The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Lee Lawrie papers, 1908-1990
Some or all content stored offsite.
BOX 31-45 Sculpture Commission Files, 1915-1963
Correspondence, contracts, bills and receipts, photographs, and printed matter relating to sculptural projects executed by Lawrie.
Arranged alphabetically by name of the project.
BOX 31 American Battle Monuments, St. James' Memorial Chapel, Manche, France, 1948-1961
American Defense Service Medal, 1941-1942
American Institute of Architects, Allied Service Medal, 1958-1960
BOX 32 Avon Old Farms School, Avon, Conn., 1923-1943
Baltimore jail, Baltimore, Md., 1958-1960
Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, undated
Baxter residence fountainhead, 1925
Bok tower, Lake Wales, Fla., undated
Boys Town fieldhouse, Boys Town, Nebr., 1947-1949
Chicago Portage Commission, Chicago, Ill., 1947-1951
Chicago World's Fair, Chicago, Ill., 1933
Christ Church, Bronxville, N.Y., 1925-1926
Church of St. Mary the Virgin See Container 41, St. Mary the Virgin, Church of
College of Notre Dame of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. See Container 37, Notre Dame of Maryland, College of, Baltimore, Md.
Corn Products Refining Co., 1942-1949
BOX 33 Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., undated
Culver Military Academy Memorial Commission, Culver, Ind., 1957-1958
Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn, N.Y., undated
Finance Building, Harrisburg, Pa., and other Pennsylvania projects, 1932-1938
First Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1923-1924
First Presbyterian Church font, Stockton, Calif., 1924-1925
Fisher, Mimi?, bas-relief portrait, undated
General Accounting Office building, Washington, D.C., 1949-1953
Gettysburg peace memorial, Gettysburg, Pa, 1937-1941
Goodhue, Bertram G.
Memorial projects
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., 1924-1931
Tomb, 1924-1929
Residence mantel, 1923
BOX 34 Indiana Lincoln Union, 1940-1947
Jefferson, Thomas, memorial competition, 1939-1947
Johnson, Royal C., memorial plaque, Sioux Falls, S.Dak., 1939-1949
Kirk-in-the-Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., 1956-1959
BOX 35 Lederer, Gertrude, bust
Library of Congress Annex, (John Adams building), 1934-1935
Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, Calif., 1925-1929
McNair, Lesley J., memorial plaque, Army War College, Washington, D.C., 1944-1945
Moore, Charles, memorial medal, twenty-fifth anniversary of the Commission of Fine Arts, circa 1935
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, plaque, undated
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1920-1932,1961-1962
Nebraska State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebr.
BOX 36 1927-1965
Nebraska, University of, Lincoln, Nebr., stadium, 1923
New York World's Fair, New York, N.Y.
BOX 37 1937-1940
Notre Dame of Maryland, College of, Baltimore, Md.
BOX 38 Photographs
Pasadena, Calif., war memorial flagstaff, 1920-1927
Queens Criminal Court Building, Queens, N.Y., 1958-1961
Riverside Church, New York, N.Y.
BOX 39 1958-1959
Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y., 1936-1941
BOX 40 St. Bartholomew's Church, New York, N.Y., 1923
St. John the Divine Cathedral, New York, N.Y., 1925-1941
St. John's Church, Buffalo, N.Y., 1925-1926
St. John's Church, Hartford, Conn., 1922-1923, 1929, 1953
St. Lawrence University, Canton, N.Y., chemistry laboratory, 1925
St. Mark's Church, New Britain, Conn., 1921-1923
BOX 41 St. Martin's Church, Providence, R.I., 1923-1924
St. Mary the Virgin, Church of, New York, N.Y., 1923-1925
St. Mary's Church, Tuxedo, N.Y., 1922
St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind., 1924-1926
St. Paul's Church, Duluth, Minn., 1922-1923
St. Peter's Church, Morristown, N.J., 1922-1923
St. Thomas' Church, New York, N.Y., 1915-1947
St. Vincent Ferrer's Church, New York, N.Y., 1916-1922
Sherman, B. Frank, plaque, 1961
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C., 1954-1959
BOX 42 Society of Medalists Medal, 1932
Statue of Liberty, Liberty National Life Insurance Co., Birmingham, Ala., includes Archer Lawrie correspondence, 1952-1958
Struble Cut Stone, Bedford Ind., claim See Container 43, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Tennessee state seal, undated
Tiers, Cornelius, memorial cross, 1923-1924
Trinity English Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1924-1925
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
BOX 43 1948-1951
United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Mar. 1950-Nov. 1956
BOX 44 Nov. 1956-Apr. 1959
University of Nebraska stadium See Container 36, Nebraska, University of, Lincoln, Nebr., stadium
War Memorial stele, Washington, D.C.
1945-1951, undated
BOX 45 Ward, Elizabeth and Montgomery, plaque, 1929
Washington, D.C., Municipal Center, 1939-1944
Washington, George, statue, for Washington Cathedral, Washington, D.C., and Washington College, Chestertown, Md., 1941-1959
Yale University, Harkness Memorial Hall, New Haven, Conn., 1921-1924
BOX 46-48 Biographical File, 1940-1963
Drafts of autobiography, "Boy Wanted," citizenship and genealogy correspondence, lists of Lawrie's sculptures, tributes, and related material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 46 "Boy Wanted," draft of memoir
(12 folders)
BOX 47 (11 folders)
BOX 48 (1 folder)
Citizenship and genealogy
Goodhue influence
Sculpture, lists of
BOX 49-51 Commission of Fine Arts, 1933-1950
Minutes of meetings and miscellaneous material.
BOX 49 Minutes of meetings
Jan. 1933-Mar. 1936
BOX 50 July-Dec. 1936
June-Aug. 1938
Nov. 1945-Dec. 1948
BOX 51 Jan. 1949-Dec. 1950
BOX 52-65 Addenda, 1908-1990
Account books, announcements and invitations, drawings, financial and legal papers, photographs, printed matter, diaries, writings, scrapbooks, certificates, awards, and correspondence.
Arranged by year in which the addition was processed and thereunder alphabetically by subject or type of material.
BOX 52 Additions before 1970
Account books
(5 folders)
BOX 53 (1 folder)
Announcements and invitations
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