The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  George Kleine papers, 1886-1946
Some or all content stored offsite.
Inventories and Lists, circa 1900-1945 (continued)
National Archives (films selected for archival value), [1945?]
Negatives, 1918, 1922, undated
Old cold foreign copies, 1919
Perfection pictures
Prints, 1919-1928
Publicity stills, 1924, 1927
“The Roosevelt Series of History and Biography,” [1912?]
Schedule of releases, 1913-1918
Sixteen millimeter special subjects, circa 1930
Statement of amounts for extra footage credited to manufacturers, 1910-1914
Story rights
BOX 70 Teitel (A.) Vaults, 1923-1930
Thirty Years Ago, 1928
Titles, 1913-1928
Toronto and Montreal, circa 1920
United States Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means (educational motion pictures imported by George Kleine), 1913
Value per reel, 1919
Watson, Henry (comedies in Chicago, Ill.), 1925
BOX 71-77 Distribution File, 1920-1932
Correspondence, financial records, and other items relating to the distribution of motion pictures.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or geographic location.
BOX 71 “A” miscellaneous
Australia, 1926-1930
Bahamas, 1926-1928
Belgium, 1926-1928
Canada, 1923-1930
China, 1921
Czechoslovakia, 1928
England, 1925, 1929
Finland, 1929
France, 1923-1928
Greece, 1920-1921
India, 1925-1928
Japan, 1922-1929
New Zealand, 1927-1929
Philippines, 1922-1925
Puerto Rico, 1922-1927
Spain, 1928
Fox, William (Fox Films, Fox Theatres), 1930
“K” miscellaneous
Kleine credit accounts, 1927-1930
“L” miscellaneous
Service Film Corp., 1925
Sound devices, 1928
Spoor, George K., 1925-1929
Staehli, Edward, 1924, 1930
Alabama, 1922-1929
Arizona, 1927-1929
Arkansas, 1922-1929
BOX 72 California, 1922-1931
(2 folders)
Colorado, 1923-1930
Connecticut, 1925-1929
Delaware, 1928-1930
District of Columbia, 1925-1929
Florida, 1921-1930
Georgia, 1926-1929
Hawaii, 1923-1930
Idaho, 1922
Illinois, 1922-1930
BOX 73 Indiana, 1922-1929
(2 folders)
Iowa State College, Ames, 1927-1931
Miscellaneous, 1929-1930
State University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1924-1929
Kansas, 1923-1931
(2 folders)
Kentucky, 1921-1929
Louisiana, 1922-1929
Maine, 1926-1929
Maryland, 1925-1929
Massachusetts, 1921-1930
(2 folders)
BOX 74 Detroit public schools, 1925-1929
Miscellaneous, 1922-1930
Miscellaneous, 1921-1930
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1922-1927
Mississippi, 1922-1930
Missouri, 1922-1930
Montana, 1923-1929
Nebraska, 1922-1929
New Hampshire, 1923-1929
New Jersey, 1925-1930
New Mexico, 1927
New York, 1924-1930
(2 folders)
BOX 75 North Carolina, 1921-1930
North Dakota, 1922-1929
Miscellaneous, 1921-1930
(2 folders)
Riegel, Vernon M., 1926-1930
Oklahoma, 1921-1930
BOX 76 Oregon, 1921-1929
Pennsylvania, 1925-1930
(2 folders)
Rhode Island, 1927
South Carolina, 1929-1930
South Dakota, 1922-1927
Tennessee, 1926-1930
Texas, 1922-1931
Utah, 1921-1929
BOX 77 Vermont, 1925-1929
Virginia, 1929-1930
Washington, 1921-1932
West Virginia, 1926-1929
Wisconsin, 1927-1930
Wyoming, 1927-1930
Stern Brothers, 1928-1929
Tichenor, Frank A., 1923-1927
Verhoeven, John A., 1924-1928
Victor Animatograph Co., 1930
Western Union Telegraph Co., 1929-1930
Zincograph Co., 1926-1928

Contents List