| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings File, 1937-1973
(continued) |
"Library Use of Intellectual Property," Panel
on Copyright, American Association of Law Librarians, Philadelphia, Pa.,
1 July 1968,
Notes |
"Can Copyright Law Respond to the New
Technology," Panel, 61st Annual Meeting, American Association of Law
Libraries, Law Library Journal, Nov.
Address, Southeastern New York Library
Resources Council, Fishkill, N.Y., 14 May 1969, Notes |
"Role of Friends of the Library in the
Development of Collections," Library Advisory Committee, George Washington
University Library, Washington, D.C., 5 Dec. 1969, Notes |
Talk on copyright, New Brunswick, N.J., 16 Apr. 1970,
Notes |
"Libraries, On the Spot With Present and
Future Copyright Legislation," Symposium on Copyright, Rutgers University,
Rutgers, N.J., 16 Apr.
1970 (correspondence regarding application in Copyright, The Librarian and the Law
Remarks to Library of Congress Professional
Association, 27 May
1970, Notes |
"CIP in 1970," program meeting on
Cataloging-in-Publication, Resources and Technical Services Division,
American Library Association, Detroit, Mich., 1 July 1970 (published in Library Resources and Technical Services as "CIP in Mid-1970") |
Lecture on copyright to the Institute on
Cooperation in Media Educational Problems, Pullman, Wash., 29 July 1970
Speech at Conference on Preservation of
Materials, American Hotel, New York Library Association, New York, N.Y.,
2 Nov. 1970
"An Evening with Verner Clapp," San
Francisco, Calif., 17
Nov. 1970, Notes |
"Recent Developments in Libraries on the East
Coast," University of California, San Diego, Calif., 18 Nov. 1970,
Notes |
Speech at Vermont Library Association
Conference, 22 Apr.
1972, Notes |
Articles |
"Present-Day Problems in Obtaining Foreign
Scientific Publications," Journal of Chemical Education, Feb.
"International Conference on Science
Abstracting," Department of State Bulletin, 29 Aug.
"Indexing and Abstracting: Recent Past and
Lines of Future Development," College and Research Librarian, July
"The Role of Bibliographic Organization in
Contemporary Civilization," 24 July 1950 (published in Bibliographic Organization, edited by Sher and Egan (Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
1951), pages 3-23 |
"Why People Read," Library Journal, June
"Archivists and Bibliographic Control, A
Librarian's Viewpoint," American Archivist, Oct.
1951 (typescript) |
"The Present Problem in Book Selection; the
Large Research Library," 23 June 1952 (published in Freedom of Communication, edited by W. Dix and P. Bixler (American Library Association,
1954), pages 38-43 |
"Fulbright Grants," Library Journal, Sept.
"Books as Mass Media," Sunday Star Christmas Book Section, 6 Dec.
1953 (with photostatic copy) |
"Indexing and Abstracting Services for Serial
Literature," Library Trends, Apr.
"The Library of Congress; a Problem in
Constitutional Relationship," 11 June 1954
"The Improvement of Bibliographic
Organization," Library Quarterly, Jan.
"Are Your Microfilms Deteriorating
Acceptably?," by Clapp, Francis H. Henshaw, and Donald C. Holmes, Library Journal, Mar.
"Collecting in the National Interest," by
Thomas Barcus and Clapp, Library Trends, Apr.
"Type Is Tanglefoot," Library Journal, Sept.
"Implications for Documentation and the
Organization of Knowledge," Library Quarterly, Oct.
"Reconstitution of the Decimal Classification
Editorial Policy Committee," 13 Dec. 1955 (published in Library Journal, Jan.
1956, under title, "DCC Editorial Policy Committee") |
"A.L.A. Member No. 13; A First Glance at John
Edmands," by Edythe W. First and Clapp, Library Quarterly, Jan.
1956 (with letter to editor, Wilson Library Bulletin on article) |
"Unesco's Program; Libraries, Bibliographic
Services, Documentation, a Catalog of Principal Activities," American Documentation, Apr.
"Melville Dewey on Change in DC," Library Journal, 1 June
"Progress Toward the 16th Edition of Dewey,"
Library Association Record, June
1956 (with 2 reprints and 1 revised reprint) |
"A New Foreign Visitors Program," ALA Bulletin, May 1957
"Unfinished Business," Special Libraries, July/Aug.
"David Judson Haykin," Library Resources and Technical Services, Fall
"Unesco in Library Affairs, a Decade," Library Journal, 15 Nov.
1958 (with typescript) |
"No Human Situation Is Static," Library Binder, Dec.
"Library Resources, The Progressional
Responsibility," Library Resources and Technical Services, Winter
BOX 45 |
"To Assist in Solving the Problems of
Libraries," ALA Bulletin, Mar.
"United States Senate Consents to
Ratification of Florence Agreement," ALA Bulletin, May 1960
"In Quest of an Optical `Grail'," ALA Bulletin, Feb.
"Library Photocopying and Copyright; Recent
Developments," Law Library Journal, Feb.
"Graduate Education and Library Resources,"
Journal of the Graduate Research Center, July
"The United Nations Library, 1945-1961,"
libri, International Library Review, v. 12, 1962
"Research in Problems of Scientific
Information, Retrospect and Prospect," American Documentation, Jan.
