| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1-3 |
Danish West Indies (Transcripts),
Arranged and described according to the
repository or source of the documents. |
BOX 1 |
Rigsarkiv (Danish State Archives) |
BOX 1 |
Records of the Vestindisk-Guineiske kompagni
BOX 1 |
Gouverneurernes Kopi-Bøger (1694-1700).
Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Diverse Dokumenter vedk. Gouvereneuren paa
St. Thomas, de la Vigne (1692-1695). [Delavigne papers.] Selections.
BOX 1 |
Kopie-Bog for St. Thomas (1703-1715).
Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Kopier og Extrakter af Sekret-Protokoller
for St. Thomas (1699-1714; 1723-1735; 1735-1752). Selections.
BOX 1 |
Sekert-Protokol for St. Thomas (1723-1727;
1729-1730). Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Kopier af Plakater, Breve, og Ordrer
udstedte paa St. Thomas og St. Jan (1683-1729). [P.B.O., 1683-1729.]
Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Negotie Journaler forte paa St. Thomas and
St. Croix (1700). Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Land Lister for St. Thomas (1691-1754).
Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Land Lister for St. Jan (1733-1755).
Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Breve og Dokumenter inckome til
Vestindisk-Guineiske Kompagniets Direction fra Vestindien (1683-1689;
1706-1710; 1711-1713; 1714-1717; 1717-1720; 1721-1724; 1724-1727;
1732-1734). Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Kopie Bog holden ved Kompagniets Contoir i
Kjøbenhavn fra den 13 Feb. 1690, til A[nn]o 1713, over “hvad der er
passeret ved det vestindiske Comp.” soerling vedr. St. Thomas. [C.B.,
1690-1713.] Selections. |
BOX 1 |
Americanske og Africanske Kopie Bog
(1716-1726). |
BOX 1 |
Vestindisk og Guineiske Kompagniets
Directions Resolution og Forhandlings Protocol (1697-1734). [Comp. Prot.,
1697-1734.] Selections. |
BOX 2 |
Vestindisk og Guineiske Kompagniets
General Forsamlings Protokol (1741-1754). [Comp. Prot., 1741-1745.]
Selections. |
BOX 2 |
Kopibog for Vestindisk og Guineiske
Kompagniets Direction (1733-1754). Selections. |
BOX 2 |
Extract-Udskrifter af Secret-Protocoller
for St. Croix (1744-1752). [S.P., St. C., 1744-1752.] Selections.
BOX 2 |
Vestindiske og Guineiske Kompagniets
Kassebøger forte paa St. Croix (1735-1754). Selections. |
BOX 2 |
Vestindiske og Guineiske Kompagniets
Kassebøger forte paa St. Thomas (1680-1754). Selections. |
BOX 2 |
State archives proper |
BOX 2 |
Christian Martfeldt. Samlinger om de
Danske Vestindiske Oer St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. Jan. [Martfeldt MSS.].
Vols. I, III, IV, VI. Selections. |
(3 folders) |
BOX 2 |
Sjoll. aabne Breve (1662). Selections.
BOX 3 |
Registrant over vestindiske Sager
(1671-1699). [Vest. Reg.] Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Registrant over Vestindiske aabne Breve og
Missiver (1699-1771). Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Kronologisk Samling af Offentlige
Aktstykker vedk. de dansk-vestindiske Oer og Soerling negernes Forfatning
betroeffende (1733-1788). Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Kongelige Bibliotek (Royal Library) |
BOX 3 |
Werlauff MSS. No. 22, 1733, 1751, 1759.
Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Ny Kgl. Saml. 426 fol. Peder Mariager:
Historisk Efterretning extraheret af DetVestindiske og Guineiske Kompagniets
Archiv . . . (Dated at the Company’s office, July 30, 1753.) |
BOX 3 |
Uldallske Saml., No. 30 fol. Adskillige
Placater og Anmodniger samt Kongelige Rescripter Vestindien Vedkommende.
(1755.) Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Raadstuearkivet (Municipal Archives)
BOX 3 |
Politi-og Commerce-Collegiets Memorial Bog,
vols. 21 (1716-1720) and 22 (1720-1723). Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Bancroft Library, Berkeley, Calif. |
BOX 3 |
Philip Gardelin to Longueville (letterbook).
