| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1 ITEM 1 |
From the depth of the past; various occurrences
from Prague’s past, 133 pp. |
BOX 1 ITEM 2-3 |
Prague 1741-1757; together 300 pp.; the siege of
Prague by Frederick the Great |
BOX 1 ITEM 4 |
Various occurrences in old Prague, 123 pp.
BOX 1 ITEM 5 |
Old Prague potpourri, 124 pp. |
BOX 1 ITEM 6 |
The white lady of Rosenberg; a Prague ghost story,
19 pp. |
BOX 1 ITEM 7 |
Old Prague gardens and parks, 148 pp. |
BOX 1 ITEM 8 |
A chapter from old Prague, 92 pp. |
BOX 2 ITEM 9 |
Excerpt from the Prague archive of old Prague
performers from the years 1876-1900, 159 pp. |
BOX 2 ITEM 10 |
Old Prague antique dealers, 20 pp.; manuscript not
completed |
BOX 2 ITEM 11 |
A youth in old Prague; manuscript and typescript;
105 typed pp. plus manuscript pages; an unfinished autobiography |
BOX 2 ITEM 12 |
The modern Prague zoo, 17 pp. |
BOX 2 ITEM 13 |
Old Prague potpourri, 56 pp. |
BOX 2 ITEM 14 |
Young Franz Palacky’s Prague conversations, 16 pp.
manuscript |
BOX 2 ITEM 15 |
Notes on the old Prague “Cyriacs,” 198 pp.
(monastery and church) |
BOX 2 ITEM 16 |
Old Prague variety shows, 143 pp. typescript; 67
pp. manuscript |
BOX 2 ITEM 17 |
A reader on F. L. Vék; by occupation a trader
BOX 2 ITEM 18-19 |
Memories of “Gemer”; district in Slovakia,
manuscript text and index, pp. 158-187 |
BOX 3 ITEM 19 |
Memoirs of a weather-worn flight of stairs in
Prague, 116 pp. |
BOX 3 ITEM 21-22 |
Old Prague attractions, pt. 1 and 2 |
BOX 3 ITEM 21-22 |
First part under the title “old Prague
comedians.” Edition: Atlas; appeared in 1944; supplementary pt. 2 (under item
21) was already set in type, but edition was prohibited under the Communist
regime |
BOX 3 ITEM 23 |
Old Prague from A-Z, 1820-1850
BOX 3 ITEM 23 |
Pt. 1, 145 pp. |
BOX 3 ITEM 24 |
Pt. 2, 135 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 25 |
Pt. 3, 125 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 26 |
Pt. 4, 124 (?), pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 27 |
Pt. 5, 130 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 28 |
Pt. 6, 155 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 29 |
Pt. 7, 91 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 30 |
Annals of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
“Prag-Weinberge,” 224 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 31 |
Images of the Infant Jesus of Prague, 32 pp.
BOX 4 ITEM 32 |
Various miscellanies from Prague, 141 pp.
BOX 4 ITEM 33 |
Intimacies of Prague streets, 46 pp. |
BOX 4 ITEM 34 |
The Prague that is almost unknown, 46 pp.
BOX 5 |
Scrapbooks, including clippings, printed matter,
and writings |
BOX 5 ITEM 35 |
BOX 5 ITEM 36 |