas papers, 1857-1919
BOX 1-23 General Correspondence and Other Papers, 1885-1919
BOX 1-6 Chronological File, 1885-1919
Family, business, and military correspondence with notes, reports, invitations, and programs.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 1885, Sept.-1894
BOX 2 1894, Oct.-1899, Aug.
BOX 3 1899, Sept.-1901, Dec. 10
BOX 4 1901, Dec.-1902, Apr. 30
BOX 5 1902, May 19-Aug. 27
BOX 6 1902, Aug. 28-1919
BOX 7-23 Alphabetical File, 1904-1913
Personal letters and other papers sent and received as Sanitary Officer of the Panama Canal Zone.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or subject. A card index precedes the file.
BOX 7 Index
BOX 8 Adamson-Bass
BOX 9 Bastedo-Carbejal
BOX 10 Carbo-Davis, O. F.
BOX 11 Davis, T. A.-Faget
BOX 12 Fairchild-Grunsky
BOX 13 Guayaquil-Hillsman
BOX 14 Hobson-Jastron
BOX 15 Jennings-Los Santos
BOX 16 Loud-Mayo
BOX 17 Mears-Murphy Mfg. Co.
BOX 18 Murphy, Orr-Panamenian
BOX 19 Pan-American-Reno
BOX 20 Reprints-Skinner
BOX 21 Slaughter-Stevens, F. C.
BOX 22 Stevens, G. T.-Warren
BOX 23 Warriner-Zalinski
BOX 24-29A Subject File, 1880-1918
Reports, memoranda, correspondence, charts, patient records, and mounted clippings.
Arranged according to topic or type of material.
BOX 24 Medical Corps at Vladivostok, Siberia; Panama Canal; United States Ambulance Section in Genoa, Italy, 1918
BOX 25 Yellow fever report, discussion of and report on USS Plymouth, 1878-1879
BOX 25 Yellow Fever Commission, 1916
BOX 25 Yellow fever
BOX 25 Miscellaneous
BOX 25 Gorgas's cases, 1899-1900
BOX 26-28 Patient charts, 1900
BOX 29-29A Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, 1900, Oct. 26-1902, May 6
BOX 30 Addresses, Articles, and Reports, 1901-1912
Drafts and final copies of speeches, writings, and reports.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1901-1912, undated
BOX 31 Account Books, 1881-1910
Personal and household account books.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 31 Notebook, 1881-1887
BOX 31 Account book
BOX 31 1880, Jan.-1910, June
BOX 31 1887, Feb.7-1897, Sept.
BOX 32-34 Medical Papers, 1894-1901
Lists and miscellaneous medical record books.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 32 Visiting lists, Fort Barrancas, Fla. 1894-1896
BOX 32 Medical history of patients treated by Gorgas, 1890-1897
BOX 33 Copies of special cases, studies, and reports, 1880-1897
BOX 33 Disbursement and register book, Post Hospital, Fort Reno, Indian Territory, 1883-1897
BOX 33 Medical disbursement book, Havana, Cuba, 1899-1902
BOX 33 Reports of vital statistics, Havana, Cuba, 1899-1901
BOX 34 Medical lists, Camp Voorhees, N.J., 2nd, 3rd, and 6th Regiments, 1898
BOX 35 Miscellany, 1857-1903
Printed matter and general miscellany.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 35 Printed matter
BOX 35 Senate bills and reports
BOX 35 Samples of forms and circulars used by the sanitary officer of Havana, Cuba
BOX 35 Catastro de la Propiedad
BOX 35 Notes to self, circa 1901-1903
BOX 35 Journal of Josiah Gorgas, typed extracts from ordnance notes, biography by T. L. Bayne, 1857-1877
BOX 36-38 Photographs, 1900-1913
Positive photographic prints of Gorgas, friends, and places he visited.
Arranged by topic.
BOX 36 Gorgas, William Crawford
BOX 36 People
BOX 36 Scenes
BOX 36 Cuba
BOX 37 Cuba
BOX 37 Mexico
BOX 37 Panama, including personal album
BOX 38 United States
BOX 38 Miscellaneous postcards

Contents List