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George Kleine papers, 1886-1946

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Subject File, 1886-1946 (continued)
United States Department of Commerce, 1921-1930
United States Department of Interior, 1919-1924
United States Department of Justice, 1919, 1921
United States Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, 1920
BOX 58 United States Federal antitrust laws, 1914-1926
United States Federal Trade Commission, 1915-1927
United States Film Exchange See Container 37, same heading
United States Government Printing Office, 1927
United States Library of Congress, Copyright Office, 1912-1940
United States Navy Motion Picture Exchange, 1919
United States Post Office, 1922-1929
United States Treasury Department, 1918-1921
BOX 59 United Theatre Equipment Corp.
Accounting, 1918-1926, undated
Arcus Ticket Co., 1923
Assets and liabilities, 1922-1923
Banking matters, 1920-1927, undated
(3 folders)
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 1923
Boetzel, Eric L., 1924
BOX 60 Calehuff, Charles A., 1921-1927
Cifre, Joseph, 1923-1926
Cohen, Benjamin
Collections, 1926-1928
Collections in doubt, 1923-1926
Uncollectable accounts, 1922-1928
Contracts, 1916-1919
Coufal, Joseph F., 1923
Customers, 1923
Eckhardt, Conrad, 1923-1925
Edison Lamp Works, General Electric Co., 1923
Edwards, Herbert T., 1917-1927
Endorser's expenses, 1923-1928
BOX 61 Forms
Fulco Sales Co., 1922-1923
Graham and Scott, 1923-1926
Hallberg, J. H., 1917-1923
Inventory, 1917
Kleine memorandum, 1923
Legal papers, 1922-1926
Matters, Thomas H., Jr., 1923-1927
Merger, 1923
Miscellaneous matters, 1923-1926
Rose & Paskus, 1923-1927
Sales, circa 1920-1922, undated
Shares, 1917-1923
Sloane and Chase Manufacturing Co., 1922-1923
Stockholders, directors, minutes of meetings, etc., 1922-1924
Transactions, 1916-1920
BOX 62 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. See Container 41, same heading
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah See Container 41, same heading
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1921-1928 See also Container 42, same heading
The Unwritten Code (Inter-Ocean Film Corp.), 1920-1922
Urban, Charles, 1923, 1925
Valentino, Rudolph, 1925-1926
(2 folders)
Vendetta, 1914-1922
Vanity Fair, 1915-1926
Vanoscope Co., 1913
Variety, 1926
Victor Animatograph Co., 1923-1930
Victor Safety Cinema Corp., 1920-1923
Viking Blade Co., 1929
Virginia (educational distribution of films), 1923-1930
BOX 63 Visual education, 1926
Visual Instruction Association of New York City, 1922-1923 See also Container 42, Visual Instruction Association of New York City and National Academy of Visual Instruction
Vitagraph Co. of America, 1922
Vitagraph-Lubin-Selig-Essanay, 1916
Vitaphone, 1926
Vogel, William, 1929
Voorhis, Otie, 1927-1929
Voris, William (Spitzer, Rorick & Co.), 1915-1919
Wainwright (J. G. & R. B.), Ltd. (Officer 666), 1920
Warde, Arthur F. (Film Co. of Ireland), 1919-1922
Warren (F. B.) Corp., 1921-1923, 1928
Waters, Percival L. See Container 63, same heading
Watson, Harry, Jr., 1916, undated See also Container 4, Bickel, George, and Harry Watson, Jr.
Wellington, 1919
Werren, Sam (United Film Service), 1922
Wertheimer, E., 1915-1919
Wescott Film Corp., 1919-1920
Western Photogravure Co., 1918-1923
Western Star Feature Co., 1921-1922
Wheeler, L. C., 1918-1920
White, Francis D., 1922-1923
White, James A.
Wholesome Film Service, 1923
Widescope Camera Co., 1919-1920
BOX 64 Wid Gunning, Inc., 1922
Wild Oats, 1916-1928
Wilk, Jacob, 1921
Williams, Mrs. Sumner (Juliet), 1925
Williamson (J. C.) Ltd. (Australian and South African theaters), 1915
Wilson, Eska (Standard Motion Picture Service, 1921-1922
Wilson Film Co., 1919-1920
Window Opposite (schedule of cost), circa 1918
Wisby, Hrolf (pre-visualization plan), 1926
Wolf, Nathan See Container 33, Wolf, Nathan, and Morris Choynski
The Woman Next Door, 1921
The Woman Who Dared, 1921
World Film Corp.
General, 1919-1925
(2 folders)
BOX 65 Accounting, 1919-1920
Charlie Chaplin films, 1919
Contract, 1919
Republic Distributing Corp. (Kleine claim against), 1919-1921
The Unwritten Code and The Girl Alaska (accounts), 1919-1922
World War I
Aid and gifts by George Kleine, 1918
Canada, 1918-1919
Committee on Public Information, 1917-1918
Employees in United States Military and other service, 1917-1919
Italian war pictures, 1918, undated
BOX 66 Liberty Loan, 1917-1920, undated
(3 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1915-1922, undated
(3 folders)
Motion pictures, 1918
Postwar Americanization, 1920-1923
BOX 67 Taxes, 1917-1922
(2 folders)
The Unbeliever, 1918
War Camp Motion Picture Committee, 1917-1918
War Industries Board, 1917-1918
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