| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Printed Matter, circa 1770-1931
(continued) |
Fair Play for the Republic of China, 1912
The Farmers and the Adamson Law, undated |
Feminism, undated |
First Annual Report-"Overlook Hospital Association,"
Fitz-John Porter, 1884
The Flag of the United States, 1918
The Future of Rail and Water Transportation, 1908
Governor Baldwin Tells Why He Opposes Prohibition, 1914
A Great Warrior, 1928
Handbook of the Republican League of Minnesota, 1888
Higher Nationality, a Study in Law, and Ethics, 1913
Historical Address, 1919
History and Jurisdiction of the United States Court of Claims, 1916
A Hot-House Constitution: The Mexican Constitution of 1917, 1917
How Protection Affects the Farmer, 1882
How Protection Benefits Farmers and Mechanics, 1888
I Change Not, 1901
Inability of the President, 1918
The Independence of the Judiciary-The Safeguard of Free Institutions, 1912
The Independent, 1914
The Indiana Republican Hand Book, 1876
Indianapolis Masonic Directory, 1897
Inheritance Tax Law of Indians, 1921
International Arbitration and Peace, 1909
The Interstate Commerce Commission vs. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and Others, 1893
Investigation of the Affairs of the City of Madison, 1877
BOX 58 |
The Issues of the Congressional Campaign of 1902, in the 5th District of Minnesota, 1902
John A. Finch: In Memoriam, 1899
John D. Sharp, 1899
Journal of the House, 1889
The Judicial Office, 1903
The Judicial Recall-A Fallacy Repugnant to Constitutional Government, 1912
The Judiciary as the Servant of the People, 1913
Latest Books-The Guide for Readers, 1932
The Lawyer and the Community, 1910
At the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol of Minnesota, 1898
League of Nations |
Lectures on International Law, 1897
A Letter from the Committee of the Association of New York, 1920
The Letter of President Wilson, 1914
Lincoln, McKinley, Bryan, 1900
The Lincoln Republicans, 1900
The Literary Digest, 1911
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904
Items by, and concerning, David Lubin,
Map of Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota, 1881
Membership of the Republican National Committee, undated |
Memorial: Benjamin Harrison, 1901
Memorial Day Address, 1893
Memorial Proceedings before the Board of United States General Appraisers in Honor of the Honorable Sam Bronson Cooper, 1918
The Menace of Paternalism, 1918
Message of the President of the United States, 1889
Minneapolis, 1898
Minneapolis as the Best Place for Holding the Republican National Convention in 1888, 1888
Minneapolis-The Northwestern Metropolis, undated |
Minnesota State Government, 1888
The Monday Night Club, 1908
Monthly Bulletin of the National Association of Credit Men, 1903
The Nation, 1928
The Nation They Died to Save, 1912
The National Platforms of all Political Parties, 1892
National Republican Convention-1884, 1884
National Transcontinental Railway, 1903
New Nationalism, 1912
The New Tyranny, 1916
BOX 59 |
Northern Securities Company v. the United States
Oral argument of the attorney-general for the
United States, 1903
Brief for the United States,
Opinion of the Court,
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., annual statement, 1929
Per Capita Cost of Courts,
Percentage of Losses at Gettysburg Greatest in History, 1903
Obstacles in the Way of Drafting Aliens, 1918
Official Ballot Sheet, 1884, 1884
Permanent Organizations of Republican Clubs, 1888
Political Manual, 1888, 1888
The Presidency of the United States, 1920
Press Club of Minneapolis Souvenir, 1904, 1904
Private Rights and Government Control, 1917
Proceedings of the Administrative Convention of Indiana, 1828
Proceedings before the Board of United States General Appraisers on the Death of Judge Henderson Middleson Somerville, 1915
On the Retirement of Judge Eugene G. Hay, 1923
Proceedings in Memory of Byron S. Waite, 1931
Proceedings in Memory of Robert Morris Montgomery, 1920
Proceedings, Minnesota State Bar Association, 1904, 1904
Proceedings at the Nineteenth Annual Lincoln Dinner, 1905
BOX 60 |
Producers and Consumers, 1888
Protection to American Labor, 1892
Public Law and Democracy in Russia, 1917
The Public Service Rate Problems, 1911
The Attack on Railroad Capitalizations, 1907
Railroad Control, 1918
Railroad Merger Case, 1902
Railroad Rates and Tariff Rates, 1907
Railway Rate Regulation, 1906
Recall of Judicial Decisions, 1913
Reciprocity with Canada, 1903
Reconstruction, 1868
The Relation between the Declaration of Independence and the World War, 1917
Reminiscences of the Indiana Legislature of 1851-1852, 1885
Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Law Reform, 1912
Report of the Committee to Oppose the Recall of Judges, 1912
Report of William D. Hale, as Receiver of the American Savings and Loan Association, 1897
Representative as Against Direct Government, 1912
Republican Campaign Text Book, 1896
The Republican Party, 1904
Resolutions and Remarks at the Retirement of Chief Justice Stanton J. Peelle of the United States Court of Claims, 1913
A Review of the Forestry Situation, undated |
The Rights of American Citizens Abroad, 1874
Roll of Delegates and Alternates to the Republican National Convention Held at Chicago, Illinois, 1884
Rollins and Presbrey vs. the United States and the Eastern Band of Cherokees, 1884
Brief and argument for claimant,
Roosevelt-His Policies, His Enemies, His Friends, 1909
School Laws of Indiana, 1877
The "Sincere Chancellor", 1917
Songs of Our Country, undated |
Speculation and the Reform of the New York Stock Exchange, 1913
Speech of Honorable Elihu Root, 1902
Speech of Honorable J.B. Foraker before The Clearing House Association, 1913
A Statement by Robert R. Reed, 1911
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