The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Robert R. Hitt papers, 1830-1906
BOX 2 Special Correspondence, 1892-1905
Special correspondence concerning Hitt’s reporting of Lincoln’s debate with Douglas in 1858, the accuracy of same, and Hitt’s discovery that Douglas was guilty of misquotation. Includes a copy of Lincoln’s presentation in the Rock Island Bridge case, 1857.
Organized chronologically.
BOX 2 1892-1905
(4 folders)
BOX 3-5 Business Correspondence, 1882-1904
Letters regarding Hitt’s business interests, including his investment in the Louisville, New Albany, & Chicago Railway and appeals to use his influence during his congressional tour.
Arranged according to correspondent or type of material.
BOX 3 Caldwell & Caldwell, 1882-1893
BOX 3 Carr, J. P., 1882-1883
BOX 3 Chicago & Bedford Stone Co., 1883
BOX 3 Debtors
BOX 3 Duvall, W. Clarence, 1882-1904
BOX 3 First National Bank, Lafayette, Ind. 1883-1895
BOX 3 Fowler National Bank, 1891
BOX 3 Lafayette Gas & Light
BOX 3 1883-1893
BOX 3 1894-1896
BOX 3 Lafayette Savings Bank, 1882
BOX 3 Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railroad
BOX 3 1881-1883
(3 folders)
BOX 4 1884-1889
BOX 4 National State Bank, Lafayette, Ind., 1882
BOX 4 Patterson, C. S., 1892
BOX 4 Estate of William Phelps, 1903-1904
BOX 4 Real estate, undated
BOX 4 Sherman, R. H., 1882-1893
BOX 4 Taxes in Washington, D.C., 1884-1904
BOX 4 Warner, Charles, 1883-1894
BOX 4 Western Dredging and Improvement, 1893
BOX 5 Williams, George, 1882-1894
(3 folders)
BOX 5 Miscellany
BOX 5 1883-1883
(2 folders)
BOX 5 1883-1888
BOX 5 1885-1893
BOX 6-8 Official Correspondence, 1874-1901
Correspondence and letterbooks relating to Hitt’s activities at the American legation in Paris, 1874-1881, duties in Congress, 1882-1906, and on the Hawaiian Commission.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 6 Secretary to United States Legation, Paris, France, 1874-1881
BOX 6 Letterbook
BOX 6 Nov. 1875-Dec. 1876
BOX 6 Dec. 1876-Dec. 1878
BOX 7 Jan. 1879-Jan. 1881
BOX 7 Dec. 1882-Apr. 1883
BOX 7 Apr. 1883
BOX 8 May 1898-June 1899
BOX 8 Dec. 1899-Feb. 1901
BOX 8 Hawaiian Commission, Aug. 1898-Mar. 1899
BOX 9 Subject File
Printed matter on the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, material relating to the Rock Island Bridge case, condolences and correspondence, a map, speeches, and miscellaneous items.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 9 Assistant secretary of state, 1881
BOX 9 Indians, dispatches regarding, 1865
BOX 9 Indian names
BOX 9 Letters of condolence to Mrs. Hitt
BOX 9 Regarding Abraham Lincoln
BOX 9 Louisville & Nashville Railroad
BOX 9 Map of Mt. Morris, Ill. (Hitt’s home)
BOX 9 Poe’s park legislation
BOX 9 Rock Island Bridge case, June 1860
BOX 9 Souvenirs from Palestine
BOX 9 Speech, Oregon, Ill., 1882
BOX 9 Speech to Boston, Mass., merchants, 1893
BOX 9 Speech for annexation of Hawaii, 1898
BOX 10-30 Newspaper Clippings, 1884-1906
Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings begun after Hitt’s election to Congress and miscellaneous clippings.
The scrapbooks are arranged chronologically.
BOX 10 Scrapbooks
BOX 10 Oct. 1884-30 June 1886
BOX 10 Canadian reciprocity, 1887-1888
BOX 10 Oct. 1888-Jan. 1890
BOX 11 Jan. -May 1890
BOX 11 May-Aug. 1890
BOX 12 Aug.-Oct. 1890
BOX 12 Oct.-Nov. 1890
BOX 13 Nov. 1890-Feb. 1892
BOX 13 Mar.-June 1892
BOX 14 June-Dec. 1892
BOX 14 Dec. 1892-Feb. 1894
BOX 15 Mar.-Sept. 1894
BOX 15 Oct. 1894-Mar. 1895
BOX 16 Mar.-Dec. 1895
BOX 16 Dec. 1895-Apr. 1896
BOX 17 Apr.-Nov. 1896
BOX 17 Nov.-Dec. 1896
BOX 18 Jan. 1897
BOX 18 Jan.-May 1897
BOX 19 June 1897-Jan. 1898
BOX 19 Jan.-Apr. 1898
BOX 20 Apr.-Nov. 1898
BOX 20 Oct. 1898-Dec. 1899
BOX 21 Nov. 1899-Sept. 1900
BOX 21 Sept. 1900-July 1901
BOX 22 July 1901-Apr. 1902
BOX 22 Apr.-Oct. 1902
BOX 23 Oct. 1902-Apr. 1903
BOX 23 Apr.-Dec. 1903
BOX 24 Jan.-May 1904
BOX 24 May 1904
BOX 25 May-June 1904
BOX 25 June-24 June 1904
BOX 26 24 June 1904-Apr. 1905
BOX 26 Fifty-first Congress (1889-1891)
BOX 27 Obituaries of others
BOX 28 Miscellaneous clippings
BOX 28 Activities in Congress
BOX 28 House Foreign Affairs Committee
BOX 28 Retirement. 1906
BOX 28 Lowden, Frank O.-William Pierce Landon, 1906
BOX 28 Race for Congress
BOX 29 Race for Congress
BOX 29 Obituaries of Hitt
BOX 29 Miscellany
BOX 30 Unidentified
BOX 31-37 Shorthand Notes, 1856-1904
Mostly notebooks of shorthand notes, including notes taken prior to Lincoln’s election and notes of courts-martial.
Arranged by subject, occasion, name of person, or type of material.
BOX 31 Facsimile of notes by Hitt
BOX 31 Seward, William Henry, speech on Kansas, 19 Apr. 1856
BOX 31 Stanton, Edwin McMasters, speech, 8 June 1858
BOX 31 Douglas, Stephen A., speech, 9 July 1858
BOX 31 Lincoln, Abraham, speech, 10 July 1858
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