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Robert Porter Patterson papers, 1909-1956

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Correspondence, 1909-1952 (continued)
General, 1930-1945 (continued)
Joint Conference on Legal Education
Jones, Catesby L.
Judges' letters
(7 folders)
Justice Department
(2 folders)
"K" miscellaneous
Kapsalis, Peter T.
Keenan, Joseph
Klapp, John W.
Knight, Richard
Knollenberg, Bernhard
Knox, John
"L" miscellaneous
BOX 13 Landes, Lewis
Leavell, John H.
Levy, Matthew M.
Lewis, Albert D.
Lewis, William D.
Licker, Ralph H.
Lowell, James A.
Lyethe, J. M. Richardson
McAdoo, W. G.
McClennen, Edward F.
"M" miscellaneous
Mack, Julian W.
Manton, Martin T.
Maritime Law Association
Marsh, John B.
Middleton, Thomas H.
Middleton, E. Willoughby
(2 folders)
Military operations in Germany
Military Training Camps Association
Milbank and Associates
Milbrook School, Milbrook, N.Y.
Mills, Andrew
Mills, Henry
Montague, Gilbert H.
Moral Rearmament, Inc.
Moses, Charles K.
Murray, Lindley
"N" miscellaneous
New York Bar Association
New York Central Railroad
New York County Lawyer's Association
New York Law Society
New York Patent Law Association
New York State Bar Association
New York State Tax Commission
New York Times
New York University School of Law, New York, N.Y.
New York Young Democrats Club
BOX 14 "O" miscellaneous
Oath of appointment 1930
O'Brien, John P.
O'Connor, Basil
"P" miscellaneous
Patterson, Robert T.
Perkins, George
Pfeiffer, Timothy N.
Phillipstown Electric Corp.
Pound, Roscoe
Practicing Law Institute, New York, N.Y.
Press releases
(4 folders)
Pruyn estate
Quartermaster Corps
BOX 15 "R" miscellaneous
Randolph, Francis F.
Receiverships and trusteeships
(2 folders)
Rental of property
Reed, J. Duff
References in bankruptcy
Rogers, Edward A.
Root, Elihu Jr.
Ross, Joseph H.
Ruppertsburg, William
Russell, C. Allen
"S" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Salvini, Armand
Scott, Austin, W.
Scott, Lloyd N.
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Seaton, Charles S.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Seewald, Edward Y.
Seligson, Charles
Seventy-Seventh Division
Seversky, Alexander P. de
BOX 16 Silverstein, Samuel
Simpson, Sidney P.
South Pacific trip, 1943
(3 folders)
Special Committee to Study the Bar
(2 folders)
Spielberg, George A.
State Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Steinhardt, Maxwell
Steward, William B.
"T" miscellaneous
Tenaglia, Louis
Tener, Alexander C.
Thacher, Archibald G.
Todd, Hiram C.
BOX 17 Tuttle, Charles H.
Tweed, Harrison H.
"U" miscellaneous
Uniacke, Joseph B.
Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.
University of the State of New York, Albany, N.Y.
"V" miscellaneous
Veterans Administration
"W" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Wadsworth, J. W.
Wagner, Robert F.
Wainwright, Matthew J.
Waldron, William
Walton, Charles W.
Webb, Vanderbilt
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