The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Herbert Putnam papers, 1783-1958
Family Correspondence, 1783-1955 (continued)
BOX 8 1899-1909
BOX 9 1913-1928, undated
BOX 10 Putnam, George Haven (brother)
BOX 10 Putnam, George Palmer (father), 1844-1851, undated
BOX 10 Putnam, George P., II (nephew)
BOX 10 Putnam, Herbert, letters from family members, 1900-1949, undated
BOX 11 Putnam, Irving (brother)
BOX 11 Putnam, Israel (distant cousin), 1783
BOX 11 Putnam, John Bishop (brother), 1887
BOX 11 Putnam, Mary (niece)
BOX 11 Putnam, Ruth (sister)
BOX 11 1887-1928, undated
BOX 12 1887-1901, undated (letterbook)
BOX 13 Putnam, Sidney Mason (brother), 1871
BOX 13 Putnam, Victor H. (nephew), 1920
BOX 13 Putnam, Victorine Haven (mother), 1840-1890, undated
BOX 13 Smith, Elizabeth Ingalls Putnam (aunt), 1846
BOX 13 Smith, Issac T. (uncle), circa 1840-1896
BOX 13 Stowe, Lyman Beecher (nephew of Kirk Munroe), 1927
BOX 13 Tuttle, Daniel (great uncle)
BOX 14-17 General Correspondence, 1886-1955
Letters sent and received.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 14 1886-1930
BOX 15 1931-1938
BOX 16 1939-1943
BOX 17 1944-1955, undated
BOX 17 Unidentified correspondents
BOX 18-24 Speeches and Writings, 1883-1950
Handwritten, typewritten, and printed copies or drafts of speeches and articles.
Loose manuscripts arranged alphabetically by title and scrapbooks arranged chronologically.
BOX 18 Biography, bibliography
BOX 18 “The Admiral,” 1913
BOX 18 American Council of Learned Societies dinner, 1939, Jan. 27
BOX 18 American Historical Association dinner, 1927, Dec. 29
BOX 18 “American Libraries and the Investigator,” 1913
BOX 18 “American Libraries in Relation to Scholarly Studies and Research,” 1929
BOX 18 American Library Association, 1898, 1904, 1912, 1950
BOX 18 Author’s League dinner, 1414, Feb. 14
BOX 18 “The Babe; An Apostrophe,” 1925
BOX 18 “The Book and the People”
BOX 18 Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass., 1921
BOX 18 Bowerman, George Franklin, 1936
BOX 18 Clark College, Worcester, Mass., commencement address, 1910, June 18
BOX 18 Clark, Victor Selden, 1946
BOX 18 Columbian University, Department of Arts and Sciences, Washington, D.C., commencement address, 1903, June 3
BOX 18 “A Columbus Codex,” 1903
BOX 18 Conference on card distribution, 1945, Dec. 10
BOX 18 Converse Library building, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., dedication, 1917, Nov. 8
BOX 18 Copyright speech, 1897
BOX 18 Desiderata, 1913
BOX 18 “Distribution of Printed Catalogue Cards by the National Library,” 1902
BOX 18 Doe Library building, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., dedication, 1912
BOX 18 “Education for Library Work,” 1900
BOX 18 Engel, Carl, tribute, 1945
BOX 18 “The Future of the Library of Congress,” 1939
BOX 18 Gallaudet, Edward Miner, 1917
BOX 18 Galsworthy, John, tribute, 1931
BOX 18 “The Great Libraries of the United States,” 1895
BOX 18 Hicks, Frederick Cocks, 1925
BOX 18 “How to Use a Public Library,” 1905
BOX 19 Iowa Library Association, address, 1901, Oct. 10
BOX 19 Jeanne D’Arc, 1921
BOX 19 “Libraries for Everybody,” 1905
BOX 19 “Libraries, Librarians and University Extension,” 1908
BOX 19 “The Library of Congress, ” 1900
BOX 19 Feb.
BOX 19 May
BOX 19 Lippincott Award, 1939
BOX 19 Manuscript offers glimpse of lost dauphin of France, 1929
BOX 19 “Manuscript Sources for American History,” 1904
BOX 19 “The Mechanism of Exchange,” 1886
BOX 19 Memorial Tree, 1921
BOX 20 “The National Library,” 1906
BOX 20 “A National Library for the United States,” 1902
BOX 20 “The National Library: Its Work and Functions,” 1901
BOX 20 “The National Library: Some Recent Developments,” 1928
BOX 20 Neutrality, 1914-1917
BOX 20 Newark, N. J., public library, dedication, 1901, Mar. 14
BOX 20 Newcomb, Simon, 1909
BOX 20 “On a Public Library,” 1913
BOX 20 “On an Occasion When America Was Messages,” 1944
BOX 20 “Our Iron, Woolen, and Silk Industries before the Tariff Commission,” 1883
BOX 20 “Our National Library,” 1929
BOX 20 “Our National Library and ‘The Rarities,’” 1912
BOX 20 “Owed to a Bust,” 1939, Apr. 5
BOX 20 Parsons, Arthur Jeffrey, tribute, 1916
BOX 20 Plummer, Mary Wright, tribute
BOX 20 Princeton Library, Princeton, N.J., dinner, 1931, Apr. 14
BOX 20 “The Proposed Term of Copyright: A Comparison”
BOX 20 “The Prospect,” Simmons College, Boston, Mass., commencement address, 1912, June 12
BOX 20 “The Public Library in the United States,” 1901
BOX 21 “A Quarter Century at the National Library,” part I, conclusion, 1924
BOX 21 “The Quick in the Dead,” 1912
BOX 21 “The Relation of Free Public Libraries to the Community,” 1898
BOX 21 “Relation of State Libraries and the Library of Congress,” 1900
BOX 21 “The Relation of the National Library to Historical Research in the United States,” 1902
BOX 21 “The Romance of a Famous Library,” 1898
BOX 21 “The Romance of Collecting,” 1907
BOX 21 Roosevelt Association, dinner, 1929, Oct. 27
BOX 21 The Round Table
BOX 21 St. Louis, Mo., public library, dedication, 1912, Jan.6
BOX 21 “Simplicity as a Test of Truth,” 1888
BOX 21 Sonneck, Oscar G., tribute, 1929
BOX 21 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand
BOX 21 “The State and Research,” University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., convocation, 1905, Mar. 21
BOX 21 Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., dedication, 1931, Apr. 11
BOX 22 Tavern Club, dinner, 1943, July 6
BOX 22 To the Loyal Staff of the Library of Congress, 1918, July 25
BOX 22 To the “Stay-at-Homes”
BOX 22 To My Immediate Family, All Six Hundred of You
BOX 22 “The Treasures in the National Library,” 1931
BOX 22 “The Vicissitudes of Books”
BOX 22 “West Virginia 1863-1913"
BOX 22 “What May Be Done for Libraries by the Nation,” 1901
BOX 22 “The Wisdom of Book Buying”
BOX 22 “The Year among the Libraries,” 1902
BOX 22 Untitled
BOX 23 “Herbert Putnam miscellaneous,” scrapbooks
BOX 23 Vols. 2-3
BOX 24 Vol. 4 and loose pages from vol. 1
BOX 25 Clippings File, 1899-1954
Newspaper and magazine clippings.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 25 Newspaper and magazine clippings
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