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Waldo Gifford Leland papers, 1844-1966

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BOX 176-183 Miscellany, 1877-1966
School report cards, memorabilia, routine correspondence, miscellaneous unidentified notes, a short biography of Leland, photographs, newspaper clippings, and British Microfilm Project documentation.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 176 Cash books, accounts of expenditures
Miscellaneous research notes
BOX 177 Short biography of Leland
Inventory of personal property
Reports of marks from Newton High School, Newton, Mass., and Brown University, Providence, R.I.
50th anniversary, class of 1896, Newton High School, Newton, Mass.
Newton High School Review, July 1896
Miscellaneous unidentified
Miscellaneous notes
Routine correspondence, 1917-1966, undated
Proposed “Standards for State Archival Agencies,” by Ernst Posner
South American trip, 1939
BOX 178 Book, Manners and Customs of Ye Harvard Students, by F. G. Attwood (J. R. Osgood, 1877)
Newspaper clippings
Bound copy, Studies in the History of Culture, 1942
BOX OV 179 Scrapbook, memorabilia of college days, Brown University, class of 1900
BOX 180 Papers of Orie O. Brown, teacher, Indian School Service, Pine Ridge, S.D., 1891-1893
Correspondence, 1891-1893 (mostly with the Indian School Service)
Notebook,“Travel Notes”
BOX 181 Bulletins, American Council of Learned Societies
Nos. 1-25, 1920-1936
BOX 182 Nos. 26-45, 1937-1952
BOX 183 British Microfilm Project
Conference on Microfilming Research
Materials, 1940-1943
General correspondence, 1953
Printed matter, 1941-1943
Reports, 1940-1947
Simpson, Claude M., “Early Rhode Island Pronunciation, 1636-1700"
Available only on Microfilm, shelf no. 13,631

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