| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 281-284 |
Part IV: 2023 Addition, 1895-1975
Correspondence, memoranda, financial papers, reports, oral histories, and printed
matter. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject or type of material. |
BOX 281 |
Art collection, 1909-1921, undated
(3 folders) |
BOX 281 |
As I Knew Them: Memoirs of James E. Watson, 1936
BOX 281 |
Awards and honors, 1945, 1955-1961
(2 folders) |
BOX 281 |
Birthday celebrations, 1921, 1946-1952
BOX 282 |
Birthday celebrations, 1955
BOX 282 |
Black, Ian E., memoir, 1940
(2 folders) |
BOX 282 |
Columbia University oral
history, 1952
(2 folders) |
BOX OV 1 |
Correspondence, 1896-1897
BOX 282 |
Correspondence, 1918-1925, 1935-1940
BOX 283 |
Eugene Meyer by Merlo J. Pusey, circa 1972-1975
(4 folders) |
BOX 283 |
Financial file, 1956
BOX 283 |
News clippings, 1912, 1922-1971
BOX 283 |
War Finance Corporation, 1922-1923
BOX OV 2 |
Washington Post commemorative items, 1933-1958
BOX 284 |
Yale University, 1895, 1931