| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Family Correspondence, 1783-1955
(continued) |
BOX 8 |
BOX 9 |
1913-1928, undated
BOX 10 |
Putnam, George Haven (brother) |
BOX 10 |
Putnam, George Palmer (father), 1844-1851, undated
BOX 10 |
Putnam, George P., II (nephew) |
BOX 10 |
Putnam, Herbert, letters from family
members, 1900-1949, undated
BOX 11 |
Putnam, Irving (brother) |
BOX 11 |
Putnam, Israel (distant cousin), 1783
BOX 11 |
Putnam, John Bishop (brother), 1887
BOX 11 |
Putnam, Mary (niece) |
BOX 11 |
Putnam, Ruth (sister) |
BOX 11 |
1887-1928, undated
BOX 12 |
1887-1901, undated (letterbook)
BOX 13 |
Putnam, Sidney Mason (brother), 1871
BOX 13 |
Putnam, Victor H. (nephew), 1920
BOX 13 |
Putnam, Victorine Haven (mother), 1840-1890, undated
BOX 13 |
Smith, Elizabeth Ingalls Putnam (aunt), 1846
BOX 13 |
Smith, Issac T. (uncle), circa 1840-1896
BOX 13 |
Stowe, Lyman Beecher (nephew of Kirk Munroe),
BOX 13 |
Tuttle, Daniel (great uncle) |
BOX 14-17 |
General Correspondence, 1886-1955
Letters sent and received. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 14 |
BOX 15 |
BOX 16 |
BOX 17 |
1944-1955, undated
BOX 17 |
Unidentified correspondents |
BOX 18-24 |
Speeches and Writings, 1883-1950
Handwritten, typewritten, and printed copies or drafts of speeches and articles.
Loose manuscripts arranged alphabetically by title and scrapbooks arranged
chronologically. |
BOX 18 |
Biography, bibliography |
BOX 18 |
“The Admiral,”
BOX 18 |
American Council of Learned Societies dinner,
1939, Jan. 27
BOX 18 |
American Historical Association dinner,
1927, Dec. 29
BOX 18 |
“American Libraries and the Investigator,”
BOX 18 |
“American Libraries in Relation to Scholarly
Studies and Research,” 1929
BOX 18 |
American Library Association, 1898, 1904, 1912, 1950
BOX 18 |
Author’s League dinner, 1414, Feb. 14
BOX 18 |
“The Babe; An Apostrophe,” 1925
BOX 18 |
“The Book and the People” |
BOX 18 |
Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass., 1921
BOX 18 |
Bowerman, George Franklin, 1936
BOX 18 |
Clark College, Worcester, Mass., commencement
address, 1910, June 18
BOX 18 |
Clark, Victor Selden, 1946
BOX 18 |
Columbian University, Department of Arts and
Sciences, Washington, D.C., commencement address, 1903, June 3
BOX 18 |
“A Columbus Codex,” 1903
BOX 18 |
Conference on card distribution, 1945, Dec. 10
BOX 18 |
Converse Library building, Amherst College,
Amherst, Mass., dedication, 1917, Nov. 8
BOX 18 |
Copyright speech, 1897
BOX 18 |
Desiderata, 1913
BOX 18 |
“Distribution of Printed Catalogue Cards by the
National Library,” 1902
BOX 18 |
Doe Library building, University of California,
Berkeley, Calif., dedication, 1912
BOX 18 |
“Education for Library Work,” 1900
BOX 18 |
Engel, Carl, tribute, 1945
BOX 18 |
“The Future of the Library of Congress,”
BOX 18 |
Gallaudet, Edward Miner, 1917
BOX 18 |
Galsworthy, John, tribute, 1931
BOX 18 |
“The Great Libraries of the United
States,” 1895
BOX 18 |
Hicks, Frederick Cocks, 1925
BOX 18 |
“How to Use a Public Library,” 1905
BOX 19 |
Iowa Library Association, address, 1901, Oct. 10
BOX 19 |
Jeanne D’Arc, 1921
BOX 19 |
“Libraries for Everybody,” 1905
