The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Harold M. Stephens papers, 1895-1955
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BOX 254-268 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1902-1954
Handwritten, typewritten, and printed copies of speeches and articles by Stephens, notes and proofs of his published doctoral thesis, and speeches by Homer Cummings.
Arranged by type of writing and therein by topic, occasion, or group being addressed.
BOX 254 By Stephens
Character sketch of Lady Macbeth, 1902
Composition on lures, 1903
The relation of ethics to politics in The Republic of Plato (Cornell University), 1909
“The Legal Responsibility of Hospitals,” 1925
“Hospital Personnel as Administrators of God's laws,” 1926
“The Jeweled Sword,” 1926
“In Support of Quarreling,” 1928
“The School, the Church and the State,” 1928
“What Courts Can Learn from Commissions,” 1933
“Some Characteristics of the New Deal,” 1933
BOX 255 Maryland State Bar Association, 1934
Minnesota State Bar Association, 1935
American College of Surgeons, 1936
Holy Name Society, 1937
New York State Bar Association, 1937
West Virginia State Bar Association, 1938
BOX 256 Catholic University Alumni, New York, 1938
Irish Free State, 1938
Duke Round Table, 1938
BOX 257 Book reviews (Yale Law Journal), 1938
National Parole Conference, 1939
Manresa-on-Severn, 1939
BOX 258 National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1939
Communion breakfast, 1940
Georgetown commencement, 1940
Graduation exercises, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1940
Georgetown Law Review, 1942
Utah Bar Bulletin, 1943
BOX 259 Justice George Sutherland
BOX 260 1944
James F. Byrnes, 1945
Chief justice, 1946
Fred M. Vinson, 1947
American Bar Association, 1947
BOX 261 Florence Allen, 1948
Fifty years of legal changes, 1949
Court of Appeals Night, 1950
BOX 262 District of Columbia Bar Association, 1950
University of Utah commencement, 1950
Cornerstone laying, 1950
National Association of Women Layers, 1950
District of Columbia Bar, 1950
Grand Juror's Association, 1950
San Francisco, Calif., 1951
BOX 263 Affairs of the United States Courts, 1952, Jan.
Shop talk, 1952, Jan. 26
Judge Groner portrait presentations, 1952, Nov. 10
District of Columbia Bar Association, 1952, Nov. 11
Walsh, Edmund A., 1952, Nov. 15
BOX 264 Affairs of United States Courts, 1954, Aug. 8
Federal Bar Association, 1954, Dec. 14
Problems in United States Courts, 1954
Presentation of flag, 1954, Dec. 14
Law practice, 1954
Remarks, 1954
BOX 265 Henry Fountain Ashurst, 1943
I emulated Edison
Petition to perpetuate paternity's privileges
Double exposure (play)
Peace of mind
Edna Spence
Rhymed reports
Detective Story Magazine, trial before Judge Stephens
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1938
Utah State Society
Young Democratic Club of Utah
Utopian lawyers
Story of the rising rock
The fear of God
The coward
A toast to ourselves
The perfect judge
The protective tariff
BOX 266 Speeches by Homer Cummings, 1933-1935
Listing of speeches
Attorney general's speech
American Bar Association, 1933
Rollins College
Daughters of the American Revolution
Oglethorpe University
Lake Forest College
How government battles organized lawlessness
Predatory crime
BOX 267 Virginia lectures
Women's part in the elimination of crime
Miscellaneous speeches
BOX 268 Book, Administrative Tribunals and the Rules of Evidence, published doctoral thesis, Harvard University Press, 1933
BOX OV 269-OV 287D Miscellany
Photographs, memorabilia, notebooks, and ledgers.
Arranged by type of material. Includes oversize items.
BOX OV 269 Photographs (Oversize)
BOX OV 270 Photographs (Oversize)
BOX OV 271 Memorabilia (Oversize)
Diplomas and photographs
BOX 272-286 Notebooks and ledgers
BOX OV 287 1904-1907 (Oversize)
BOX OV 287A 1904-1907 (Oversize)
BOX OV 287B 1904-1907 (Oversize)
BOX OV 287C 1904-1907 (Oversize)
BOX OV 287D 1904-1907 (Oversize)
BOX 288-308 Court File: Cases and Opinions, Set I, 1935-1950
Opinions, case files, working papers, and an index.
Arranged by date and type of documentation.
BOX 288 In the Matter of John W. Carter
Gray v. United States
United States v. United Mine Workers, 1950, Apr. 26
(2 folders)
BOX 289 Creel v. Creel
Mann v. Cornish, 1950, Apr. 27
Houston v. United States, 1950, Feb. 21
Kephart v. Kephart
Partridge v. Presley, 1950, May 29
Villaroman v. United States, 1950, Apr. 24
Overholser v. Boddie, 1950, May 26
Jeffers v. United States, 1950, June 29
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