"Re-evaluation of Microfilm as a Method of
Book Storage," by Verner Clapp and Robert T. Jordan, College and Research Libraries, Jan.
"Permanent/Durable Book Papers," ALA Bulletin, Oct.
"Luther H. Evans," Bulletin of Bibliography and Magazine Notes, Sept./Dec.
1964 (with draft and correspondence) |
"The Catalog Book Store," The Rub-Off, Jan./Feb.
"Luther H. Evans," Library Journal, Sept.
1965 (2 copies) |
"Toward a Philosophy of Federal Library
Service," [Federal Library Committee Newsletter], 20 Oct. 1965
"Three Ages of Reference Work," Louisiana
Library Association Bulletin, Fall
1965 (2 copies) |
"DC Numbers on LC Cards," Library Resources and Technical Services, Fall
"Automation and Data Processing for
Libraries," In First Governors' Library Conference, Panel II, New Dimensions for Reference and Research, Albany, 1965, pages 39-46 |
"Three Ages of Reference Work," Special Libraries, July/Aug.
"The New ALA Officers," ALA Bulletin, July/Aug.
"Senator Green and the Declaration of
Independence," Journal of Library History, Jan.
1967 (with draft) |
"Cooperative and Centralized Cataloging:
Retrospect and Prospect," Library Trends, July
"The Copyright Dilemma: A Librarian's View,"
Library Quarterly, Oct.
"The Age of Cronin," by William J. Welsh and
Clapp, Library Resources and Technical Services, Fall
"Public Libraries and the network Idea,"
Library Journal, Jan.
"From Incipit to CIP; An Improved Method for
Self-Identification of Books," College Library Notes, Summer
"Self-Identification of Printed Publications;
Cataloging-in-Publication As a National Library Responsibility," 27 July 1970
(contribution to a Festschrift in honor of Curt Wormann) Correspondence |
"The Story of Permanent/Durable Book Paper,
1115-1970," Parts 1-3, Scholarly Publishing, Jan., Apr.,
July, 1971
Combined reprint |
Draft of part 2 (2 copies) |
Correspondence with Scholarly Publishing
Correspondence relating to reprint in
Restaurator |
"The Greatest Invention Since the Title Page?
Auto-bibliography from Incipit to Cataloging-in-Publication," Wilson Library Bulletin, Dec.
Draft |
Correspondence with Wilson Library Bulletin
Research and illustrative
material |
Materials relating to reprint by Library
of Congress |
BOX 46 |
"The Library Technology Program," 7 Dec. 1971
(with correspondence) (published in American Libraries, July/Aug.
1972, as "LTP-The Rattle in An Infant's Fist") |
"Cataloging in Publication: A New Programme
of Pre-publication Cataloguing in the United States of America, with
Comments on Similar Programmes," Unesco Bulletin for Libraries, Jan/Feb.
1973 (with draft and correspondence) |
"Bibliography," Encyclopedia Americana, undated
Correspondence |
Research materials |
"Carta Bombycina, Carta Papyri, Permamena
Graeca: A contribution to the History of Medieval Writing Materials," by
Gerhard Piccard, undated, Translated by Clapp |
With draft and original
article |
Research materials |
"Council on Library Resources, Inc.," Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, undated |
"History in "Library," Encyclopedia Americana, undated
Draft of revision |
Correspondence |
" History in "Library," World Book Encyclopedia, undated
"Quantitative Criteria for Adequacy of
Academic Library Collections," by Clapp and Robert R. Jordan, undated
"Foreword," Towards a Theory of Jesse Shera, undated
Books |
Correspondence and reviews relating to The Future of the Research Library (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1964) |
BOX 47 |
Some Materials for a Life of Elias Boudinot Caldwell With Observations on the Early History of Capitol Hill, by David C. Mearns and Clapp |
Reports |
Chambers of the Supreme Court in Washington,
D.C., 1801-1807
Report on trip to Europe, Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 6-12 Aug.
Report of the United States Library Mission
to Advise on the Establishment of the National Diet Library of Japan, by
Charles H. Brown and Clapp, Department of State, 1948
Operational Problems Requiring Documentation Research, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Paris, France, 1948 (Advisory
Group for Aeronautical Research and Development. Report 48) |
Report on Meetings of the International
Federation of Library Association, Rome, 14-18 Sept. 1964
The ALA Council: Report of the DCLA
Representative, 2 June
Other Writings |
Book reviews |
Poems |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 48 |
Research file |
Bailey, Robert |
Bank of Washington, Washington,
D.C. |
Boyd, Washington |
Caldwell, Elias B. |
(5 folders) |
Calendar of Capitol Hill Hotels and Boarding
Houses, Washington, D.C. |
Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. |
BOX 49 |
Capitol Hill Market House, Washington,
D.C. |
Carroll, Daniel |
Chamber of the Supreme Court in Philadelphia,
Pa., 1791-1800
Ewell, James and Thomas |
Hotels and boarding houses |
Locations of portraits of Justices of the
Supreme Court |
Peacock, Robert Ware |
Rapine, Daniel |
Stelle, Pontius Delare |
United States Supreme Court in New York,
N.Y. |
United States Supreme Court in Washington,
D.C. |
Miscellaneous |
Next Page » |