The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Bassett Moore papers, 1866-1949
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Speech, Article, and Book File, 1889-1944 (continued)
BOX 234 1899-1939
BOX 235-275 Scrapbooks, 1866-1942
Bound and unbound mounted clippings.
Bound volumes are arranged chronologically by the earliest date in each volume and unbound material by subject.
BOX 235 Bound
Miscellany and Bering Sea, 1866-1895
The Virginius, Cuba, 1873
Personal clippings
BOX 236 1880-1913
Irish home rule and Delaware clippings, 1881-1888
Paderewski, Jan, obituary, theater and concert programs, 1881-1888
Cartoons, 1884-1885
BOX 237 Cleveland, Grover, and politics, 1887-1889
Panama Canal and personal clippings, 1887-1902
BOX 238 Diplomacy, Department of State, 1888-1903
Extradition, 1888-1902
General, 1889-1906
BOX 239 Hawaii, 1891-1895
Chinese exclusion and miscellany, 1891-1898
Nicaraguan Canal, Samoa, and miscellany, 1892-1895
BOX 240 Philippines (1900-1903), Sulu Islands Treaty, Puerto Rico (1898-1903), Uruguay (1900), Yucatan (1899), Yale (1901), Norway (1899), Samoa (1894-1903), 1894-1903
Arbitration and politics, 1895-1897
Greco-Turkish War, Southern prison system, Germany, Samoa, and China, 1895-1899
BOX 241 Annexation of Hawaii, Venezuelan dispute, and Central America, 1895-1899
Politics, 1895-1903
BOX 242 France, Russia, Germany, England, and diplomacy, 1896-1901
Arbitration, 1897-1912
BOX 243 Philippine Islands, 1898-1899
Spanish-American War, 1898-1899
BOX 244 Bound
Cuba, Canada, Columbia, Crete, and Chile, 1898-1903
Panama Canal, 1898-1903
BOX 245 China, 1898-1900
Philippines, 1899
BOX 246 Boer War, 1899-1900
(2 vols.)
BOX 247 Samoa, Spain, Germany, and Department of State, 1899-1903
Obituaries and miscellany, 1899-1913
BOX 248 Diplomacy, general, 1899-1903
International law and miscellany, 1899-1902
BOX 249 Panama, Mexico, and South America, 1899-1912
Monroe Doctrine, 1899-1912
BOX 250 Personal clippings, 1899-1913
China and miscellany, 1900-1903
BOX 251 Miscellany, 1900-1912
Japan, Turkey, and China, 1901-1909
BOX 252 Santo Domingo, 1901-1909
Obituaries, 1902-1909
Politics, 1903-1915
BOX 253 Russian Treaties, South America, Mexico, 1905-1912
Germany, Italy, and obituary of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1908-1912
BOX 254 Permanent Court of International Justice, 1912-1940
Mexico, 1913
BOX 255 Permanent Court of International Justice, 1921
World War II, 1942
BOX 256-258 Unbound
Latin America, 1902-1921
BOX 259 Far East, 1904-1927
BOX 260-262 Mexico, 1913-1927
BOX 263-270 World War I, 1914-1927
BOX 271-275 Miscellany, 1914-1929
BOX 276-288 Miscellany
Announcements, calling cards, invitations, birthday and anniversary greetings, notes and memoranda, loose newspaper clippings and printed matter.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 276-278 Announcements, calling cards, and invitations
BOX 279 Birthday and anniversary greetings, 1920-1944
BOX 280-280 Notes and memoranda
BOX 281-282 Newspaper clippings
BOX 283-288 Printed matter
BOX 289-293 William L. Marcy Biographical File
Miscellaneous papers collected for a projected biography of Marcy, including correspondence, transcripts of letters and related material, notes, memoranda, a typescript of a diary (1833-1857), printed matter and newspaper clippings.
BOX 289-293 Papers for a projected biography
BOX 294-298 2013 Addition, 1884-1945
General correspondence, subject files, writings, and miscellaneous material.
Organized alphabetically by type of material and therein by subject or topic.
BOX 294 General correspondence, 1903-1938
(10 folders)
BOX 295 Subject File
Codification of international law
Hague conventions
Institute of International Law and Religion Interstate Compacts, report by Committee of the Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
Latin America
Brazil and the Leticia incident
British-Mexican Claims Commission, 1884
Columbia-Peru Boundary dispute
(2 folders)
Columbia-Peru, Leticia dispute
Report of United States Delegates to meeting of International Commission of Jurists, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1912
BOX 296 Peace plans
Bok, Edward, peace plan
League of Nations
Private arbitration
Research Institute of International Law, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Toronto, Canada, lectures, 1927
Treaties, rum-runner treaty with Great Britain
1901, miscellaneous subjects
1901-1902, miscellaneous subjects
1902, miscellaneous subjects
1902, New York, N.Y., Mayor Seth Low
1903, miscellaneous subjects
1904-1906, miscellaneous manuscripts
BOX 297 1907, manuscript
1907-1909, typewritten manuscript
Constancia Sugar Co., case, 1908
1909, manuscript
1913, miscellaneous correspondence, originals and typewritten manuscript
1914, typewritten manuscript
1915, miscellaneous
1920-1930, miscellaneous typewritten manuscript
Miscellaneous material dictated for autobiography
Collected Papers, notes
(2 folders)
BOX 298 Memoirs
Correspondence with Edwin Borchard
Neutrality letters, undated, 1938-1939
"The Enforcement of Usurious Foreign Contracts"
"Personal Recollections of Admiral Mahan"
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