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Otto Sternoff Beyer papers, 1905-1951

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BOX 115 Correspondence, 1923-1947
(21 folders)
BOX 116 Texts
1919, Mar. "Efficiency Through Democracy in Railway Industry of America"
1923, Oct. "Employee Morale Problem of Our Railroads"
"Business Policy," Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Policy Holders Service Bureau, Metropolitan Life Co.
Nov. "A Constructive Program for the Federated Railway Men of Canada"
Feb. "Citizenship of Industry"
Aug. "Railroad Union-Management Cooperation"
1926, June
"The Cooperative Policy of the Railway Employees Department"
"The Value of the Railway Shopman to His Industry"
Feb., National Civic Federation luncheon remarks
June, Railway Employees Department Convention
Sept., "Labor's Contribution to the Scientific Organization of the Industry"
Dec., Industrial Seminar, Congregational Churches
Baltimore and Ohio System Federation Convention
"Labor's Constructive Function in the Railway Industry"
"Experiences with Cooperation Between Labor and Management in the Railway Industry"
Mar., "Sources of Potential Leaders in Industry"
Apr., Review of Human Relations in Railroading
June, Baltimore and Ohio Plan of Cooperation
1930, Dec.
"Union-Management Competes and Wins"
"That Acid Test, The Ledger Indicates Success"
1931, Mar.
"Keeping at the Job"
"Steady Work Through Cooperation"
Apr., "Constructive Human Relations in the Railway Industry"
May, "Labor's Contribution to Democratic Influences in Industry"
July, "Labor-Management Cooperation"
BOX 117 1933
Feb., "An Industrial Policy for America"
Mar., Articles regarding Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins
Aug., "Unemployment and the Morale of Industry"
1934 Nov., Brotherhood of Clerks Convention
1935 Nov., "How Development of Personnel Has Contributed to Progress of the Transportation Industry"
Mar., "Collective Bargaining Under the Railway Labor Act"
June, "What Engineers Should Know about Labor Problems"
Feb., "Railroad Labor Relations Today
Mar., "Collective Bargaining and Labor Management Cooperation"
May, "A Practical Program for the Coordination of Government, Labor and Management"
June, Winant Speech, Geneva, Switzerland
Oct., "The Art of Mediation"
Dec., "Mediation"
May, "Making Democracy Work"
June, "Making Collective Bargaining Work"
Dec., Convention
BOX 118 1940
Round Table Discussion, National Conference of Christians and Jews
"Engineers as Arbitrators"
Mar., "Mediation, the Next Step"
July, Address before Convention of Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees
Oct., "Total Cooperation"
Nov., "Labor's Contribution to Industry"
Dec., "Government's Role in Collective Bargaining"
"Research and Collective Bargaining"
"Railway Labor Relations and the National Defense"
Mar., "Defense and the National Mediation Board"
May, "Manpower, A Pressing Problem"
July, "Railroad Manpower Problems in Wartime"
July, "Manpower for Railroad Maintenance of Way"
Aug., "Mediation and Conciliation"
Sept., "Manpower Problems in Mass Transportation"
Sept., "Maintenance of Way Manpower Problems," Roadmasters and Maintenance of Way
Sept., "Meeting the Manpower Problem"
BOX 119 Oct., "Manpower Program for Trucking Industry"
Nov., "Human Engineering in Industry"
"The Manpower Problem"
"Labor Utilization in Manpower Conservation Program"
Jan., "Manpower Problems of the Private Truck Carrier"
Mar., "Transportation Workers in Wartime"
May, "Railroad Manpower in Wartime"
July, "Manpower for the Railroad Maintenance of Way"
Oct., "Labor Relations in Wartime"
Oct., "Transportation Labor Problems in Wartime and After"
Jan., "Railroaders in Wartime"
Aug., "Review of Governmental Adjustment of Labor Disputes"
"Employee Relations in the Public Service, Present and Future"
Jan., "Employee Relations"
Aug., "Personnel Management in Industry"
Sept., "Fundamentals of Labor-Management Cooperation"
Oct., "Bonneville Power and Labor"
"Labor Relations and the Public Service"
"Labor Situation," League of Women Voters
June, "Employee Relations in Publicly Owned Utilities"
American Railroads Under Federal Control
"Brotherhood [of Railway Carmen] and Union-Management Cooperation"
"Cooperative Research and the Railway Fuel Program"
"Democratic Organization of Labor for Cooperative Production"
"Industrial Function of the Organized Labor Movement"
"Management of Cooperative Factories"
"Plan for Establishing Industry Labor Codes"
"Productivity of Railway Shop Employees"
BOX 120 Draft history regarding railroads
BOX 121 Draft history regarding railroads
BOX 122 Draft history regarding railroads
BOX 123 Draft history regarding railroads
BOX 124 Draft history regarding railroads
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