The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John J. Pershing papers, 1882-1971
Speeches, Statements, and Book File, 1892-1944 (continued)
Fort William McKinley, Philippines, 1907
Governor of Moro Province
General, 1909-1913
(3 folders)
BOX 371 General, 1909-1913
(2 folders)
Reports, 1910-1912
(2 folders)
BOX 372 Mexican border and Punitive Expedition
Punitive Expedition, reports, 1916-1923, 1929
Mexican border, 1914-1916
(2 folders)
Punitive Expedition, 1916-1917, 1934
Punitive Expedition, extracts from Col. Tompkins book, undated
BOX 373 American Forces in Germany, printed matter, 1918-1919, 1935
Miscellaneous, printed matter and notes, 1892-circa 1937
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous drafts of undetermined chapters and origin, undated
BOX 374 Drafts
Early 1933
BOX 375 1934
Moore draft
BOX 376 Drafts, 1934, chapters 1-18, checked by Shaw, 1934, Oct.
BOX 377 Corrected drafts
Chapters 1-8
BOX 378 Chapters 9-16
BOX 379 Chapters 17-conclusion
BOX 380 1936-1937 , chapters 1-15
BOX 380 REEL 1-10 Scrapbooks, 1900-1949
Bound scrapbooks and material prepared for binding, 1900-1938, are chronologically arranged. Loose clippings, 1938-1949, are chronologically arranged by years. Miscellaneous material and scrapbooks sent as gifts conclude the series.
Available only on ten reels of microfilm, shelf no. 19,612, where they are cited as Containers 381-408. The numbering of the collection was revised after filming.
REEL 1 1900, Aug.-1906, Dec., vol. 1
1906, Dec.-1913, Dec., vol. 2
1914, Jan.-1916, June, vol. 3
1916, July-Oct., vol. 4
REEL 2 1916, Oct.-1917, Apr., vol. 5
1917, May 1-June 12, vol. 6
1917, June 13-Nov. 1, vol. 7
REEL 3 1918
1918, Nov. 1-July 1, vol. 8
1918, July 1-Sept. 30, vol. 9
1918, Oct.-1919, Jan., vol. 10
REEL 4 1919
1919, Jan.-May, vol. 11
1919, June-July, vol. 12
1919, July 5-Sept. 30, vol. 13
1919, Oct. 6-Dec. 16, vol. 14
REEL 5 1919, Dec. 16-1920, Feb. 5, vol. 15
Biography of George MacAdam, vol. 16
1920, Feb. 5-June 23, vol. 17
1920, June-Dec., vol. 18
REEL 6 1921, Jan.-Aug., vol. 19
1921, Aug.-1922, May, vol. 20
1922, May-1923, July, vol. 21
REEL 7 1923, Aug.-1926, Feb., vol. 22
1926, Mar.-1934, Dec., vol. 23
REEL 8 1935, Jan.-1938, Dec., vol. 24
REEL 8-9 1938, Dec.
REEL 9-10 Miscellaneous
Memoirs of Ferdinand Foch
Book by Peyton C. March
"Inside Story of AEF"
REEL 10 Miscellaneous volumes sent as gifts
"The Great Scrapbook," collected by Detroit Times, 1917-1919
BOX 381-383 Memorabilia
Certificates, diplomas, awards, commissions, and miscellaneous items.
BOX 381 Certificates, diplomas, awards, commissions, etc. See also Oversize
BOX 382 Certificates, diplomas, awards, commissions, etc. See also Oversize
BOX 383 Certificates, diplomas, awards, commissions, etc. See also Oversize
BOX 384-437 Addition, 1891-1971
Correspondence between Pershing and his wife, Helen F. Warren, correspondence with others, diaries, drafts of Pershing's autobiography, and miscellaneous material. Also includes manuscript items removed from the Scrapbooks series after filming.
Correspondence arranged by name of author. Other material arranged by type of material.
BOX 384 Correspondence
Butler, Mary E., 1908-1928
(5 folders)
Christmas, 1916
Linville, Charles H., 1928
Manuscript notes
Adamson, G. E., 1891-1904, 1935-1938
Egan, Martin, notes on My Experiences in the World War
BOX 385 Last drafts
(5 folders)
McGlachlin, Edward Fenton, 1919
Motion pictures
Bye, George T.
Hays, Will, and John Callan O'Laughlin
Klein, Julius
Nebraska Legal News
BOX 386 Paddock, Anne C.
Paddock, Doris J.
Paddock, R. B., 1905-1932
(2 folders)
Patton, Anne W.
Personal papers
(3 folders)
BOX 387 (1 folder)
Pershing, Frank E.
(2 folders)
Pershing, James F., 1907-1926
(4 folders)
BOX 388 Pershing, James F., Jr.
Pershing, John F.
Pershing, May
(5 folders)
BOX 389 1930-1944
BOX 390 Pershing, Francis Warren (son)
(4 folders)
BOX 391 1926-1938
BOX 392 1939-1945
Estate accounts, 1923-1932
BOX 393 Rescue of from fire
Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H.
Property, personal
Resco, Micheline
Russell, Mrs. Albert W.
Warren, Fred E.
Warren, Mrs. Francis E. (Helen Maria Smith Warren)
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