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John Bassett Moore papers, 1866-1949

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Subject File, 1879-1948 (continued)
Lend-lease, bases in British Dominion, 1941
Lend-Lease bill, 1941
BOX 159 Library of Congress, 1929-1941
Lindbergh, Charles A., 1938-1941
Long Island hurricane, 1938
Louvain library and university, Louvain, Belgium, 1928-1941
Mahan, A. T., 1937-1940
Manufacturer's record, 1895-1897
Martin, Lawrence, 1934-1937
Massachusetts Historical Society, 1933-1947
BOX 160 Moore, John Bassett Moore High School, Smyrna, Del., 1925-1944
Portrait of Moore, 1925-1931
National Arbitration Conference, 1903
National Arbitration and Peace Congress, 1907
BOX 161 Netherland-American Foundation, 1929-1936
New York League for Hard of Hearing, 1926
New York Peace Society, 1907-1931
New York State Bar Association, 1896
"Old Ironsides", 1929
Peace, 1923-1940
Peace Palace Library, 1927-1928
Permanent Court of Arbitration, 1913-1938
Philippine Islands, 1898-1940
Prescription and Nullity of Arbitral Awards, 1914
BOX 162 Price, John Hyatt, 1939-1944
Propaganda, 1933-1941
Rockefeller, John D., obituary, 1937
Rolin-Jacquermyns, Le Baron, 1891-1937
Roosevelt, Franklin D., third term, 1937-1941
Russia, Intervention, 1917-1942
Russian Treaty of 1887, premature publication in New York World, 1887
Samoan crisis
BOX 163 1887-1889
Siam, revision of the Siamese Treaties and question of most-favored nation treatment, 1894-1920
Sibutú and Cagayan de Jolo Islands, 1900
South Carolina Bar Association, 1906
BOX 164 Stimson, Henry L., 1934-1941
State Department
General, 1896-1942
Original diplomatic drafts made by Moore, 1885-1889
Superintendent of documents, 1929-1941
BOX 165 Turkish Naturalization Treaty, 1887
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
General, 1902-1946
Centennial celebration, 1921
Removal of medical school, 1921-1922
BOX 166 Visit of British royalty to United States, 1939
War debts and reparations, 1932
War and peace, 1907-1940
Washington College, Chesterton, Md., 1932-1941
White, Henry, biography by Allan Nevins, 1930-1931
Willkie, Wendell, 1940-1941
BOX 167 Wilson, Woodrow, 1915-1941
World Peace Foundation, 1930-1935
World War II, 1927-1941
Yale University, New Haven, Conn., library and press, 1928-1945
BOX 168 Neutrality
BOX 169 1937-1941
Arms Embargo Resolution, 1933
Hearing before Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, 1936
Miscellany, undated
BOX 170 Printed matter, newspaper clippings
BOX 171 1935-1941
BOX 172 Permanent Court of International Justice
Accession of the United States, 1923-1935
BOX 173 Advisory opinions
BOX 174 1921-1928
Commission of Jurists, Hague, Netherlands, revision of rules of warfare
BOX 175 1922-1933
Congratulatory letters
BOX 176 N-Z
Resignation, correspondence, 1928-1929
General correspondence
BOX 177 1922-1926
BOX 178 1927-1931
Nominations for judgeship, 1930-1935
BOX 179-180 Miscellany
BOX 181-184 Printed matter
BOX 185 Spanish-American War
Consular correspondence, 1897-1898
Selected correspondence, 1898, Mar.-1899, Dec.
General correspondence, 1898
BOX 186 Apr.-June
BOX 187 July-Sept.
Spanish Indemnity Treaty of 1834, correspondence
BOX 188 1900-1902
Spanish Treaty Claims Commission
BOX 189 1908-1912, undated
BOX 190-193 Treaty of Paris, 1898
BOX 194-196 Treaty of Paris newspaper clippings, 1898
BOX 197 World War I
Armed merchant vessels, 1916-1917
Contraband of war, 1914-1915
Dacia case, 1915-1918
Enemy private property
BOX 198 1919-1926
Grain papers, 1914-1921
House Commission and origin of World War I, 1917-1918
BOX 199 Latin American attitude, 1914-1919
League of Nations
Correspondence, 1919-1940
Printed matter
BOX 200 1929-1930
Lusitania case, 1915-1937
BOX 201 Propaganda, 1914-1919
BOX 202-203 State Department, correspondence, executive orders, and proclamations, printed and unbound, 1914-1918
BOX 204 Versailles Treaty, 1918-1921
BOX 205 Printed matter, 1914-1918
Miscellany, 1913-1935
BOX 206-220 Autobiographical and Biographical File, 1885-1945
Notes, memoranda, photocopies and typescripts of Moore's papers and other source material as assembled by him and his assistants in the preparation of his memoirs. Includes an unpublished memoir edited by Edwin Borchard.
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