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John Bassett Moore papers, 1866-1949

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General Correspondence, 1877-1949 (continued)
Adams, Charles F.
Adee, Alvey A.
Chadwick, F. E.
Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Gray, George
Greely, Adolphus W.
Hay, John
Mehan, A. T.
Oliver, Paul A.
Potter, William
Trehane, J.
"A-D" miscellaneous
Adams, C. F.
Cabell, Walter C.
Crandall, Samuel B.
Delaware Society
Dillon, John F.
BOX 10 "E-Z" miscellaneous
Foster, John Watson
Harper & Brothers
Repauno Chemical Co.
Reid, Whitelaw
"A-Z" miscellaneous
American Monthly
Cartwright, Otis J.
Chamberlain, Leander
Crandall, Samuel B.
Emory, Frederic
Fardis, George
Foster, John Watson
Gresham, Otto
Holt, Hamilton
Mahan, A. T.
McGovney, Dudley O.
Moore family
Woodward, Benjamin D.
BOX 11 1905
Cartwright, Otis T.
Chapin, Frederick E.
Crandall, Samuel B.
Emory, Frederic
Fremont, Major F. P.
Gray, George
Harper & Brothers
Loomis, Francis B.
Macbeth, Robert W.
Mahan, A. T.
Moore family
Scott, James B.
South Carolina Bar Association
BOX 12 1906
"A-Z" miscellaneous
Armes, Henry B.
Barnett, James F.
Bordwell, Percy
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Crandall, Samuel B.
Digest of International Law
Gray, George
Harper & Brothers
Massy, George V.
McGovney, Dudley O.
Phillips, Henry Clinton
Webb, Henry Randall
"A-Z" miscellaneous
Barnett, James F.
Bayard, James Wilson
Bordwell, Percy
Butler, Nicholas Murray
BOX 13 Cook, Walter Wheeler
Cramer, J. Grant
Crandall, Samuel B.
Dutton, Samuel T.
Flint, Charles R.
Garver, J. W.
Holt, Hamilton
Moore family
O'Sullivan, Michael
Scott, George W.
Scott, James Brown
Thayer, Albert S.
Van Dyne, Frederick
Willoughby, W. W.
Wilson, George G.
Woodlawn Cemetery
BOX 14 1908
"A-Z" miscellaneous
Association of the Bar
Dabney, Charles William
Moore family
Nowland, Otho
Scott, George W.
Van Dyne, Frederick
"A-R" miscellaneous
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Goetz, Jacob
Gresham, Otto
Lindsay, John D.
Moore family
Nowland, Otho
BOX 15 "S-Z" miscellaneous
Scott, George W.
"A-Z" miscellaneous
American Bar Association
American Peace Society
Carson, Hampton L.
Crandall, Samuel B.
Cushing, Harry A.
Dykman, William N.
Moore family
Nowland, Otho
Penfield & Penfield
Scott, George W.
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Stowell, Ellery C.
BOX 16 1911
"A-M" miscellaneous
Adams, Charles F.
American Society of International Law
Bishop, Joseph B.
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