| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 176-183 |
Miscellany, 1877-1966
School report cards, memorabilia, routine correspondence, miscellaneous
unidentified notes, a short biography of Leland, photographs, newspaper clippings,
and British Microfilm Project documentation. |
Arranged by type of material. |
BOX 176 |
Cash books, accounts of expenditures |
Miscellaneous research notes |
BOX 177 |
Short biography of Leland |
Inventory of personal property |
Reports of marks from Newton High School,
Newton, Mass., and Brown University, Providence, R.I. |
50th anniversary, class of 1896, Newton High
School, Newton, Mass. |
Newton High School Review, July 1896
Miscellaneous unidentified |
Miscellaneous notes |
Routine correspondence, 1917-1966,
Proposed “Standards for State Archival
Agencies,” by Ernst Posner |
South American trip,
BOX 178 |
Book, Manners and Customs of Ye Harvard Students, by F. G. Attwood (J. R. Osgood, 1877) |
Photographs |
Newspaper clippings |
Bound copy, Studies in the History of Culture, 1942
BOX OV 179 |
Scrapbook, memorabilia of college days, Brown
University, class of 1900 |
BOX 180 |
Papers of Orie O. Brown, teacher, Indian School
Service, Pine Ridge, S.D., 1891-1893
Correspondence, 1891-1893
(mostly with the Indian School Service) |
Notebook,“Travel Notes” |
BOX 181 |
Bulletins, American Council of Learned Societies |
Nos. 1-25, 1920-1936
BOX 182 |
Nos. 26-45,
BOX 183 |
British Microfilm Project |
Conference on Microfilming
Research |
Materials, 1940-1943
General correspondence,
Printed matter,
Reports, 1940-1947
Simpson, Claude M., “Early
Rhode Island Pronunciation, 1636-1700" |
Available only on Microfilm, shelf no. 13,631