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Charles Edward Russell papers, 1864-1941

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Notebooks, 1883-1939 (continued)
Blaine, James G., undated
Booker, poems, etc., undated
Charlemagne, Einhard, undated
Colton case (railroads), undated
(2 folders)
Deposit book, 1919-1933
“Diaries of an Amateur Diplomat”
July 28-Aug. 26 (no. 1, Holland)
Aug. 27-Sept. 15 (no. 2A, Holland, England)
1914, Sept. 15-30 and 1915, Apr. 4-May 1 (no. 2B, Holland, England)
1915, May 2-28 and 1916, June 17-July 16 (no. 3, England France)
BOX 25 1916, July 18-Sept. 17 (no. 4, England France)
May 15-June 15 (no. 5, Russia)
June 15-July 6 (no. 6, Russia)
July 7-Aug. 19 (no. 7, Russia)
Apr. 25-June 28 (no. 8, England)
June 28-Sept. 4 (no. 9, England, France, Italy)
Sept. 8-24 (no. 10, England, France)
1905, June 15-Dec. 14 (trip for Everybody's Magazine; Europe, Port Said, India)
BOX 26 1905, Dec. 16-1906, Apr. 7 (trip for Everybody's Magazine; Guinea, China, Japan, Hawaii)
1914, July-Aug. (no. 1, Rotterdam, Hague, Holland)
May 15-June 2 (no. 1)
June 3-29 (no. 2)
June 30-Aug. 6 (no. 3)
1920-1921, Nov. 30-Feb. 12 (Japan)
1921, Feb. 13-Apr. 26 (Philippines)
French language, undated
Indians, foreign trade, circa 1913
1899-1900 (travel journal, notes)
1909[?] Buckley, William H.
circa 1912
circa 1913 (Australia, New Zealand, Blackfeet)
circa 1913 (Robert M. La Follette, Blackfeet)
circa 1915
circa 1915 (no. 5)
circa 1916 (railroads, social issues, etc.)
BOX 27 circa 1918 (France, national debt, etc.)
circa 1920 (China, Philippines, etc.)
circa 1921
circa 1924 (railroads, Blackfeet)
circa 1933
circa 1933, undated
circa 1937 (health, disease)
Miscellaneous, undated
(6 folders)
Miscellaneous, undated
Allds, Kennedy, Buckley
BOX 28 Dietz, lumber
Freight rates, circa 1909
Hirt, Joseph
Marlowe, Korea, Bosnin
Notes for articles, post-1909
Notes on poetry
Notes on Savage
(3 folders)
Railroads, Charlemagne
Railroads, Congress, circa 1913
Railroads, notes on poetry, Shakespeare
Research notes
Research notes–Savage, Boswell, Johnson
Soviets, France, André Tardieu
BOX 29 Switzerland, India, Australia, Japan–economics
Travel journal, etc.
Music, “Time Bar Studies”
Music, French writers, undated
“My Own Anthology, “
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3, colorist A [circa 1924]
No. 4, colorists B
No. 5, general
Naval heroes, undated
No. 1, circa 1920 (education, finances)
No. 2, undated
BOX 30 No. 3, undated
circa 1925
circa 1926-1927
circa 1931-1935
circa 1935
circa 1938-1939
(3 folders)
BOX 31 Undated
Poems, notes, circa 1920
Railroads, circa 1913
(2 folders)
Railroads, etc., circa 1919, circa 1935
Railroads, undated
(3 folders)
Railroads, undated
No. 1, NYC
No. 2, Van. NYC
No. 3, L.S.
NYC & L., No. 1
Railroad rates, undated
St. Gall. [?] undated
Savage, undated
Slavery, undated (Civil War)
Salomon, Haym, undated
(2 folders)
Copies of 1781-1782 correspondence
Copies of 1783 material
Vladivostok (June diary notes)
BOX 32-36 Subject File, 1897-1940
Writings, clippings, poems, plays, notes, lectures, reports, and printed matter, with some correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 32 Amory, William Nowland, article on Japan, circa 1938 See also Container 39, “Unveiling Futurity”
Australia, clippings book (Labor Party, Industrial Disputes Act), 1908
“Chatterton,” musical scores, etc.
Hunter, Robert (clippings from Chicago Daily Socialist), 1908-1909
Hyndman, Ruth Travers, book review (on H. M. Hyndman's Clemenceau), circa 1919
Keasbey, Lindley M., article typescript, “Wealth and Its Ways,” undated
McGaffey, Ernest
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