| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 11-37 REEL 9-33 |
Catholic Church, 1530-1929
Material generated by or related to the Catholic Church arranged as follows:
Archbishorpric of Mexico, Bishorpric of Guadalajara, Bishorpric of Nuevo Leon,
Bishorpric of Puebla, church-state relations, cofradias, Inquisition, and
religious orders. The latter subgroup is further subdivided into Augustinian
Order, Bethlemite Order, Casa of the Sacred Heart, Dominican Order in Puebla, and
Franciscans in Mexico. |
The section on Dominican Order in Puebla, the largest in the collection, is
arranged by specific institutions. All other subseries are arranged
alphabetically. |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Archbishopric of Mexico |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Pastoral letters and decrees |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Administration |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Convents, 1670-1842
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Licenses and appointments, 1530-1864
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Cathedral Chapter |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Career, Jose María Alva, 1813-1878
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Finances, 1715-1788
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Reports, eighteenth century |
BOX 11 REEL 9 |
Rules for ringing bells, eighteenth
century |
(3 vols.) |
BOX 12 REEL 10 |
Liturgy, choir book, 1602
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Sacramental administration |
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Devotions, 1742-1838
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Dispensations, 1772-1814
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Indulgences, 1723-1871
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Marriage licenses, 1775-1778
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Judicial |
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Foundation of obra pia, 1775
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Petitions, orders, and investigations,
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Suit over nonpayment of capellanía
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
BOX 13 REEL 10 |
Suit over will of Francisco Ruiz de Tagle,
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Pastoral visits of Francisco de Aguir y
Seijas, 1687-1688
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Parish of San Jacinto Istapaluca |
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Prenuptial declarations, 1692-1707
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Register of burials, 1670-1703
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Bishopric of Guadalajara, sermon, 1821
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Bishopric of Nuevo Leon, circular on tithes,
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Bishopric of Puebla |
BOX 10 REEL 10-11 |
Pastoral letter and decree, 1708-1834
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Licenses and appointments, 1608-1811
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Cathedral Chapter, 1649
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Judicial |
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Nonpayment of capellanía, 1772-1810
BOX 14 REEL 10-11 |
Convent of Santa Clara, 1795-1804
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Colegio de San Pablo, 1712-1806[?]
(contains informaciones de familaturas, 1712-1765, and a defense of the
curriculum, 1806[?]) |
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Church and state, broadsides, poster, and
letters, 1926-1929
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Cofradias |
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Immaculate Conception, Cuernavaca, 1689-1701
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Our Lady of the Rosary, Mexico City, Mexico,
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Precious Blood of Jesus, Balladolid,
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
St. Francis Xavier, Mexico City, Mexico
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Constitutions, 1662-1854
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
Book of Acts, 1844-1863
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
St. Ignatius Loyola, Mexico City, Mexico,
BOX 15 REEL 11-12 |
St. Mary Virgin, Mexico City, Mexico,
BOX 16 REEL 12 |
Holy Name of Jesus, Mexico City, Mexico,
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Inquisition |
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Administration, 1571-1790
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Forbidden books |
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Circulars, 1759
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Index, 1790
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Investigations, 1604-1819
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Lithographs |
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Rules and procedures, 1560-1753
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Religious orders |
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Augustinian Order, 1582-1760
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Bethlemite Order, 1714-1759
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Casa of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1756-1776
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Dominican Order in Puebla |
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Province of San Miguel and Santos Angeles
