The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Eugene Meyer papers, 1864-1975
BOX I:78-88 Part I: Speeches and Writings, 1904-1956
Print and near-print copies of speeches, articles, press statements, interviews, congressional testimony, and other writings, with some correspondence and notes.
Arranged in a numbered series, generally in chronological order by month, with non-numbered items in chronological order at the end of the series.
BOX 78 No. 1, article, "The New York Stock Exchange and the Panic of 1907," Yale Review, May 1909
No. 2, address, "Some After-war Economic Problems," New York City, Dec. 1916
No. 3, article, "Ward Profiteering, Some Practical Aspects of Its Control," July 1917
No. 4, discussion, "Economic Factors in the Maintenance of Peace, Richmond, Dec. 1918
No. 5, statement, on Fifth Liberty Bond Bill, House Committee on Ways and Means, Feb. 1919
No. 6, statement, on Fifth Liberty Bond Bill, Senate Finance Committee, Feb. 1919
No. 7, address, "The War Finance Corporation," Washington Conference, Mar. 1919
No. 8, address, "Financing Foreign Trade," Chicago Convention, Apr. 1919
No. 9, address, "International Finance and Trade," New York, Jan. 1920
No. 10, address, on international finance, New York, Jan. 1920
No. 11, address, "The Foreign Trade Outlook," Chicago, Mar. 1920
No. 12, statement, on Sundry Civil Appropriations Bill, House Committee on Appropriations, Apr. 1920
No. 13, address, "Pressing Problems for American Bankers," New York, Apr. 1920
No. 14, statement, "Uncle Sam, Money Lender," The Independent, Apr. 1920
No. 15, address, on present financial situation, before National Coal Association Convention, Atlantic City, May 1920
No. 16, article, "The Work of the War Finance Corporation," Yale '95 Class Reunion Book, 1920
No. 16A, statement, on financial reconstruction, Senate Committee, Aug. 1920
No. 17, statement, on cotton marketing, finance, in telegram to George R. James, Oct. 1920
No. 18, article, on organization of government, New York Evening Post, Oct. 1920
No. 19, address, "Financing Foreign Trade," American Bankers Convention, Oct. 1920 (includes clippings 1918-1920)
No. 20, article, interview on resumption of War Finance Corp., Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 1920
No. 21, address, on resumption of War Finance Corp., press summary, National Board of Farm Organizations, Oct. 1920
No. 22, address, on resumption of War Finance Corp. (as above), Oct. 1920
No. 23, Press release, on America's foreign trade opportunities, Nov. 1920
No. 24, address, on financial situation, Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, Nov. 1920 (includes 1922 correspondence)
No. 25, statement, on reconstruction, Senate Committee on Reconstruction, Nov. 1920
No. 26, interview, on War Finance Corp., New York Tribune, Nov. 1920
No. 27, statement, on resumption of WFC, Senate House Committee, Dec. 1920
No. 28, statement, on resumption of WFC, Senate House Committee, Dec. 1920
No. 29, statement, letter to Franklin K. Lane on European relief, Dec. 1920
No. 30, statement, House Committee on Banking and Currency, Dec. 1920
No. 31, press release, on WFC function, Dec. 1920
No. 32, press release, on government securities, Dec. 1920
No. 33, press release, on agriculture and WFC, Dec. 1920
No. 34, press release, on resumption of WFC, Jan. 1921
No. 35, statement, on Chamber of Commerce report, Jan. 1921
No. 35A, press release, on WFC Board, Jan. 1921
No. 36, article, "Wanted, A Foreign Trade Policy," New York American, Jan. 1921
No. 37, address, "The Real Significance of the Resumption of the WFC," Jan. 1921
No. 38, statement, before New York Chamber of No. 38A, report, Federal Farm Loan Board, Feb. 1921
No. 39, War Finance Corp. Act, Mar. 1919
No. 40-42, reports, First, Second and Third Annual, War Finance Corp., 1918-1920
No. 43, circular, on applicants for advances of WFC, May & Oct. 1921
No. 43A, statement, on cotton conferences, Apr. 1921
No. 44, address, "Bankers' Obligations," Bankers Club of Brooklyn, Apr. 1921
BOX 79 No. 45, address, "A Missing Link in International Finance?" Bankers Club, New York, Apr. 1921
No. 46, statement, on cotton exports, Atlanta, May 1921
No. 47, statement, on cotton exports, New York, May 1921
No. 48 statement, on cotton exports, New York, May 1921
No. 49, address, "A Missing Link in International Finance," New York, May 1921
No. 50, press summary, "A Missing Link..."
No. 51, statement, on stock exchange listing, Committee Conference, New York, May 1921
No. 52, address, "Domestic Bankers and International Finance," Atlantic City, May 1921
No. 53, Press summary, "Domestic Bankers..."