1734. |
BOX 3 |
Printed sources, Lauritz Fogtman. Alphabetisk
Register over de Kongelige Rescripter, Resolutioner og Collegialbreve, Aar
1660-1800. Kjøbenhavn, 1806. Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Miscellaneous items from the Rigsarkiv (Danish
State Archives) |
BOX 3 |
Koncepter og Indlag til ajall-aabre Breve
(1654-1655). Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Lyske Kancell Lat. Koncepter (1655).
Selections. |
BOX 3 |
“Relation.” Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Europaiske Breve (1755). Nos. 269 and 261.
Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Brev Kopie Bog (1756-1757). Selections.
BOX 3 |
Sopasserfra (1759-1766, 1771-1773).
Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Original breve fra General Gouverneur Clausen
Vestindien (1766-1769) Selections. |
BOX 3 |
Royal Library, Copenhagen. Royal Danish
American Gazette. Items pertaining to Slave Trade. (1770-1790). Selections.
BOX 3 |
Trykte Octroyer Konventioner, Plaketer in ur,
aug vest-guin Komp. foi (1750) |
BOX 3 |
The Moral and Religious Miscellany; or Sixty-One Aphoretical Essays on Some of the Most Important Christian Virtues. by Hugh Knox, D. D. in St. Croix. |
BOX 3 |
Miscellaneous notes made by Mr. A. Backer in
the “Rigsarkiv” to accompany the St. Thomas slave statistics, etc.
REEL 1-16 |
Northern European International
Relations (Microfilm) 1588-1720
Arranged and described according to the
repository or source of the documents. |
REEL 1-16 |
Danish archives |
REEL 1-16 |
Rigarskivet (Danish State Archives)
REEL 1-16 |
Danske Kancellis Udenrigske Afdeling
REEL 1-16 |
Engelske Acta (4) II, vol. 4, 1670-1674
REEL 1-16 |
Franske Acta II, vol. 5, 1670-1676 |
REEL 1-16 |
Spanske Acta, vol.9, 1670-1675 |
REEL 1-16 |
Hollandske Sager II, vol. 6, 1670-1676 |
REEL 1-16 |
England A, II |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 7, 1588-1644 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 9, 1559-1583 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 10, ca. 1585-1586 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 11 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 12, 1602 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 13, 1621-1636 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 14, 1639-1940 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 15, 1643-1647 |
REEL 1-16 |
England B |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 47, 1669-1670 [U. F.
Gyldenløve’s dispatches] |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 48, 1668-1672 [Lindenow’s
dispatches] |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 49, 1672-1673 [Marcus Grø?’s
dispatches] |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 50 |
REEL 1-16 |
1674 [Marcus Grø?’s dispatches]
REEL 1-16 |
1657 [Røsenvinge’s dispatches]
REEL 1-16 |
1660-1661 [Ahlefeldt’s dispatches]
REEL 1-16 |
1662-1663 [H. Schested’s dispatches]
REEL 1-16 |
1667-1671 [G. Schroder’s dispatches]
REEL 1-16 |
France A, II, Vol. 8, 1643-1669.
REEL 1-16 |
Russia B |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 47, 1558-1575 |
BOX 1-16 |
Vol. 58, 1713-1716 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 59, 1717 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 60, 1718 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 61, 1719-1720 |
REEL 1-16 |
Auslandische Registranter, 1676
REEL 1-16 |
Geheimkonseils protokol, Nr. 1,
REEL 1-16 |
Geheimregistratur |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 257, 1715 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 258, 1716 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 259, 1717 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 260, 1718 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 261, 1719 |
REEL 1-16 |
Vol. 262, 1720 |
REEL 1-16 |
Kongelige Bibliotek (Royal Library)
REEL 1-16 |
P. Mariager. Historiske Efterretning om
det Vestindisk- Guineiske Kompagniets Etablissementer i Vestindien og
Guinea, 1753
REEL 17-20 |
Public Record Office, London |
REEL 17-20 |
PRO, London, SP/95, Sweden, vol. 22