The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Eugene Meyer papers, 1864-1975
BOX 166-169 Part I: Miscellany, 1903-1959
Printed matter, certificates, awards, degrees, biographical material, and miscellaneous items.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject.
BOX 166 Awards, certificates, citations, 1932-1958
Clippings about Meyer, circa 1933-1950
Lists, 1910-1959
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1921-1959
Humor, 1931-1932 , undated
Notes (FRB) (Meyer handwriting), circa 1932
Printed matter, 1919-1954
BOX 167 National Defense Conference, printed matter, 1917
Sidney Hyman file, circa 1952-1955
Memoranda, correspondence
On Littauer speech
On Federal Farm Loan Board ( circa 1927 )
Research materials, etc., includes Meyer correspondence 1919-1931
(3 folders)
BOX OV 168 Presidential appointments, Eugene Meyer and Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer, 1918-1953
BOX OV 169 Awards, certificates, honorary degrees, 1919-1958 , and cartoon, circa 1903
BOX 170 Part II: Family and General Correspondence, 1915-1948
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person within type of correspondence.
BOX 170 Family, 1915-1948
(5 folders)
General, 1915-1948
(2 folders)
BOX 171-176 Part II: Speeches and Writings, circa 1905-1958
Typescript and printed copies of speeches and writings.
BOX 171-176 Index and numbered and unnumbered speeches and writings
BOX 177-199 Part II: Subject File, 1875-1970
Correspondence, memoranda, financial papers concerning extensive contributions files, reports, printed matter, and photographs.
Arranged alphabetically by subject, name of person, or organization.
BOX 177 American Assembly
American Newspaper Guild
Biographical material on Eugene Meyer, Jr.
BOX 178 Biographical material
BOX 179-181 Biographical material "Family copy" of Sidney Hyman biography
BOX 182 Birthday celebrations, etc. 70th, 75th, 80th, and 81st
Financial papers
Vault lists, etc.
BOX 183 "Domicile"
BOX 184 1951-1957
Last will and testament
Art appraisals
BOX 185 Ledger books of Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer, 1924-1932 & 1957
BOX 186-195 Contributions
BOX 196 Contributions
Graham, Philip
Hayden (Charles) Foundation
Immigration affidavits
Jewish matters
Madeira School
BOX 197 1954
Meyer, Agnes Elizabeth Ernst
Biographical material
70th birthday celebrations
Business correspondence re several of her books
List of articles appearing in Washington Post, 22 Apr.-26 May 1946
Reprints of several articles
BOX 198 Reconstruction Finance Corp.
Senators, Inc. (Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer)
Senators, Inc. (Katharine Graham)
Seven Springs Farm photographs
Shapley, Harlow (planetarium)
Special tribute Available only on microfilm, shelf no. 17,605
1947 (Alfred Friendly's diary)
BOX 199 Trip to Peace Conference, 1919
War Finance Corp.
Annual Reports
Washington Post miscellany, includes 75th anniversary of paper (1952) , and 25th anniversary of Meyer with the paper (1958)
BOX 200-207 Part III: Diaries, 1919-1959
Diaries and appointment Books.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 200 Diaries
Mar. 1919-Jan. 1920
BOX 201 Jan. 1920-Dec. 1921
BOX 202 Jan. 1922-Feb. 1925
BOX 203 Mar. 1925-July 1927
BOX 204 Appointment books
BOX 205 1946-1952
BOX 206 1953-1956
BOX 207 1957-1959
BOX 208-215 Part III: Family and Personal Correspondence, 1890-1957
Letters sent and received.
Arranged into a chronological file, letters of condolence file, and alphabetical file.
BOX 208 Chronological file
(5 folders)
BOX 209 (3 folders)
BOX 210 Letters of condolence on death of J. Meyer on Titanic, 1912
(5 folders)
BOX 211 Alphabetical file
Cook, Alfred A. and Ruth (Meyer) Cook
(2 folders)
Cook, John A.
Cook, Madge
DeSouza Dantas, Luis and Elise (Meyer) Stern DeSouza Dantas
(4 folders)
BOX 212 (6 folders)
BOX 213 Eisenmann, Jacques and Jacqueline (Zadoc-Kahn) Eisenmann (2nd cousin)
Haas, Walter and Elise (Stern) Haas (niece)
(2 folders)
Liebman, Charles J. and Aline (Meyer) Liebman
(1 folder)
BOX 214 (1 folder)
Liebman, Margo
Loeb, Louis M.
Loeb, Janet
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