The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Bassett Moore papers, 1866-1949
Some or all content stored offsite.
An index to a portion of this series is in Container 206. The unindexed portion is grouped by type of material.
BOX 206 Autobiography (indexed)
Index to Containers 206-211
To folders
To names and subjects
Boyhood, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., and early law practice
Department of State, 1889-1891, 1893, 1898, 1913-1914
Grover Cleveland
Positions offered Moore outside State Department
Hague, Netherlands
Fisheries, 1886-1888
BOX 207 Lord Sackville-West, 1888
Samoan Islands
Fur seals
Alaskan boundary
American Bar Association and New York Bar Association
Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration, Lake Mohonk, N.Y.
Extradition and arbitration
Delaware politics
Moore's works and articles about him
South America
Central America
Panama Canal
BOX 208 Oil
South and Central American revolutions
Red Cross
Origin of the war
World War I, 1915
World War I and the American entrance
Incidents of the World War I, 1918
Peace Conference, 1919
War with Spain, 1919
West Indies
BOX 209 Mexico, copies of daily news summaries
1913, Mar. 1-1914, Mar. 4
Divided by consular districts, 1913, Dec. 1-1914, Mar. 4
Mexico, Ambassador John Lind, 1913, Oct. 3-1914, Mar. 4; 1934, Feb. 28
BOX 210 Mexico and allied subjects, copies of daily news summaries
Mexico and other countries, copies of daily news summaries
Benton case
Civil War
Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Crowded Hours
Letterpress copy book, 1913-1914
Material looked up for Moore by D. B. Thomas (unrelated to rest of material)
BOX 211 Men of eminence, letters to and from, 1888-1923
BOX 212 Autobiography (unindexed)
Addresses of Moore, 1916
Bayard, Thomas F., correspondence with, 1886-1893, 1898
Biographical sketches of persons other than Moore
Buchanan, James, biography, 1908
Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1916
Constancia Sugar Co. Case, 1908-1909
Delaware material
Department of State
General correspondence, photocopies and typescripts, 1885-1914
Mexico, 1913-1914
Other, 1913-1914
BOX 213 Disraeli, Benjamin, 1804-1881
Eye trouble of Moore
Field-Terry-Nagle case, 1889
Fisheries, 1887-1891
History and digest of international arbitrations, 1893-1896
International High Commission, 1916
Latin America, 1916
League to Enforce Peace, 1916
Mexico, 1916
Neutrality Act, 1939
New York, N.Y., Mayor Seth Low, 1902
Panama, 1916
Places of residence, 1890-1934
Theodore Roosevelt
Samoa, 1887-1891
South American Neutrality Conference, 1917
Students of Moore, 1916
War with Spain, 1898
BOX 214 War with Spain, 1898
World War I, 1916
Various subjects
BOX 215-216 1901-1945
BOX 217 Biography
"Moore's Memoirs," prepared by Edwin Borchard, undated, 1940-1950
BOX 218 Autobiographical and biographical miscellany
Genealogical material, 1889-1948
"The So-Called Moors of Delaware," 1941
Honorary degrees
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1921
University of the State of New York, 1923
Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1927
Memberships and honors, 1907-1944
Memorabilia, 1898-1924
Who's Who
BOX 219-220 Miscellaneous notes and memoranda by Moore, Edwin Borchard, and K. Gutman, undated
BOX 221-234 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1889-1944
Holograph, typed, near-print, and printed copies as well as drafts of speeches, articles, remarks, and book reviews. Also included is correspondence regarding Moore's writings.
Arranged by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 220 Bibliographies of Moore's writings, 1931, 1944
Book reviews by Moore, 1889-1942
The Works of James Buchanan
Correspondence, 1895-1908
BOX 221 Correspondence, 1909-1942
Correspondence regarding writings of Moore
BOX 222 1906-1931
BOX 223 1931-1937
BOX 224 1937-1942
Biography of Hamilton Fish, correspondence, 1875-1939
BOX 225 Collected papers of John Bassett Moore, material for
BOX 226 1895-1904
BOX 227 1904-1914
BOX 228 1914-1918
BOX 229 1918-1921
BOX 230 1921-1928
BOX 231 1929-1933
BOX 232 1933-1937
BOX 233 1937-1943
BOX 234 1899-1939
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