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David E. Finley papers, 1921-1977

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Subject File, 1921-1977 (continued)
Moore, Charles
Morgenthau, Henry
Morrow, Dwight W.
"Mc" miscellaneous
McAdoo, William G.
McCormick, Medill
McMillan, Thomas S.
"N" miscellaneous
New, Henry S.
Newton, Walter H.
Noyes, Newbold
Nugent, John F.
"O" miscellaneous
O'Connor, Harvey
Ohio River Celebration, 1929
Owen, Ruth Bryan
BOX 75 "Pa-Pu" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Padilla, Alejandro
Parran, Thomas
Pershing, John J.
Peterson, Elmer T.
Pope, John Russell
Public debt
Putnam, Herbert
"Q" miscellaneous
"Ra-Ry" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Redpath, Albert G.
Reid, Elisabeth Mills
Reid, Ogden
BOX 76 Richards, John G.
Richey, Lawrence
Rockefeller, Abby Greene
Rogers, Edith Nourse
Rogers, Will
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
Rousseau, Theodore
Rowe, Leo S.
"Sa-Sy" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
Saint-Gaudens, Homer
Sanders, Everett
Sargent, John G.
Schutz, Anton
BOX 77 Securities legislation
Sheppard, Morris
Shouse, Jouett
Sinclair, John F.
Smoot, Reed
Steffani, Alberto de
Stimson, Henry L.
Stock market
Stokes, Anson Phelps
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Straus, Nathan
Strother, French
Sulzer, William
Sunday, William A.
Swope, Gerard
"Ta-Ty" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Taft, Helen Herron
Taft, Lorado
Comparability of United States and European taxes
Inheritance and estate taxes
BOX 78 Tax reduction
Tax refunds
(2 folders)
Tax Simplification Board
Taylor, Myron C.
Textile Alliance, Inc.
Thomas, Elmer
Thompson, Huston
Tobacco Division, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Treasury Department activities since 1929, 4 Mar.
Tydings, Millard E.
"U" miscellaneous
United States Coast Guard
"V" miscellaneous
BOX 79 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr.
Veterans' bonus
Volpi di Misurata
"Wa-Wy" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
Wallace, Henry C.
War debts
Washington Conference, 1925, 24 Sept.-1 Oct.
Washington, D.C., public buildings
Wadsworth, James W.
Walcott, Frederic C.
Warburg, Felix
Weeks, John W.
West, Roy O.
BOX 80 White, Henry
White, Walter
Widener, Joseph E.
Wilbur, Ray Lyman
Wiley, Louis W.
Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt
Winston, Garrard Bigelow
Woods, Arthur
Woolf, Samuel J.
Work, Hubert
"Y" miscellaneous
Young, Owen D.
"Z" miscellaneous
Ziegfoeld, Florenz
Unidentified correspondents
BOX 81 Washington National Monument Society
White House Historical Association
(6 folders)
BOX 82 1966-1972
(4 folders)
BOX 83 1973-1976
(2 folders)
Minutes of meetings
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