No. 54, address, "The War Finance Corporation of the United States," Revue Economique Internationale, Brussels, June 1921
No. 55, press summary of address, "American Ideals in Foreign Trade," New York, June 1921
No. 56, article, "The WFC's Part in Economic Readjustment," London Times, June 1921
No. 56A, article, "The International Security Market," London Times, July 1921
No. 57, statement, letter to R.H. Faxon on international economic conditions, June 1921
No. 58, statement on livestock conference, Chicago, June 1921
No. 59, statement, on Farmers Export Financing Corp., Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, June 1921
No. 60, article, "Wanted," Financial World, June 1921
No. 61, article, on bankers, farmers, New York Commercial, July 1921
No. 62, interview, on current financial questions, London Financier, July 1921
No. 63, statement, on cotton exports, Federal International Banking Company, July 1921
No. 64, statement, on financing cotton exports, July 1921
No. 65, article, "American Bankers and International Trade," American Legion Weekly, July 1921
No. 66, statement, on financing cotton exports, July 1921
No. 67, statement, on financing cotton exports, July 1921
No. 68, statement, on cotton loans, July 1921
No. 69, article, "The War Finance Corporation," Acceptance Bulletin, July 1921
No. 70, statement, letter to Charles J. Bullock on taxation, July 1921
No. 71, article, "Aid in Financing Agricultural Exports," American Farm Bureau Federation Newsletter, July 1921
No. 72, statement, letter to Oscar W. Underwood, on agricultural aid, July 1921
No. 73, article, "The War Finance Corporation," Journal of the American Banking Association, July 1921
No. 74, statement, on agriculture and railroad financing, Aug. 1921
No. 75, article, "Conditions Justify Greater Confidence," Forbes Magazine Aug. 1921
No. 76, statement, on refunding railroad debt, Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Aug. 1921
No. 77, statement, on Bill S. 1915, House Committee on Banking, Aug. 1921
No. 78, Interview, "Putting Velvet into the Dollar," (with William G. Shepherd), Aug. 1921
No. 79, article, "The War Finance Corporation," Export American Industries, Aug. 1921
No. 80, statement, on railroad funding bill, House Committee on Commerce, Aug. 1921
No. 81, The War Finance Corp. Act (agricultural credits act), Aug. 1921
No. 82, statement, on agricultural relief act, Aug. 1921
No. 83, circular, War Finance Corp., Sep. 1921
No. 84, statement, on railroads, unemployment, Sept. 1921
No. 85, article, on cotton finance, The Nation's Business, Sept. 1921
No. 86, statement, on agricultural finance, Sept. 1921
No. 87, address, on WFC, Commercial Club luncheon, San Francisco, Sept. 1921
No. 88, statement, on California, Nevada finance, San Francisco, Sept. 1921
No. 88A, Circular, War Finance Corp., Oct. 1921
No.90, address, on WFC, Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, Oct. 1921
No. 91, article, "Some Bright Spots on the World Business Weather Map," Hearst's International, Dec. 1921
No. 92, article, "War Finance Corporation and its Activities," for secretary of treasury, Oct. 1921
No. 93, address, on WFC, Advertising Council, Chicago, Oct. 1921
No. 94, statement, on postal savings system, House Committee, Nov. 1921
No. 95, article, "The War Finance Corporation," The Manufacturers Record, Nov. 1921
No. 96, article, "Helping the Farmer to Help Himself," The Autocaster, Nov. 1921
No. 97, article, "How the War Finance Corporation Is Helping Agriculture," Hibernia Habit, Nov. 1921
No. 98, article, "Farm Commodity Loans and Markets," Oklahoma Farmer Stockman, Nov. 1921
No. 99, Report, Fourth Annual, War Finance Corp., Nov. 1921
No. 100, article, "The Chinese Walls Between the Nations," Hearst's International, Nov. 1921
No. 101, article, "Helping the Market Back to Normal," New York Journal of Commerce, Dec. 1921
BOX 80 No. 102, article, "7,500,000 for Sugar Beets," Hearst's International, Feb. 1922
No. 103, article, "The End of Hard Days?" Commerce and Finance Annual, Dec. 1921
No. 104, article, "Helping Agriculture to Finance Orderly Marketing," The New York Commercial, Dec. 1921
No. 105, article, "Nationwide Financial Assistance to Agriculture and Industry," The Southern Lumberman, Dec. 1921
No. 106, Report, "WFC and Its Activities," for Sec. of Treasury, Dec. 1921
No. 107, article, "Work of the War Finance Corporation," Journal of American Bankers Association, Dec. 1921
No. 108, article, "End of 1921 Sees Us over the Worst," Atlanta Constitution, Dec. 1921
No. 109, article, "Cotton, America's White Gold," Hearst International, Mar. 1922
No. 110, article, "Emergency Credit for Agriculture," The Survey, Jan. 1922
No. 111, Address, "Financing Agriculture During the Emergency," National Agriculture Conference, Jan. 1922
No. 112, Address, "Signs of Hope," Railway Business Association, New York, Feb. 1922
No. 113, Press summary, "Signs of Hope"
No. 114, article, "Credit and the Work of the War Finance Corporation," Southern Banker, Jan. 1922
No. 115, article, "Trade Goes Up with the Pound," Hearst's International, Apr. 1922
No. 116, article, "Financing the Farmers," Magazine of Wall Street, Feb. 1922
No. 117, article, "Lending Two Million a Day," Country Gentleman, Apr. 1922
No. 118, Address, "Railroads and Agriculture," (press summary), Republican Club of New York, Mar. 1922
No. 119, article, "Giving the Farmer Time," Community News Service, Mar. 1922
No. 120, Address, on WFC, Industrial Democracy Cabinet Dinner, Nov. 1921
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