BOX 19 |
“Libraries, Librarians and University
Extension,” 1908
BOX 19 |
“The Library of Congress, ” 1900
BOX 19 |
Feb. |
BOX 19 |
May |
BOX 19 |
Lippincott Award, 1939
BOX 19 |
Manuscript offers glimpse of lost dauphin of
France, 1929
BOX 19 |
“Manuscript Sources for American
History,” 1904
BOX 19 |
“The Mechanism of Exchange,” 1886
BOX 19 |
Memorial Tree, 1921
BOX 20 |
“The National Library,” 1906
BOX 20 |
“A National Library for the United States,”
BOX 20 |
“The National Library: Its Work and
Functions,” 1901
BOX 20 |
“The National Library: Some Recent
Developments,” 1928
BOX 20 |
Neutrality, 1914-1917
BOX 20 |
Newark, N. J., public library, dedication,
1901, Mar. 14
BOX 20 |
Newcomb, Simon, 1909
BOX 20 |
“On a Public Library,” 1913
BOX 20 |
“On an Occasion When America Was Messages,”
BOX 20 |
“Our Iron, Woolen, and Silk Industries before
the Tariff Commission,” 1883
BOX 20 |
“Our National Library,” 1929
BOX 20 |
“Our National Library and ‘The
Rarities,’” 1912
BOX 20 |
“Owed to a Bust,” 1939, Apr. 5
BOX 20 |
Parsons, Arthur Jeffrey, tribute, 1916
BOX 20 |
Plummer, Mary Wright, tribute |
BOX 20 |
Princeton Library, Princeton, N.J., dinner,
1931, Apr. 14
BOX 20 |
“The Proposed Term of Copyright: A Comparison”
BOX 20 |
“The Prospect,” Simmons College, Boston, Mass.,
commencement address, 1912, June 12
BOX 20 |
“The Public Library in the United States,”
BOX 21 |
“A Quarter Century at the National Library,”
part I, conclusion, 1924
BOX 21 |
“The Quick in the Dead,” 1912
BOX 21 |
“The Relation of Free Public Libraries to the
Community,” 1898
BOX 21 |
“Relation of State Libraries and the Library of
Congress,” 1900
BOX 21 |
“The Relation of the National Library to
Historical Research in the United States,” 1902
BOX 21 |
“The Romance of a Famous Library,” 1898
BOX 21 |
“The Romance of Collecting,” 1907
BOX 21 |
Roosevelt Association, dinner, 1929, Oct. 27
BOX 21 |
The Round Table |
BOX 21 |
St. Louis, Mo., public library, dedication,
1912, Jan.6
BOX 21 |
“Simplicity as a Test of Truth,” 1888
BOX 21 |
Sonneck, Oscar G., tribute, 1929
BOX 21 |
Spofford, Ainsworth Rand |
BOX 21 |
“The State and Research,” University of Chicago,
Chicago, Ill., convocation, 1905, Mar. 21
BOX 21 |
Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New
Haven, Conn., dedication, 1931, Apr. 11
BOX 22 |
Tavern Club, dinner, 1943, July 6
BOX 22 |
To the Loyal Staff of the Library of Congress,
1918, July 25
BOX 22 |
To the “Stay-at-Homes” |
BOX 22 |
To My Immediate Family, All Six Hundred of You
BOX 22 |
“The Treasures in the National
Library,” 1931
BOX 22 |
“The Vicissitudes of Books” |
BOX 22 |
“West Virginia 1863-1913"
BOX 22 |
“What May Be Done for Libraries by the Nation,”
BOX 22 |
“The Wisdom of Book Buying” |
BOX 22 |
“The Year among the Libraries,” 1902
BOX 22 |
Untitled |
BOX 23 |
“Herbert Putnam miscellaneous,” scrapbooks
BOX 23 |
Vols. 2-3 |
BOX 24 |
Vol. 4 and loose pages from vol. 1
BOX 25 |
Clippings File, 1899-1954
Newspaper and magazine clippings. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 25 |
Newspaper and magazine clippings |
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