The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Eugene Meyer papers, 1864-1975
BOX 89-165 Part I: Subject File, 1907-1959
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, printed matter, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization or subject. A partial list of correspondents is provided for some subjects.
BOX 89 Academy of Political Science, 1923-1946 (Samuel McCune, Ethel Warner)
Advertising Club of Baltimore, 1937
Advertising Club of Washington
Newspaper Survey Committee, 1939 (A. G. Newmeyer)
Advertising Council
Agriculture, Department of, Farm Security Administration, 1934-1957
Air Power League, 1944-1946
Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co. (Bernard Barch, Frederick W. Bradley, F. H. Harrison, Frank H. Hitchcock, M. L. Requa, John Uno Sebenius
Albert Frank-Guenther Law, Inc., 1946-1959 (Rudolph Guenther)
Alex. Brown and Sons, 1946-1956 (Y. E. Booker, Benjamin Griswold III)
Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. (Henry F. Atherton, Fred J. Emmerick, Harry S. Ferguson, Walter Haas, Francis H. McAdoo, Silsby Forbes)
1923, 1937-1949
BOX 90 1954-1957
Reports, etc., 1957-1959
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 1946-1952 (Walter Geist)
Aluminum Co. of America, 1941-1951 (Arthur V. Davis)
"America," book by David Cushman Coyle, 1941
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1931-1936
American Assembly, 1951-1957 (Columbia University, Arden House, Philip Young)
American Association of Advertising Agencies, 1934-1947 (John Benson, William D. D'Arcy, Frederic R. Gamble)
American Bankers Association, 1940-1948
American Bar Association committees, 1945-1958
American Can Co., 1936-1937, 1950-1956
American Cotton Association, 1921 (J. S. Wannamaker and War Finance Board)
American Cotton Cooperative Association, 1939
American Express Co. (Ralph T. Reed)
BOX 91 American Farm Bureau Federation, 1921-1922, 1946
American Friends Service Committee, 1943-1959 (Clarence E. Pickett)
American Institute of Public Opinion (Gallup Poll) (Harold H. Anderson, George A. Gallup, Floyd R. Harrison, William A. Ludgate, John B. Olmsted, John Tibby)
1938 election
1948 election
American Jewish Committee, 1933, 1952
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1948-1952
American Newspaper Advertising Network, 1945-1946
American Newspaper Publishers Association (Cranston Williams)
BOX 92 1944-1957
Bureau of Advertising, 1944-1948 (Alfred B. Stanford)
American Political Science Association, 1934-1948 (James Hart)
American Radiator Co., 1924
American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp., 1929-1937
American Radiator and Standard, etc., 1938-1952 (Marc Chavannes, Rolland J. Hamilton, Richard B. Mayer)
American Red Cross, 1925-1959 (A. E. MacKinnon)
American Security and Trust Co., 1939-1959 (David W. Bell)
American Society of Newspaper Editors (Paul Bellamy, Marvin H. Creater, A. H. Kirchhofer, Dwight Marvin, Grove Patterson, Alice Fox Pitts, Tom Wallace, William J. Woods)
American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 1938-1949 (Walter S. Gifford, Leroy A. Wilson)
American University, 1934-1958
Flemming, Arthur (Miriam Shepherd Galvin, Joseph M. M. Gray)
American Zionist Emergency Council, 1943-1946 (Benjamin Akzin, Henry Montor, Palestine White Paper)
BOX 93 Anaconda Copper Co., 1916-1953 (Cornelius F. Kelley)
Antioch College, 1935-1955 (A. D. Henderson)
Annual Financial Review, 1934-1936 (Jules I. Bogen)
Argus Research Corp., 1955-1959 (Harold B. Dorsey, Alfred Friendly)
Arlington War Memorial, 1946 (Michael H. Cardozo)
Armour and Co., 1938-1950
Army, Department of the, 1948-1953 (publications, cross servicing)
Army show, 1943-1944 ("Back the Attack")
Associated Press (Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Frank B. Cooper, Frank B. Noyes, Rbert McLean, Paul Miller, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Llyd Stratton, Eleanor Medill Patterson)
Association of American Railroads, 1936-1949
Association of National Advertisers
West, Paul
BOX 94 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, 1914 (E. R. Ripley)
Auchincloss, Parker and Redpath
Australian Consolidated Press, 1944-1945 (Brian Penton)
Automobiles, accidents, etc., 1933-1955 (George F. St. Aubin)
B. F. Goodrich Co., 1946-1954 (John L. Collyer)
Bache and Co., 1938-1958 (Harold L. Bache)
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 1937-1952 (Robert M. Van Sant, Daniel Willard)
Baltimore Sun, 1933-1953 (John W. Owens, Paul Patterson)
Bank of the Manhattan Co., 1946-1949 (Murray Shields)
Bankers Trust Co., 1921-1957 (Fred I. Kent)
Bar Association of D.C., 1939-1953 (Francis W. Hill, Jr.)
Barnard College, 1957-1958 (Eugene and Agnes Meyer Fund, Millicnet McIntosh)
Baruch, Bernard, printed matter, etc., 1941-1954
Bethlehem Steel Corp., 1941-1952 (Eugene G. Grace)
Beveridge, William Henry, printed matter, 1942-1946
Biographical data
Biographical notes, undated
Biographical notes on Agnes and Eugene, etc., undated (circa 1905-1947)
Biographical notes on Baruch, War Industries Board, et al., circa 1917-1918, undated
Biographical notes on 1930's economic crisis, undated
Biographical sketches by Sidney Hyman, circa 1955
Birmingham News, 1945 (McCellan Van der Veer)
BOX 95 Birthdays, 1945-1958
1945 , dinner
1946 , congratulatory messages
1947 , congratulatory messages
1948 , congratulatory messages
1949 , congratulatory messages
1950 , congratulatory messages
(2 folders)
1950, dinner, includes speech, lists, etc.
1950 , letters sent (acknowledgments)
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