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Robert R. Hitt papers, 1830-1906

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BOX 31-37 Shorthand Notes, 1856-1904
Mostly notebooks of shorthand notes, including notes taken prior to Lincoln’s election and notes of courts-martial.
Arranged by subject, occasion, name of person, or type of material.
BOX 31 Facsimile of notes by Hitt
BOX 31 Seward, William Henry, speech on Kansas, 19 Apr. 1856
BOX 31 Stanton, Edwin McMasters, speech, 8 June 1858
BOX 31 Douglas, Stephen A., speech, 9 July 1858
BOX 31 Lincoln, Abraham, speech, 10 July 1858
BOX 31 Diary and account book, 1858
BOX 31 Lincoln, Abraham, speech, 1 Mar. 1859
BOX 31 Hayes’s speech, 18 Oct. 1858
BOX 31 Journal of Hitt, 1859-1863
BOX 31 Democratic meeting, Chicago, Ill., 11 Apr. 1860
BOX 31 Republican meeting, 28 June 1860
BOX 31 Trumbull, Lyman-William Allen debate, 27 July 1860
BOX 31 Republican meeting, Springfield, Ill., 8 Aug. 1860
BOX 31 Democratic meeting, Chicago, Ill., 11 Aug. 1860
BOX 31 Douglas, Stephen A., at Democratic meeting, Chicago, Ill., 22 Aug. 1860
BOX 31 Republican meeting, Indianapolis, Ind., 29 Aug. 1860
BOX 31 Republican meeting, Ottawa, Ill., 7 Sept. 1860
BOX 31 Trumbull, Lyman-Orlando B. Ficklin debate, 20 Sept. 1860
BOX 32 Callahan v. G. C. & W. RR, 26 Aug. 1860
BOX 32 People v. J. Belange, 18 Dec. 1860
BOX 32 Wigwam sermon by W. W. Patton, 1860
BOX 32 National Republican convention, Chicago, Ill., 1860
BOX 32 Seward, William Henry, speech, 2 Oct. 1860
BOX 32 Wigwam sermon, William Ogden, Chicago, Ill., 15 Sept. 1860
BOX 32 Illinois Democratic state convention, 16 Jan. 1861
BOX 32 Douglas, Stephen A., speech, 25 Apr. 1861
BOX 32 Courts-martial
BOX 32 D’Utassy, 3 Apr. 1863
BOX 32 Waring, J. H. J, May 1863
BOX 32 Belger, James, June-July 1863
BOX 32 Cashel, Hazel, 25 July 1863
BOX 33 Various courts-martial, Aug. 1863-Nov. 1863
BOX 33 Philadelphia, Pa., meeting, 21 Oct. 1864
BOX 33 Courts-martial
BOX 33 Dec. 1863-Feb. 1864
BOX 33 1864-1865
(2 folders)
BOX 34 Apr.-Aug. 1865
BOX 34 June-Aug. 1866
BOX 34 Alexandria, Va., courts-martial, Nov. 1865-Apr. 1866
BOX 34 Court-martials, 1867-1868
BOX 34 Currier-Whitaker case notes
BOX 34 Sumner, Charles, speech
BOX 34 Butler’s analogy
BOX 34 Unidentifed
BOX 35 Notebooks, legal size
BOX 35 1884
BOX 35 1885-1887
BOX 35 1890-1891
BOX 35 1891-1892
BOX 36 1897-1898
BOX 36 1898-1900
BOX 36 1899-1901
BOX 37 1901-1902
BOX 37 1902-1904
BOX 37 Undated
BOX 37 Unidentified
BOX 38 Devotional Books and Memorial Volume
Episcopal and Catholic devotional books. The memorial volume contains congressional eulogies of Hitt.
BOX 38 Devotional books and memorial volume
BOX 39-40 Miscellany, 1830-1906
Financial books of Hitt’s father and sister. Includes journal of Hitt from 1857-1864 transcribed from his shorthand notes by Frederic L. Davis in 1906.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 39 Financial records of Reverend Thomas Hitt (father), 1830-1851
BOX 39 Ledger of M. E. Hitt
BOX 39 Daybook of M. E. Hitt
BOX 40 Bills and receipts, 1870-1903
BOX 40 Journal of Hitt, transcribed, 1857-1864, 1906
BOX 40 Unidentified shorthand notes (legal size)

Contents List