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Philip L. Geyelin papers, 1917-2000

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Writings File, 1938-1998 (continued)
Education, G. I. Bill (Servicemen's Readjustment Act), 1956, 1973-1980, undated Two publications available only on microfiche. Shelf no. 22,887
(3 folders)
General, 1977-1980, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 117 Commentary, 1977-1980, undated
Congressional hearing, Senate, 1980, Mar. 4
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program, 1980
Legislation, 1974-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Mora, Roland R., 1977-1978
Organizations, 1979-1980, undated
Veterans preference
BOX 118 1980, undated
White House Conference on Small Business, 1980, Jan. 13-17
Incarcerated veterans, 1975-1980, undated
General, 1970, 1976-1980, undated
Congressional hearings, 1980
House of Representatives, Oct. 25
(2 folders)
Senate, May 21
(1 folder)
BOX 119 (1 folder)
Hospitals See also Container 107, Veterans Administration Hospital, Long Beach, Calif.
Advancements, 1980
Buildings and budgets, 1979-1980
Care and quality, 1980
Personnel, 1980, undated
Psychological problems of Vietnam veterans, 1977-1980, undated
Psychological Readjustment Act and Outreach Program, 1977-1980, undated
BOX 120 Studies, Vietnam Era Research Project, 1979-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Women related to veterans, 1980, undated
Pensions, 1977-1980, undated
Miscellaneous reference material
Addresses and contacts, undated
Carter, John R., Systematic Review of Laboratory Service: Cleveland Veterans Administration Hospital, 1976, May 1
(2 folders)
BOX 121 Clippings, 1978-1985
(6 folders)
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs, 1979
(2 folders)
BOX 122 (1 folder)
Fragments, undated
General Accounting Office, reports to Congress regarding veterans and the Veterans Administration
(1 folder)
BOX 123 (1 folder)
International Workshop on Plans for Clinical and Epidemiologic Follow-up after Area-wide Chemical Contamination, Washington, D.C., 1980
Nixon, Richard M., interview by David Frost, program no. 3, 1977
Notes, 1979-1980, undated
Pentagon Papers, 1981
Prisoners of war-missing in action, 1981-1985, undated
Quotes from veterans, 1980, undated
Speech and transcript of broadcast, 1978-1979
BOX 124 Starr, Paul, The Discarded Army: Veterans after Vietnam; The Nader Report on Vietnam Veterans and the Veterans Administration, preliminary draft, 1973
Veterans Administration
In re Advisory Committee on Health-Related Effects of Herbicides, transcripts, 1979
Annual Report: Administrator of Veterans Affairs, 1977
National Survey of Veterans, circa 1977
BOX 125 Organizational Manual of the Veterans Administration, changes to medical facilities, 1978
Weidman, Rick, interview, 1980
Westmoreland v. Columbia Broadcasting Sys., 1967-1968, 1982-1984
Wilson, John P., Identity, Ideology, and Crisis: The Vietnam Veteran in Transition; A Partial and Preliminary Report Submitted to the Disabled American Veterans Association on the Forgotten Warrior Project, 1977
Women veterans of Vietnam, 1981
Editorials and columns
(3 folders)
BOX 126 1961-1984
(15 folders)
BOX 127 1985-1991, undated
(8 folders)
“The Editorial Page,” 1977
“Vietnam and the Press: Limited War and an Open Society,” 1965-1973, undated
(2 folders)
Introduction, 1974
Miscellaneous, Twentieth Century Fund project, undated
Poem, 1938
BOX OV 1-OV 2 Oversize, 1963
Photographs, charts, and a broadside.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folder from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Personal File
Photographs, undated (Container 9)
BOX OV 2 Subject File
Foreign aid
Correspondence and miscellany
Chart with notes on verso, 1963 (Container 31)
Latin America
Alliance for Progress
Hand-drawn chart, undated (Container 42)
Writings File
“Strong at the Broken Places”
Other cities and programs
Buffalo, N.Y.
Correspondence, clippings, notes, and ephemera
Broadside, undated (Container 105)

Contents List