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Ogden Livingston Mills papers, 1920-1939

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Patronage, 1920-1933 (continued)
BOX 107 Cu-Do
BOX 108 Dou-Fro
BOX 109 Ga-Har
BOX 110 Har-Ket
BOX 111 Ki-Ku (no L-Z)
BOX 112-120 Legislation, 1921-1927
Bills considered by the 67th, 68th and 69th sessions of the House of Representatives.
Arranged by number of bill as received from the donor. Correspondence concerning proposed legislation is filled in with the bill to which it relates.
BOX 112 67th Congress
H.R. 4788-7867
BOX 113 H.R. 7687-9883
BOX 114 H.R. 10,758-13,907; also S. 2051
BOX 115 68th Congress
H.R. 646-1824
BOX 116 H.R. 1825-7014
BOX 117 H.R. 7014-11,446
BOX 118 69th Congress
H.R. 347-4055
BOX 119 H.R. 4263-9486
BOX 120 H.R. 10,339-14,926
BOX 121-157 Speeches and Statements, 1912-1937
BOX 121-144 Chronological File, 1912-1937
Handwritten and typed notes, drafts, and texts of speeches and articles by Mills.
Arranged chronologically. Includes indexes.
BOX 122 1914-1924
BOX 123 1925-1926
BOX 124 1926
BOX 125 1926, New York gubernatorial campaign. index
BOX 126 1927
BOX 127 1928
BOX 128 1929-1930
BOX 129 1931-1932
BOX 130 1932
BOX 131 1933-1934
BOX 132 1933-1934 indexed book of speeches
BOX 133 1934-1935
BOX 134 1935
BOX 135 1936-1937
BOX 136 1935-1937 indexed book of speeches
BOX 137 Oct. 1912-1916
BOX 138 4 Jan. 1917-15 Apr. 1922
BOX 139 4 May 1922-22 Feb. 1925
BOX 140 2 Apr. 1925-26 Mar. 1926
BOX 141 5 Apr. 1926-8 Mar. 1928
BOX 142 16 Mar. 1928-6 July 1929
BOX 143 16 Jan. 1930-6 Feb. 1932
BOX 144 3 Mar. 1932-20 Feb. 1933
BOX 145-149 1932 Presidential Campaign
Multicopy and printed speeches by Mills, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and others.
Includes campaign platform material. Arranged in bound volumes.
BOX 145 By Mills and others
(1 vol.)
BOX 146 (1 vol.)
BOX 147 By Herbert Hoover
BOX 148 By Franklin D. Roosevelt and others
(1 vol.)
BOX 149 (1 vol.)
BOX 150-151 Speeches by Franklin Roosevelt, Alfred M. Landon, and Others, 1920-1936
Typed, multicopy, and printed speeches by Roosevelt, Landon, and others, including unidentified speakers. Many contain notations by Mills. Arranged chronologically.
BOX 150 Speeches by Franklin Roosevelt, Alfred M. Landon, and Others, 1920-1936
(1 vol.)
BOX 151 (1 vol.)
BOX 152-155 Correspondence regarding Speeches, 1925-1937
Mainly letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 152 A-E
BOX 153 F-L
BOX 154 Mc-R
BOX 155 S-Z
BOX 156-157 Lecture Material, New School for Social Research, 1936-1937
Published articles, memoranda, reports, and other material used in preparation for university lectures, together with typewritten notes, drafts, and final copies of lectures by Mills.
Arranged as received from the donor.
BOX 156 1936-1937
BOX 157 1936-1937 See also Container 202, same heading
BOX 158-162 Book File
Galley proofs of The Seventeen Million and manuscript of Liberalism Fights On. Also included is a small group of "material used by Mr. Saks" in helping to prepare Liberalism Fights On.
Arranged as received from the donor in a published and unpublished file.
BOX 158 Published book material
BOX 159-162 Unpublished book material
BOX 163-170 News Releases, 1923-1933
Copies of Treasury Department news releases. Organized as received from the donor.
Arranged in a general chronological file that includes indexes, and a separate tax news file from the administration of Andrew Mellon.
BOX 163 General
Jan. 1923-Mar. 1927, Index
BOX 164 Jan. 1927-Jan. 1928, Index
BOX 165 Jan. 1928-Jan. 1929
BOX 166 Jan. 1929-Dec. 1930
BOX 167 Jan. 1931-1932
BOX 168 Feb. 1932-Oct. 1932, Index
BOX 169 Oct. 1932-Mar. 1933
BOX 170 Tax news, Nov. 1923-Feb. 1927
BOX 171-203 Scrapbooks, 1915-1937
BOX 171-175 Gubernatorial Campaign, 1926
Bound volumes of newspaper clippings treating Mills's campaign for governor of New York.
Organized as received from the donor.
BOX 176-202 Chronological File, 1915-1937
Bound volumes of newspaper clippings.
Arranged chronologically. Each volume contains a subject index.
BOX 176 1915-Nov. 1925
BOX 177 Jan. 1926-Oct. 1926
BOX 178 Index for containers 179-199
BOX 179 Nov. 26, 1926-Sept.. 28, 1928
BOX 180 Jan. 1929-Dec.. 1930
BOX 181 Jan. 1931-June 1932
BOX 182 Feb. 1, 1932-Feb. 11, 1932
BOX 183 Feb. 12, 1932-Feb. 28, 1932
BOX 184 Mar. 1, 1932-Mar. 31, 1932
BOX 185 Apr. 1, 1932-Apr. 18, 1932
BOX 186 Apr. 19, 1932-Apr. 30, 1932
BOX 187 May 1, 1932-May 31, 1932
BOX 188 June 1, 1932-June 29 1932
BOX 189 July 1, 1932-July 31, 1932
BOX 190 Aug. 1, 1932-Aug. 31, 1932
BOX 191 Sept. 1, 1932-Sept. 30, 1932
BOX 192 Oct. 1, 1932-Oct. 19, 1932
BOX 193 Oct. 20, 1932-Oct. 26, 1932
BOX 194 Oct. 27, 1932-Oct. 31, 1932
BOX 195 Nov. 1, 1932-Nov. 4, 1932
BOX 196 Nov. 5, 1932-Nov. 29, 1932
BOX 197 Dec. 3, 1932-Dec. 28, 1932
BOX 198 Jan. 1, 1933-Jan. 31, 1933
BOX 199 Feb. 1, 1933-Mar. 4, 1933
BOX 200 Mar. 1933-Dec. 1935
BOX 201 Jan. 1936-Nov. 1937
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