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General William Mitchell papers, 1888-1946

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Subject File, 1911-1945 (continued)
BOX 40 First Provisional Air Brigade activities, Charleston, W. Va., 1921
BOX 40 Report of operations
BOX 40 Langley Field, Va.
BOX 40 Naval ordnance tests
BOX 40 Report of flight surgeon's work
BOX 40 Report of Joint Board
BOX 40 Flight of Mitchell, 1917-1918
BOX 40 Foreign Air Service
BOX 40 France, 1918
BOX 40 United States Air Service Station
BOX 40 Date
BOX 41 Report of inspection trip, France, Germany, Holland and England, 1921-1922
(4 folders)
BOX 41 Fullam, Willam Freeland, statement
BOX 42 Great Britain, British air minister's remarks, 1920-1925
BOX 42 Hawaiian Islands, 1923, airways
BOX 42 Hawaiian maneuvers, 1925, proposed Australian-New Zealand cruise of U.S. fleet
BOX 42 Hawaiian Department, preliminary report of inspection
BOX 42 Helium program, 1920-1925
BOX 42 India, aviation
BOX 42 Industrial mobilization plan, 1925-1926; course in Army War College
BOX 42 Instrument flying training, 1933-1935; fog-eye
BOX 42 International air code, 1922-1923
BOX 42 Japanese aviation
BOX 42 Report of inspection, Langin Field and other air bases in United States and Canada, 1923
BOX 42 Report on Hawaiian installation
BOX 43 Maps and photographs, 1917-1918
BOX 43 Depots de Munitions ennemis, 1917-1918
(3 folders)
BOX 43 Gares importantes, 1917-1918
BOX 43 Gares ď importance recordaire, 1918
BOX 43 Gares tres importantes
BOX 44 Gares ennemis, 1917-1918
BOX 44 Maps
BOX 44 France, 1918
BOX 44 Railroad from Epernay to Vitry-de-Francois
BOX 44 World War I
BOX 44 McCook Field
BOX 44 Report of inspection of Air Service, 1921-1925
(4 folders)
BOX 44 Program of visit by Mitchell
BOX 45 Meteorology reports, 1920-1921
BOX 45 Military Appropriations Committee; testimony, 1924
BOX 45 Miscellaneous accounts, 1926-1933; invoices
BOX 45 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1921
BOX 45 National Defense
BOX 45 Complete reorganization of air power
BOX 45 Miscellaneous, 1924-1925
BOX 45 National Defense Act, 1920-1927
BOX 45 National Defense Department
BOX 45 Proposed bill to establish index
BOX 45 Proposed plan, 1926
BOX 45 Why?
BOX 45 National organization in war, 1915
BOX 45 Naval aviation policy, 1919-1920
BOX 45 Navy data, 1919-1920
BOX 45 Navy propaganda, 1925
BOX 45A Operation reports, 1917-1924
BOX 45A 1st Army
(7 folders)
BOX 45A 2nd Army, 1918
BOX 45A 3rd Army, 1918-1919
BOX 45B Orders
BOX 45B 1st Army, 1918
(2 folders)
BOX 45B Mitchell, William, 1917-1925
BOX 46 Pacific problems, 1924; strategical aspect
BOX 46 Passport; Mitchell
BOX 46 Philippine Islands; Reports of inspection of Air Service, 1924
(2 folders)
BOX 46 Poem, “To Daddy”
BOX 46 Proposal for United Air Service, 1924
BOX 46 Reenforcements statistics; branch memoranda, 1918
BOX 46 Royal Air Force, 1923
BOX 46 Secretary of war data, 1920-1925
BOX 46 Signal Corps, 1925; promotion, Mitchell
BOX 46 Sperry device; report of inspection, 1923
BOX 47 Third Army
BOX 47 American Expeditionary Forces
BOX 47 History
BOX 47 Plan of employment and manual of operations, 1918-1919
BOX 47 Transcontinental flight, 1919
BOX 47 War Department, 1919-1925
BOX 47 News releases
BOX 47 Statements before Board of Inquiry, 1925
BOX 47 World flight, 1923-1924; complete account, 1923-1924
(5 folders)
BOX 48-63 Miscellany, 1918-1942
Reports, memoranda, memorabilia, printed matter, clippings, and scrapbooks containing photographs, clippings, diagrams, and maps.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 48 Reports, 1918-1927
(4 folders)
BOX 49 (7 folders)
BOX 50 Memorabilia and miscellaneous items
(4 folders)
BOX 51 Printed matter
(6 folders)
BOX 52 (13 folders)
BOX 53 Scrapbook and clippings
BOX 54 Clippings and miscellaneous items
BOX 55-59 Clippings, 1925-1942
BOX 60 Photocopy of a scrapbook of cartoons about Mitchell
BOX 60 Copy of L'Illustration, Sept. 24, 1927
BOX 60 Maps and aerial photographs
BOX OV 61 Oversize
BOX OV 61 Diagrams (charts for Asiatic report)
BOX OV 61 Notes on the preparation of charts for Mitchell
BOX OV 61 Billboard posters advertising a talk by Mitchell, 1926
BOX OV 61 Russian posters on air power, 1925
BOX OV 61 Map of India
BOX OV 61 Map of the United States showing air bases
BOX 62 Scrapbooks
BOX 62 1925
BOX 63 1923-1925

Contents List