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Charles Edward Russell papers, 1864-1941

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BOX 48-53 Miscellany, 1865-1940
Chiefly printed matter, articles by and about Russell, clippings, scrapbooks, menus, books, notes, and programs.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject.
BOX 48 Books
Chatterton (1893), by Ernest Lacy
The Wooly Horse(1907), by Alexander S. Bacon
Books, fiction and devotions, 1922, undated
Calling cards, library slips, notes, ration stamps, etc., circa 1917-1936
Articles by and about Russell (Hearst), 1888-1903
Articles by Russell
1919 (McClure Syndicate)
Clippings and periodicals, articles by and about Russell, 1908-1938
BOX 49 Concert programs (annotated), 1908-1918, 1940
Concert programs (annotated), Theodore Thomas orchestra, 1908-1913
Honors and certificates, Howard University, Washington, D.C., and Pulitzer Prize, 1923, 1928
Music, etc. (Theodore Thomas)
Notebook of poems, circa 1916, undated
Pamphlets by Russell, 1881-1936
Printed matter (menus, programs, research material, railroads, sailing lists, travel, etc.), 1869-1938
War, poems by Ernest McGaffey, 1937
War cartoon book, America in the War(1918), by Louis Raemaekers
BOX 50 Scrapbooks
1886-1901, articles by Russell
1902-1909, articles about and by Russell
BOX 51 1905-1908
Articles about Russell, reviews, etc.
Articles by Russell ( Everybody's Magazine, Cosmopolitan, etc.)
BOX 52 1904-1907, articles by Russell, reviews, etc.
Miscellaneous (clippings, pictures, unknown writers, etc.), circa 1865
The Coming Nation(Russell, editor), bound copy, 1910, Dec. 31-1911, Sept. 9
BOX 53 Wax seal

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