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Cédulas and court orders, 1696-1706
BOX 17 REEL 12-13 |
Composiciones, 1643-1709
BOX 18 REEL 14 |
Legal papers and reports, 1641-1764
BOX 18 REEL 14 |
Reports on disturbances within the
houses of the province, elections, powers of attorney, letters and
petitions from friars to the provincials, and royal cédulas
affecting the province |
(2 vols.) |
BOX 19 REEL 15 |
Foundation of chair of St. Thomas
Aquinas at the University of Mexico City, Mexico; powers of
attorney; orders, investigations, and decisions of the provincial;
papers related to conflicts with other institutions; and financial
and administrative reports |
BOX 19 REEL 15 |
Wills, 1638-1762 (contains nineteen
wills of religious benefactors who left money or property to the
order. All but one are seventeenth century) |
BOX 20 REEL 16 |
Convento de Santo Domingo |
BOX 20 REEL 16 |
Capellanías, 1590-1780 (contains
twenty-three contracts endowing capellanías within the convent)
BOX 21 REEL 17 |
Capellanías, 1590-1780 (contains papers
related to foundings of capellanías and repayment of principal. Also a
list of the “decimas” and “patronatos” acknowledged by the convents
and churches of Puebla) |
BOX 22 REEL 17-18 |
Censos |
BOX 22 REEL 17-18 |
1549-1788 (contains papers
pertaining to a capellanía established by Dona Alfonsa de Vargas y
Aguilar and an obra pia de huerfanas created by Domingo de la Edeza
Verástegui) |
BOX 22 REEL 17-18 |
BOX 22 REEL 17-18 |
BOX 23 REEL 18-19 |
Censos cancellations, 1620-1780
(contains papers acknowledging and repaying 45 loans solicited by the
convent) |
BOX 24 REEL 20 |
Censos cancellations, 1576-1773
(contains papers acknowledging and repaying seventy-one loans
solicited by the convent) |
BOX 24 REEL 20 |
Censo contract, 1837-1838
BOX 25 REEL 21 |
Interest payments, 1780-1836 (contains
listing of all mortgages and other liabilities of the convent)
BOX 26 REEL 22 |
Legal papers and reports, 1625-1779
(contains papers of the procurators including financial transactions,
reports, and accounts; court orders; legal briefs; and petitions)
BOX 26 REEL 22 |
Legal papers, fragments, 1701-1855
BOX 27 REEL 22-23 |
Obligaciones, 1593-1759 (contains
twenty-two promissory notes for loans contracted by the convent)
BOX 27 REEL 22-23 |
Professions |
BOX 27 REEL 22-23 |
Papers of Francisco de Aguilar,
1602-1692 (contains private papers of the benefactor and material
related to the probate of his will, including the complete inventory
of his estate) |
BOX 28 REEL 24 |
Papers of Domingo de la Edeza
Verástegui, 1644-1735 (contains financial and legal papers of the
benefactor and records of the probate of his will and his donations to
the convent) |
BOX 28 REEL 24 |
Papers of Juan de Narváez, 1592-1677
(contains correspondence, contracts, and legal actions of the
benefactor) |
BOX 29 REEL 25 |
Property titles |
BOX 29 REEL 25 |
Baños de las Caleras, 1553-1780
BOX 29 REEL 25 |
Composiciones, 1593-1763 (contains
composiciones and actions related to them, and contracts for
purchase of burial plots and chapels in the convent church)
BOX 30 REEL 26 |
Haciendas of San Baltazar, Santa
María and Santa Clara, 1608-1727
(2 vols.) |
BOX 31 REEL 27 |
Hacienda of San Juan Chicomulco, alias
Macuila, 1606-1758
BOX 32 REEL 28 |
Hacienda of Teyuca, 1571-1703
BOX 33 REEL 29 |
Urban property |
BOX 33 REEL 29 |
1592-1776 (contains papers related
to mortgages, sales, and acquisition of urban property. Book 2 of
convent titles) |
BOX 34 REEL 30 |
1593-1732 (contains titles to houses
inherited from Father Bartolomé del Manzano. Book 4 of convent
titles) |
BOX 34 REEL 30 |
1590-1683 (contains titles to houses
on the Calle de los Mesones and the Calle de las Huertas in Puebla.
Book 6 of convent titles) |
BOX 34 REEL 30 |
Sacristy, income and expenses, 1689-1695
BOX 35 REEL 31 |
Colegio Real de San Luis |
BOX 35 REEL 31 |
Donations, 1784-1819
BOX 35 REEL 31 |
Financial records, 1726-1810 (contains
income records, 1726-1810, and an inventory of books and furnishings
in 1729) |
BOX 35 REEL 31 |
Legal records and reports, 1570-1745
(contains legal actions against the province of Santiago, powers of
attorney, promissory notes, inventories, and financial records)
BOX 36 REEL 32 |
Covent of Teposcolula |
BOX 36 REEL 32 |
Legal records and reports, 1571-1763
(contains papers concerning economic matters, including donations,
debts, sales of property, and endowments) |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Franciscans in Mexico, 1643-1805
BOX 37-41 REEL 33-35 |
Colonial Noninstitutional, 1525-1820
Material related to the private affairs of individuals or other non- official
sources. It includes the following subgroups: Cortés family, languages and
paleography, maps, measurements, medicine, printed codices, and private
papers. |
Items are arranged alphabetically. |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Cortés family |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Archivo del Hospital de Jesús |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Inventory |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Fernando Cortés |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Biography (1485-1520)
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Papers, 1525-1534
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Languages and paleography |
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Huastec grammar, 1767
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Nahuatl grammar, 1726
BOX 37 REEL 32-33 |
Nahuatl vocabulary, undated |
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